
  1. G

    [Info] FRITZ!App Fon Ver. 1.61 (für Android) vom 27.10.2011

    a question in english please Hi all, I use the android app with my 7270 and it works fine through my home lan. Is it possible to register to the fritz box when I'm away, over another wifi lan or 3g? I see in the advanced settings: In all networks - connect even if wlan is not connected...
  2. G

    MT-F or C3? Please advice

    I would like to buy one of these phones to use with my 7270 router. Which one is better? Pros and cons? I am particularly interested in using dect eco mode (zero activity in standby) if available. Thanks in advance.
  3. G

    Is there a way to access the call history and send a report?

    I would like to check or to be notified when the calls to numbers starting from 6 exceed a certain amount of minutes per month. Is there a freetz package or other modification that can help with this, without having to export the log to a datasheet? Thanks in advance.
  4. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    The fs on the usb disk is ntfs.
  5. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    here is the outcome: The problem must be the "wrong owner of cache directory"
  6. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    well, I switched to the latest trunk, samba, minidlna, rsync work fine but the problem with davfs persists. The freetz interface displays: Starting DavFS2 ... failed. in syslog I only get: fritz mark.debug syslog: davfs2 1.4.6 Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
  7. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    Thank you for the patch, now freetz compiles without errors. However I cannot start davfs from the web interface, when I start the service, it says it's mounted but after I press the back button, the service is still stopped. If I enter the mount command (mount.davfs) from the command line, it...
  8. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    Can someone explain why iconv.h is missing or how to fix this?
  9. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    I attached the .config file, thanks for helping with this!
  10. G

    Trying to compile freetz with davfs fails

    Hi all, make fails after lots of errors like below... What should I do? Is it otherwise possible to use the AVM webdav support? Thanks in advance [Edit frank_m24: Please use CODE Tags]...
  11. G

    How to upload to webdav directly from the usb disk?

    Hi all, I need to upload 20gb of files to a webdav location. Is it possible to connect the disk to a 7270 and issue the transfer commands directly from it, so I don't have to have a pc turned on?
  12. G

    [HOWTO]FBF 7170&TwonkyVisionMediaserver

    Need help with Twonky on 7270 Hi all, I would very much like to install twonky on my 7270 but I cannot find the required glibc libary files. Could someone please offer a hint on where to get them or even bother to mail me a copy? Thanks in advance!
  13. G

    greek (utf-8) filenames support in Freetz- please help in English

    I confirm that by converting the disk to ntfs, my UTF8 file names are correct not only in the Samba share, but in the shell too, which I did not expect to happen.
  14. G

    greek (utf-8) filenames support in Freetz- please help in English

    Gismotro's settings on an NTFS formatted disk worked just fine, so thank you both!
  15. G

    greek (utf-8) filenames support in Freetz- please help in English

    Hi all, Having trouble to share a disk with greek utf-8 filenames with AVM's SAMBA, I installed freetz. I still have the same problem even after adding unix charset = utf8 Can someone help me solve this with correct samba settings? Furthermore I am concerned seeing that the disk is...
  16. G

    Fritz!box 7270 dead, please help

    After all, AVM sent me a replacement.
  17. G

    Help with 7270/fritz!fax in English please

    Vielen Dank, alles ist gut :)
  18. G

    Help with 7270/fritz!fax in English please

    I used to send faxes with a 7140 and fritz!fax over an Annex A (PSTN) landline with no problems. I recently upgraded to a new pc (still xp OS) and a 7270. I try to follow this tutorial but any faxes I send get "ABGEBROCHEN" How should I...
  19. G

    Fritz!box 7270 dead, please help

    The unit has four of its leds red. PSTN or voip telephony does not work, no lan connection to pc. Is there a way to recover it?
  20. G

    Do the AVM DECT phones on a 7270 "green" ?

    Hi all, If I buy an avm dect phone for my 7270, would that communicate with the base all the time as the older systems, or not? Is there any other phone that would support eco mode with the fritz?
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