
  1. F

    [HowTo] FritzBox 7050 SIP port change & VPN

    Hi Everyone, First of all I am very sorry for writing in English, as I have no expertise in German, but I hope you guys will help :) I have a Fritzbox 7050 back in my home country which I want to use in UAE. If you know local ISPs blocks VoIP completely, the one I am using is a bit relax and...
  2. F

    [Problem] Changing Sip port from 5060 to 2060 in FritzBox 7050

    Hi Everybody, I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for another post in English, my German skills are below zero, Entschuldigen Sie for this ;) My ISP blocks default port 5060 so I want to change SIP port to 2060 so I can use sipsorcery on FritzBox 7050 as sipsorcery allows port 2060. I used...
  3. F

    SP W500V VoIP not working :(

    Hello Everybody, I have three SP W500V with BitSwitcher 0.3.8 (I tried both Telekom and Targa versions). I configured Sipsorcery and then Voxalot on it for VoIP but it didn't connect in any case. Same configurations work for my Siemens SX541 with SMC Annex A firmware. Scenario...
  4. F

    PAP2T Problem

    Hello Everyone, Sorry for English on this forum, as I can understand German using Google Translate only ;) My PAP2T isn't getting IP from Router, and so I can't log-in to its setting web-page, but IVR commands are working through phone attached. I have tried enabling and disabling DHCP...
  5. F

    SX541 Annex B work on Annex A with SMC Annex A firmware?

    Hello Everybody, I have many VoIP hardware and I have been the most unlucky guy on this forum with VoIP stuff :p Today's question: Can I use Siemens SX541 Annex B on Annex A line after changing firmware and bootloader with SMC Annex A firmware and bootloader ? Thank you for reading...
  6. F

    Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7050 1&1 to Annex A ?

    Hi everybody, Sorry for posting in English as I am not proficient in German. I purchased Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7050 having 1&1 written on it. I want to use it in Qatar where we have Annex A. I want to change its firmware to Annex A English and looking for help from respected members of this forum...
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