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  1. Baliccione

    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    hallo, mine is v1, its colour is red By By;) ;)
  2. Baliccione

    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    sorry!! I can't understand how I have committed an error! I've only copy and paste your post in windows block note. Now I have effected the procedure with your corrections and it's all OK : my 7170 works with 29.04.33 annex A connected directly to ADSL line and seems works better than 29.04.01...
  3. Baliccione

    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    Hi I have followed your procedure but the result is not what I hoped, I now insert you the window of telnet so you can see alone the result, aspect one explanation of yours, thanks BusyBox v1.1.2 (2007.01.29-15:09+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands...
  4. Baliccione

    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    Thanks, you have been very kind, but could you give me the files that I don't have? I need the recovery 29.04.29.exe and then the fw 29.04.33, thank still you so much, a regard with friendship from Italy. PS: Is your fritz directly connected to the line adsl annexA or it is connected to...
  5. Baliccione

    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    Hallo, I'm Italian, I've 7170 with 29.04.01 annexA and it works fine, but reading about your experiences with new fw I would like upgrade my 7170 too. Now, I must use version 20.04.33 or I can use 29.04.37 too? Can someone give me 29.04.33? Then, if something had to not work, can I return back...
  6. Baliccione

    Fritz! 7170 and 29.04.15 on annex A nothing yet??

    Is there someone who has been able in making to work 7170 with the firmware 29.04.15 in annex A? :confused: :confused: I've been able only with 29.04.01 and 29.04.04 :mad: :mad: (thanks to Haveaniceday and his files!) ;) but I am not able to see him on German and Italian forum since a...
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