Line Extension mit 3x 4114


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8 Nov 2006
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Ich habe eine einfache Line Extension mit zwei Stationen aufgebaut. Als CPE – Station habe ich eine SN4118/JS/EUI (Station A) verwendet, als CO – Station eine SN4118/4JS4JO/EUI. (Station B)
Zu einem Späteren Zeitpunkt habe ich die Anlage um eine weitere CO – Station, diesmal eine SN4114/JO/EUI (Station C), erweitert.

Jetzt habe ich folgendes Problem:

Die Telefone die an Station B hängen, können angerufen werden, (eine Unterhaltung ist auch möglich) aber man kann von diesen Telefonen kein anderes Ziel anrufen. (Besetzt Ton)

Telefone, die an Station C hängen, funktionieren normal.

Hier habe ich die Konfiguration von Station A:

#                                                                #
# SN4118/JS/EUI                                                  #
# R3.20 2006-02-02 H323 SIP FXS FXO                              #
# 2007-01-24T05:36:57                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
# Für                                               #

cli version 3.20
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 3 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  fax transmission 2 bypass g711alaw64k
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_IP_ETH0

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    route .T3 dest-interface IF_SIP

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_FXS
    route 10 dest-interface IF_FXS_00
    route 20 dest-interface IF_FXS_01
    route 30 dest-interface IF_FXS_02
    route 40 dest-interface IF_FXS_03
    route 50 dest-interface IF_FXS_04
    route 60 dest-interface IF_FXS_05
    route 70 dest-interface IF_FXS_06
    route 80 dest-interface IF_FXS_07

  interface sip IF_SIP
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_SIP_2_FXS

  interface fxs IF_FXS_00
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 10

  interface fxs IF_FXS_01
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 20

  interface fxs IF_FXS_02
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 30

  interface fxs IF_FXS_03
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 40

 interface sip IF_SIP
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_SIP_2_FXS

  interface fxs IF_FXS_04
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 50

  interface fxs IF_FXS_05
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 60

  interface fxs IF_FXS_06
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 70

  interface fxs IF_FXS_07
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 80

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_00 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_01 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 2
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_02 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 3
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_03 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 4
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_04 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 5
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_05 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 6
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_06 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 7
  use profile fxs ch
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_07 switch
  no shutdown

Hier habe ich die Konfiguration von Station B:

#                                                                #
# SN4118/4JS4JO/EUI                                              #
# R3.20 2006-07-27 H323 SIP FXS FXO                              #
# 2007-01-24T05:31:27                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
# Für                                               #

cli version 3.20
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 3 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_IP_ETH0

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_CLPN_SIP_2_FXO
    route 10 dest-interface IF_FXO_00
    route 20 dest-interface IF_FXO_01
    route 30 dest-interface IF_FXO_02
    route 40 dest-interface IF_FXO_03

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_00_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_00

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_01_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_01

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_02_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_02

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_03_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_03

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_00
    map default to 10

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_01
    map default to 20

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_02
    map default to 30

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_03
    map default to 40

  interface sip IF_SIP
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CLPN_SIP_2_FXO

  interface fxo IF_FXO_00
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_00_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_01
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_01_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_02
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_02_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_03
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_03_2_SIP

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 2
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 3
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 0
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_00 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 1
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_01 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 2
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_02 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 3
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_03 switch
  no shutdown

Hier habe ich die Konfiguration von Station C:

#                                                                #
# SN4114/JO/EUI                                                  #
# R3.20 2006-07-27 H323 SIP FXS FXO                              #
# 2007-02-26T19:11:04                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
# Für                                               #

cli version 3.20
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  codec 3 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface IF_IP_ETH0

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_CLPN_SIP_2_FXO
    route 50 dest-interface IF_FXO_00
    route 60 dest-interface IF_FXO_01
    route 70 dest-interface IF_FXO_02
    route 80 dest-interface IF_FXO_03

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_00_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_00

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_01_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_01

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_02_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_02

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXO_03_2_SIP
    route default dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_CDPN_FXO_03

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_00
    map default to 50

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_01
    map default to 60

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_02
    map default to 70

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_CDPN_FXO_03
    map default to 80

  interface sip IF_SIP
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CLPN_SIP_2_FXO

  interface fxo IF_FXO_00
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_00_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_01
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_01_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_02
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_02_2_SIP

  interface fxo IF_FXO_03
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXO_03_2_SIP

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router

  service default

gateway sip GW_SIP
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface IF_IP_ETH0 router
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 0
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_00 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 1
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_01 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 2
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_02 switch
  no shutdown

port fxo 0 3
  use profile fxo ch
  encapsulation cc-fxo
  bind interface IF_FXO_03 switch
  no shutdown

Kann mir vielleicht jemand weiterhelfen?

Gruss, Matthias.

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