Aktueller Inhalt von joachim9

  1. J

    Idefisk 2.0 (Zoiper) Sprachqualität ?

    Can you contact me again on [email protected] ? Did you try running version 2.07 yet ? We do a lot of compensation for all kinds of problems with audio devices. (Which is why zoiper will sound better than the old idefisk on 99% of all audio cards). However, to achieve this we also...
  2. J

    Neuer IAX / SIP Client

    zoiper 2.07 is released To be downloaded on www.zoiper.com (im sorry my german is not very good, i can understand it though)
  3. J

    Idefisk 2.0 (Zoiper) Sprachqualität ?

    Hello, I'm working for Attractel, the company producing Zoiper. Zoiper is using a lot of algorithms to improve the audio quality, however some of those algorithms, such as our echo cancellation do not like the echo test, and will freak out on it. This is normal behaviour. (The echo test...
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