Soundstation IP 5000 an Fritzbox 7490 mit Sipgate und Telekom IP


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25 Mai 2016
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ich bin seit gestern besitzer einer Polycom IP 5000, und möchte diese an einer Fritzbox betreiben.
Leider bekomme ich keinen Network Connect hin.

IP Telefon in der Fritzbox angelegt.

Fehler mit Adresse =! Fritzbox IP geprüft.

Was kann man noch falsch machen? Muss ich das Telefon nach jeder Konfiguration neustarten? Wie kann ich einen neuen Connect Versuch initialisieren?

Und was hat es mit APPS und Provisioning an sich?
Ich hab einen NAS-Server Order freigegeben mit der Idee dort los abzulegen und Konfigurationen zu hinterlegen. Aber eigentlich habe ich nur 1 Polycom.

Muss ich einen Proxy Server hinterlegen? Der Lokale SIP-Port kann 0 oder 5060 sein,
Und was ist unter SIP einzustellen?

Hier der Error Log:

0525224914|app1 |*|03|Manual Reboot
0525224914|so |*|03|SoNcasC::procMsg: Client service shutdown complete
0525224914|wdog |*|03|Watchdog Expired: tSupObjs
000007.238|log |*|03|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000007.238|so |*|03|Platform: Model=SoundStation IP 5000, Assembly=3111-30900-001 Rev=H Region=0
000007.238|so |*|03|Platform: Interface eth0 MAC=0004f2fa382c
000007.240|so |*|03|Platform: BootBlock= (30900-001) 11-Jul-12 08:54
000007.240|so |*|03|Platform: Updater= 18-Jan-16 15:41
000007.240|so |*|03|Application, main: Label=SIP, Version=Mink 22-Apr-16 13:32
000007.240|so |*|03|Application, main: P/N=3150-11530-409
000007.240|rdisk|*|03|RAM disk created, size: 4,194,304 bytes
000007.240|ocsp |*|03|O.C.S.P. Enabled = 0
000007.240|tls |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.282|pmt |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|wdog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|ethf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|hw |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|ares |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|dns |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.284|cfg |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.286|dot1x|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.288|cfg |5|03|RT|Error installing DHCP event hook.
000008.356|lic |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000008.356|lic |4|03|cfgCfsFlashKeyScratchLoad: key is blank
000009.204|curl |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.204|utilm|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.204|copy |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.204|rtos |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.204|sec |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.206|so |*|03|Configuration files:
000009.210|log |*|03|Log render level set to 1
000009.414|srtp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.414|res |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|httpa|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.418|lldp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.418|cdp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.418|sys |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.494|ssps |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.826|so |*|03|System Info Reports:
000011.826|so |*|03| CPU is TNETV1050/C55x, rev 2 running at 125.000MHz with memory at 125.000MHz.
000011.826|so |*|03| Board is identified as PolycomSoundStationIP-SSIP_5000.
000011.826|so |*|03| DRAM_LO: 0x94000000. DRAM_SIZE: 32 MB
000011.826|so |*|03| Clocks are VBUSP: 125.000MHz, VBUS: 81.250MHz, USB: 25.000MHz, LCD: 125.000MHz, DSP: 122.880MHz.
000011.826|so |*|03| NOR flash detected is 9
000011.826|key |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|httpd|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|push |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|ht |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.830|dbuf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.834|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: Label=PolyDSP Titan Mem1 FS12 (G.729), Version= 11-Jul-12 16:58
000011.834|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: P/N=3150-11580-613.
000011.834|pps |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.834|sip |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.834|ptt |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000012.038|so |*|03|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 2222
000012.058|sshc |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000012.060|cmp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000012.062|wmgr |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000012.068|slog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000012.262|app1 |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000012.268|app1 |4|03|StatusBar is disabled
000012.270|app1 |4|03|mb.main.home parameter is empty
000012.276|mb |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000013.102|ldap |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000013.102|ldap |4|03|cDynamicData::cDynamicData:cDynamicData:Failed
000013.506|efk |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000013.622|app1 |4|03|[AppUserLoginC::Init]:flushing user cache file failed
000013.926|utilm|4|03|uBLFCompressed: File /ffs0/local/local-directory_xml.zzz does not exist or is empty
000022.214|cfg |*|03|RT|cfgRtNetInterfaceUpdate: Network not initialized
000033.722|cfg |*|03|RT|Do not do DHCP VLAN Discovery.
000033.722|cfg |*|03|RT| Phone IP address is
000033.722|cfg |*|03|RT| Subnet mask is
000033.722|cfg |*|03|RT| Gateway address is
000033.722|cfg |*|03|RT|DHCP: Alternate DNS server is not specified
000033.724|cfg |*|03|RT| DNS server is
000033.724|cfg |*|03|RT| DNS domain is
000033.724|cfg |*|03|RT| Time server is
000033.724|dns |*|03|DNS resolver servers are '' ''
000033.724|dns |*|03|DNS resolver search domain is ''
000033.726|cfg |*|03|RT|Primary IP changed to subnet mask
000033.726|cfg |*|03|RT|cfgRtNetInterfaceUpdate: bfeng -- calling network status callback
000033.800|sys |*|03|0x958760a0 (tDhcpcStateTask): arp_check: No reply, addr not used
000034.212|so |*|03|Network initialized. Starting network tasks.
000034.212|log |*|03|Install file upload callback for 'so'

000034.250|sip |4|03|NAPTR query for host '' returned no results
000034.252|app1 |*|03|Ctx [0] Registered [false]
000034.256|sip |*|03|Fast Boot Measurement Point: Ready for Call, uptime: 34.256 sec.
000034.318|app1 |5|03|Corporate directory instance does not exists.
000034.356|sys |*|03|0x95ecc0d0 (tNetTask): arp info overwritten for c0a8bc1f by 00:11:32:1f:9e:7b
000034.356|copy |*|03|Server '' said '0004f2fa382c-directory.xml' is not present
000034.360|utilm|4|03|uBLFCompressed: File /ffs0/local/local-directory_xml.zzz does not exist or is empty
000034.374|copy |*|03|Server '' said '000000000000-directory.xml' is not present
000034.376|utilm|4|03|uBLFCompressed: File /ffs0/local/local-directory_xml.zzz does not exist or is empty
000034.542|cfg |5|03|Prov|Could not get application name
000034.552|copy |*|03|Server '' said 'SoundPointIPLocalization/German_Germany/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml' is not present
000034.560|copy |*|03|Server '' said '0004f2fa382c-phone.cfg' is not present
000034.582|res |4|03|[ResFinderC]: Download - Failed to download file SoundPointIPLocalization/German_Germany/SoundPointIP-dictionary.xml, errno 0x380003.
000034.590|copy |*|03|Server '' said '0004f2fa382c-web.cfg' is not present
000034.604|copy |*|03|Server '' said '000000000000-license.cfg' is not present
000034.616|copy |*|03|Server '' said '0004f2fa382c-license.cfg' is not present
000034.668|cfg |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Puh, in so einer Situation bin ich leider auch: Ich habe ein Polycom aus dem früheren Büro, wo es mit Kabel verbunden war und will / muss es jetzt mit der (neuen) AVB FritzBox 7490 verbinden. Bin allerdings ganz beschissen dran, weil ich ausser der Anleitung für mein Polycom SoundStation 2W, die ich aus dem Netz runter gezogen habe, es leider NICHT schaffe, die FB und das 2W zu verbinden. Bin leider in IP-Angelegenheiten sehr unerfahren. Das merke ich, wenn ich mit der Suchoption hier im Forum so manchen Thread lese. Die Installation muss in einem Büro in München Unterföhring gemacht werden; wenn es einen Spezl gibt, der das für mich macht, so ist das auch eine Lösung. Vergütung müssmer vorher regeln, kriegen wir aber hin!
Danke für alle Hilfe!


Heide Witzka

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