Faxen mit Patton und Asterisk


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18 Apr 2005
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Hallo, habe hier folgende Konstelation

Amt----I33--- E1 ---SN2400---- Asterisk ---SN4118----Fax

Die Einstellung für die Viop Profile sind auf dem SN2400 und dem SN4118 gleich.

Intern gehen die Faxe auch super schnell durch!

Nach aussen gehen weiße Zettel auch durch, steht jetzt aber was drauf, geht es nicht mehr oder nur sehr schlecht.

Anbei die config vom SN2400 und vom SN4118

#                                                                #
# SN2400                                                         #
# R4.2 2007-07-23 H323 SIP                                       #
# 2008-02-13T20:59:55                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
clock local offset +02:00
dns-client server 172.16.x.x
dns-client server 172.16.x.x
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary 172.16.x.x port 123 version 4


  ic voice 1

  ic voice 4

  clock-source 1 e1 4 0

profile service-policy test
  no rate-limit

profile napt NAPT

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone
  play 1 1000 425 0

profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone
  play 1 480 425 -7
  pause 2 480

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  fax dejitter-max-delay 300
  fax max-bit-rate 9600
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface eth0
    ipaddress 172.16.x.x
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

  interface eth1
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch
  digit-collection timeout 3
  national-prefix 0
  international-prefix 00

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_ISDN_2_SIP
    route .T dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_ISDN
    route 1... dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 21.. dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 253[0-9] dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 2141 dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050 2050
    route 2142 dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050 2050

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_DUS
    route "" dest-interface SIP_DUS MT_remove_0

  routing-table called-e164 SIP_2_ISDN
    route .T dest-interface E1_4_0

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_KN_2050
    map (.%) to 87\1

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_KN_2530
    map (.%) to 87\1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_remove_0
    map 0(.%) to \1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_add_87_local
    map 4... to 87\0
    map 20[0-4]. to 87\0
    map 2[1-5].. to 87\0
    map 5[0-1].. to 87\0
    map 6[0-1].. to 87\0

  complex-function 2050
    execute 1 MT_remove_0
    execute 2 MT_KN_2050
    execute 3 MT_add_87_local

  complex-function 2530
    execute 1 MT_remove_0
    execute 2 MT_KN_2530
    execute 3 MT_add_87_local

  interface isdn ISDN_1_0
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_ISDN_2_SIP

  interface isdn ISDN_1_1
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn ISDN_1_2
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn ISDN_1_3
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn E1_4_0
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface sip SIP_GW_870
    bind gateway Hauptanlage
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_SIP_2_ISDN

  interface sip SIP_DUS
    bind gateway DUS
    service default
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface sip SIP_GW_872000
    bind gateway 872000
    service default
    route call dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2530
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip Hauptanlage
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default
    domain 172.16.x.x
    realm 172.16.x.x

gateway sip Hauptanlage
  no shutdown

gateway sip DUS
  call-signaling-port 5064
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default

gateway sip DUS

gateway sip 872000
  call-signaling-port 5062
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default
    domain 172.16.x.x
    realm 172.16.x.x
gateway sip 872000

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface eth0 router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface eth1 router

port e1 4 0
  clock master
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side net
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface E1_4_0 switch

port e1 4 0
  no shutdown

port bri 1 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 0

port bri 1 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 1

port bri 1 2
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 2

port bri 1 3
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 3

#                                                                #
# SN4118/JS/EUI                                                  #
# R4.2 2007-09-19 H323 SIP FXS FXO                               #
# SN/00A0BA0368E8                                                #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4
system hostname Patton_serverraum


  ic voice 0
    low-bitrate-codec g729

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone
  play 1 1000 425 0

profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone
  play 1 480 425 -7
  pause 2 480

profile call-progress-tone defaultSDtone
  play 1 1000 425 -7

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  fax dejitter-max-delay 300
  fax max-bit-rate 9600
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface eth0
    ipaddress 172.16.x.x
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    route .T dest-interface IF_SIP

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_FXS
    route 1929 dest-interface IF_FXS_00
    route 1436 dest-interface IF_FXS_01
    route 1928 dest-interface IF_FXS_02
    route 1203 dest-interface IF_FXS_03
    route 1591 dest-interface IF_FXS_04
    route 1595 dest-interface IF_FXS_05

  interface sip IF_SIP
    bind gateway GW_SIP
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_SIP_2_FXS

  interface fxs IF_FXS_00
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1929

  interface fxs IF_FXS_01
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1436

  interface fxs IF_FXS_02
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1928

  interface fxs IF_FXS_03
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1203

  interface fxs IF_FXS_04
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1591

  interface fxs IF_FXS_05
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_FXS_2_SIP
    subscriber-number 1595

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip GW_SIP
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default
    defaultserver manual 172.16.x.x 5060 loose-router
    registration manual 172.16.x.x 5060
    user 1928 authenticate password 8JP41tr0ib0= encrypted register
    user 1436 authenticate password 5fYaiKjJyf4= encrypted register
    user 1203 authenticate password DidQnelQlzI= encrypted register
    user 1591 authenticate password 1I/rYgHovy0= encrypted register
    user 1595 authenticate password fIDm+Vx3dZg= encrypted register
    user 1929 authenticate password OqUylGMxyNs= encrypted register

gateway sip GW_SIP
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface eth0 router
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_00 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_01 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 2
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_02 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 3
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_03 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 4
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_04 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 5
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_05 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 6

port fxs 0 7
Hallo robtor,

wer ist denn hier der Taktlieferant? Bei solchen Konstellationen sollte die erste SmartNode, die am Telefonnetz hängt, immer Slave sein.

In deiner Konfiguration sehe ich
clock-source 1 e1 4 0
port e1 4 0
clock master
Das wiederspricht sich und kann so nicht funktionieren!

mfg Guard-X
kannst du mir mal sagen, was ich ändern muß!

Der Port an der Anlage I33 ist auf Slave geschaltet!

also muß die config dann so aussehen!
#                                                                #
# SN2400                                                         #
# R4.2 2007-07-23 H323 SIP                                       #
# 2008-02-13T20:59:55                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
clock local offset +02:00
dns-client server 172.16.x.x
dns-client server 172.16.x.x
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary 172.16.x.x port 123 version 4


  ic voice 1

  ic voice 4

  clock-source 1 e1 4 0

profile service-policy test
  no rate-limit

profile napt NAPT

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone
  play 1 1000 425 0

profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone
  play 1 480 425 -7
  pause 2 480

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
  codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
  fax transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k
  fax redundancy low-speed 1 high-speed 1
  fax dejitter-max-delay 300
  fax max-bit-rate 9600
  modem transmission 1 bypass g711alaw64k

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
  method 1 local
  method 2 none

context ip router

  interface eth0
    ipaddress 172.16.x.x
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

  interface eth1
    tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
    tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router
  route 0

context cs switch
  digit-collection timeout 3
  national-prefix 0
  international-prefix 00

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_ISDN_2_SIP
    route .T dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_ISDN
    route 1... dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 21.. dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 253[0-9] dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    route 2141 dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050 2050
    route 2142 dest-service HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050 2050

  routing-table called-e164 RT_CDPN_SIP_2_DUS
    route "" dest-interface SIP_DUS MT_remove_0

  routing-table called-e164 SIP_2_ISDN
    route .T dest-interface E1_4_0

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_KN_2050
    map (.%) to 87\1

  mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MT_KN_2530
    map (.%) to 87\1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_remove_0
    map 0(.%) to \1

  mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MT_add_87_local
    map 4... to 87\0
    map 20[0-4]. to 87\0
    map 2[1-5].. to 87\0
    map 5[0-1].. to 87\0
    map 6[0-1].. to 87\0

  complex-function 2050
    execute 1 MT_remove_0
    execute 2 MT_KN_2050
    execute 3 MT_add_87_local

  complex-function 2530
    execute 1 MT_remove_0
    execute 2 MT_KN_2530
    execute 3 MT_add_87_local

  interface isdn ISDN_1_0
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_ISDN_2_SIP

  interface isdn ISDN_1_1
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn ISDN_1_2
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn ISDN_1_3
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface isdn E1_4_0
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface sip SIP_GW_870
    bind gateway Hauptanlage
    service default
    route call dest-table RT_CDPN_SIP_2_ISDN

  interface sip SIP_DUS
    bind gateway DUS
    service default
    route call dest-interface SIP_GW_870

  interface sip SIP_GW_872000
    bind gateway 872000
    service default
    route call dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-870
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2050
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

  service hunt-group HUNT-PUBLIC-PSTN-2530
    drop-cause normal-unspecified
    drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
    drop-cause network-out-of-order
    drop-cause temporary-failure
    drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
    drop-cause access-info-discarded
    drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
    drop-cause resources-unavailable
    route call 1 dest-interface E1_4_0

context cs switch
  no shutdown

gateway sip Hauptanlage
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default
    domain 172.16.x.x
    realm 172.16.x.x

gateway sip Hauptanlage
  no shutdown

gateway sip DUS
  call-signaling-port 5064
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default

gateway sip DUS

gateway sip 872000
  call-signaling-port 5062
  bind interface eth0 router

  service default
    domain 172.16.x.x
    realm 172.16.x.x
gateway sip 872000

port ethernet 0 0
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface eth0 router
  no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
  medium auto
  encapsulation ip
  bind interface eth1 router

port e1 4 0
  clock slave
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side net
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side net
      bchan-number-order ascending
      encapsulation cc-isdn
      bind interface E1_4_0 switch

port e1 4 0
  no shutdown

port bri 1 0
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 0

port bri 1 1
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 1

port bri 1 2
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 2

port bri 1 3
  clock auto
  encapsulation q921

    uni-side auto
    encapsulation q931

      protocol dss1
      uni-side user
      bchan-number-order ascending

port bri 1 3
port e1 4 0
clock slave
encapsulation q921

uni-side user
encapsulation q931

protocol dss1
uni-side user
bchan-number-order ascending
encapsulation cc-isdn
bind interface E1_4_0 switch

port e1 4 0
no shutdown

Das sind alle Änderungen, die an der Config gemacht werden müssen. Die SmartNode wird aber so erst funktionieren, wenn der Port in der I33 umgestellt worden ist.
Port in der I33 lasse ich gerade umsetllen!

Danke Dir!!!
So, alles umgestellt, jetzt geht es mit den Faxen auch super!!!

Danke noch mal nach Aurich!
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