asterisk auf 7270v3


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Hallo Gemeinde,

nachdem mir meine 7270V1 mit Asterisk zwei Jahre lange gute Dienste geleistet hat, ist die leider letzte Woche gestorben.
Auf den neue 7270v3 bekomme ich den Asterisk nicht installiert.
Spblinux biete für die uclibc-Version leider keine Unterstützung.
Der vorkomplierte Build von hier läuft leider auch nicht :(
Kann mir jemand von Euch hier mit einem passenden Build weiterhelfen?
Leider sind meine Linuxkenntnisse äußerst rudimentär...

FW der 7270 ist die 74.05.05

du könntest Dir mit Freetz asterisk selber kompilieren.
Wenn das bei Dir nicht geht, dann gib mir noch mal Bescheid und ich kompiliere und du verschiebst es auf deinen USB stick, so wie es das script von spblinux und dynamic verlangt.
So mache ich es auch immer :)
Hallo waldoo,

danke für die Info.
Mit Freetz habe ich mich noch nie beschäftigt.
Habe bisher immer die Pakete von spblinux verwenden können.
Wie gesagt, Linux ist nicht so mein Ding.
anbei eine aktuelle Version wie in dem Freetz ticket beschrieben. Bitte in die gleichen Verzeichnisse kopieren, wie von spblinux und dynamic vorgegeben.
root@fritz:/var/media/ftp/USBstick/addons/asterisk16# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x   27 root     root          4096 Aug 11 00:28 .
drwxrwxrwx   38 root     root          4096 Nov  6 23:42 ..
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Aug 11 01:09 bin
drwxrwxrwx    4 root     root          4096 Sep 25  2008 etc
drwxrwxrwx    5 root     root          4096 Jul 19  2010 usr
Unnötige module kannst du ja noch entfernen.


  • modules.tar.gz
    1.8 MB · Aufrufe: 54
  • asterisk.tar.gz
    592.5 KB · Aufrufe: 55
Funktioniert 1A!!!
FB7270v3. Einfach reinkopiert/ersetzt die Dateien von der spblinux-Installation.

Läuft vieeeeel stabiler.


I have a 7270V3, I used your modules but I get the following error:

chan_dongle.c: 433 do_monitor_phone: [datacard0] TimedOut while waiting 'OK' in response to 'AT'

Can you give me a solution?
Thank you.
unfortunately i would expect that you have the new 7270 FW (FritzOS) in your fritzbox?
if you do a manual "killall umtsd" the stick can be connected with chan_dongle?
I have 7270v3 with last international firmware 74.05.06 (official).
I have killed umtsd with "killall umtsd" and now I feel good on the receiver, but I hear noise on the caller.
Can I fix changing firmware? What firmware?

I used freetz (version 1.2) to compile a new firmware 74.04.86 with asterisk, chan_capi, chan_datacard and chan_dongle.
The result improves, but I have not solved.
How can I make a STATIC compile of asterisk?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
if you really want a static build you have to see the following link: HowTo: Asterisk statisch für die FBF kompilieren
But there is now feedback that also chan_capi is compiling without issues.
I think there are still some tasks open.

In former times i was working with the last german FW 7270_v2_05.05-freetz-devel-8880M and there no process "umtsd" has to be killed.
It was working out of the box quite ok (not perfekt).
Even with my firmware I have not to kill umtsd, because I have used the patch to exclude umts (provided in freetz).
When I call with chan_datacard the receiver listens good, but the caller hears with short breaks.
I had the same problem with the 7170 and I have already solved (I use it now and it works fine).
But with 7270 I was not able to solve, yet.
I think that I can solve it with a static compilation.

Waldoo, what do you means exactly with "not perfect"?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
with not perfect i mean a bit of delay.
But for me it was always quite ok because i have it only for emergency call purposes for a small period of time call.

Currently i haven't used it for a while because of the new FritzOS umtsd Firmware issue with chan_dongle.
I am currently trying to bring it to the 7170.

Hopefully you have luck with the described statical build of asterisk
I solved! 7270v3 with chan_datacard is stable-stable-stable, sound quality is great-great-great, the delay is zero-zero-zero.
Thank waldoo for your invaluable help.
I used your patch asterisk_1.6.2.20_chan_capi_datacard_dongle.patch
The asterisk compiled files are not good. You must take the asterisk modules (.so files), which are in the directory "toolchain" (use the following command to locate the directory: find . -name and place them manually on the pen drive in external/usr/lib/asterisk/modules. Also from the directory "toolchain" You have to withdraw the main program asterisk (use the command: find . -name asterisk -type f) and copy it to external/usr/sbin. Still, you must copy, and that you find in the directory "source" and place them in external/usr/lib/asterisk/modules.
It is not over: there are still two problems (solved):
1) the demon umtsd blocks the use of keys: use "killall umtsd"
2) if you run "asterisk start" the pen drive mounted as uStor01 is disassembled and reassembled as uStor11 (and the few times that happens, there is delay and noise in the conversation). Solve this (only for 7270 with 16MB of memory, not possible in 7170 because this has only 8MB of memory (I LEAVE 7170V2 AND BOUGHT 7270V3 FOR THIS REASON)):
mkdir /var/start-asterisk
mkdir /var/start-asterisk/conf
mkdir /var/start-asterisk/modules
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/etc/asterisk/* /var/start-asterisk/conf
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* /var/start-asterisk/modules
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/usr/sbin/asterisk /var/start-asterisk
/var/start-asterisk/asterisk -C/var/start-asterisk/conf/asterisk.conf

Note also that in your asterisk.conf you must have:
astetcdir => /var/start-asterisk/conf
astmoddir => /var/start-asterisk/modules


Greetings from Italy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I solved! 7270v3 with chan_datacard is stable-stable-stable, sound quality is great-great-great, the delay is zero-zero-zero.
Thank waldoo for your invaluable help.
I used your patch asterisk_1.6.2.20_chan_capi_datacard_dongle.patch


can you upload your files please?

Thank you very much in advance
x waldoo:
I tried chan_datacard and chan_dongle, so I think that chan_datacard is more stable.
But I will try chan_dongle again.

x georg3003:
My "link entfernen" of toolbar is disabled! So I can put these links available for some days on my site, but then I have to remove them.
Please upload the files somewhere, and post links in this forum to make them available to everyone.

International firmware image 74.04.90 for 7270v3:

International firmware external for usb pen drive:

asterisk and modules (+datacard+dongle+capi) to replace the pen drive files:

asterisk and modules (+dongle+capi) to replace the pen drive files:

Note that you have to remove ".dat" extension after download.

Script to start asterisk:
killall umtsd
mknod /dev/ttyUSB4 c 188 4
chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB4
mknod /dev/ttyUSB5 c 188 5
chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB5
mkdir /var/start-asterisk
mkdir /var/start-asterisk/conf
mkdir /var/start-asterisk/modules
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/usr/sbin/asterisk /var/start-asterisk
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/etc/asterisk/* /var/start-asterisk/conf
cp /var/media/ftp/uStor01/external/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* /var/start-asterisk/modules
/var/start-asterisk/asterisk -C/var/start-asterisk/conf/asterisk.conf

Note also that in your asterisk.conf you must have:
astetcdir => /var/start-asterisk/conf
astmoddir => /var/start-asterisk/modules
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