[Gigaset Pro] N720 Neue Firmware 078


Mitglied seit
23 Jun 2008
Punkte für Reaktionen

LDAP improvements:
Edit max. number of search results in web interface
Problem fixed, that in some LDAP configurations only restricted number of entries is shown in the search result list
LDAP search with special characters (ä,ü,ö) is now possible (via Options menu)
Switch name replacement on/off by web interface ('Mobile device' settings page)
Use display format settings for name replacement, header and list of search results
In search result list, if user presses the 'Option' display key and then 'View', the user defined parameters will be applied.
Stability improvements
Acccept certificates automatically
System log output improved (Web Interface: Management/System log)
Changed message list implementation: reduced memory fragmentation & fast algorithms for list management (e.g. no loops) – Now syslog client can handle big lists efficiently.
Added message serial number to indicate how many messages are lost.
Changed principle how messages are added to full list: first message that is less important than the new one, is removed. If all messages in the list are more important than the new one, then the new one is rejected.
Enhanced list size
Special handling of syslog messages indicating LAN performance problems.
Base station events: Improved wording for event categories on web interface:
Network and connectors/Base station events
Known Issues:
LDAP settings in Web Interface: 2 settings are not translated and still in English:
- additional attribute – possible to dial
- Max number of search results
Handset R630H PRO: Missed call list may not be shown.
84 - What's new:
Auto Provisioning: HTTP digest
Auto Provisioning: New parameter <S_CONFIGFILE_URL>
Auto Provisioning: New parameter <Disable_Common_Voice_Services_on_Handset>
Auto Provisioning: Provisioning authentication parameters
Auto Provisioning: Support PEM certificates
Auto provisioning: <VERSION> and <MAC_ADDRESS> parameters are not required, but if they are in config file they will be handled as usual.
LDAP improvements:
Auto Provisioning: Handling non symbolic NVM items in XML files.
Syslog functionality improvements.
Enhanced logging functions.
Release media resources on handover bases after call release by DM-command.
Possibility to decrease DECT encryption in hostile environments (noise/reflection) to improve handset connection.
Auto Provisioning: Via HTTPS doesn't work
"Protect mode" feature was deactivated.
N720 requires authentication after any action in PBX control menu.
Fix re-keying vs. intracell handover problem in satellite. Improves stability of all handling in high load scenarios.
Fix logging error for call drops in IWU.
Reboot / black diplay after starting a call.
[LDAP: Black display] Multi session improvement.
XML menus not working any more.
[LDAP Black display] Read Search Result Done
LDAP Service not available
LDAP: Test name replacement from LDAP directory
Known Issues:
Default Setting: "Accept trusted certificates only" should be on "No" instead of "Yes"

neue RC-Version online > N720 IP PRO Release notes 85 (Release candidate)
Blocked media resources after some call drops
Resulting in audio drops in later calls;
Or resulting in reduced capacity of the satellite;
Web-UI blocked sometimes "by another clients session"
Issues with incoming and outgoing calls, no SIP INVITES coming from the DM.
SL610H: PBX manager doesn´t work

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