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  1. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    This is perfect. Now I can dropbear in for the chroot, and have telnet in for accessing the regular Freetz root. Thank you for explaining all of that about how the chroot works.
  2. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    I just meant I wasn't able to access the folder of the user as though I was logged in and was used to. e.g. from telnet, when I ran the command 'chroot $MY_CHROOT /bin/bash' I could then go into my home directory of the user like '/home/robert' or run commands as that user. With my limited...
  3. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    Do you mean running rc.custom? I had not run it yet, but I removed the output stuff and the whole rc.custom now looks like this: MY_CHROOT="/var/media/ftp/uStor02/debian" while true; do # omit mount if mounted automatically mount /dev/sda1 /var/media/ftp/uStor02 2> /dev/null...
  4. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    I added the above script with some changes: echo "Beginning rc.custom..." > /var/log/mycustom.log OUTPUT = $(export MY_CHROOT="/var/media/ftp/uStor02/debian") echo "exporting MY_CHROOT... $OUTPUT" >> /var/log/mycustom.log while true; do # omit mount if mounted automatically OUTPUT =...
  5. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    Thanks for explaining all this Ralf. I've been trying a few things and ran into a couple of issues. If I enable external processing, the USB stick is no longer recognised and I can't mount it. Is that the expected functionality and is there another way to mount / access the USB, or have I...
  6. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    Thank you Ralf. That is good to know it is possible! Sorry for not knowing, but how do I check if external is enabled? When building the freetz image, I see there is a checkbox 'Enable external processing' - I didn't check this - but if I do, will this mean rc.custom would be executed after...
  7. R

    How to start debian bootstrap on boot with freetz?

    Hallo, Danke für das mod! Freetz is awesome, and I am sorry but that is all the German I know (and ich lieber petersilie, because a friend told me this over dinner one night /uselessinfo). So I have to write in English I am sorry. I have setup my 7390 with freetz, and also setup a debian...
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