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  1. M

    JFritz versus 39.04.34 firmware

    "Internet Usage/Monitoring" is working again with JFritz v0.7.2. tnx to all JFritz team. this is good news, except one bug. green and red colour is inverted. red is for downloading (In) & green is for uploading (Out). btw. is there any trick to put fritz's web password in address bar of...
  2. M

    29.04.15 und DS-Mod ?

    Meine tar-version ist (GNU tar 1.19), installiert mit dem Cygwin-Setup-Version 2.573.2.2. Nach der Lösung des tar-Problems bin ich auf weitere Probleme gestossen, wie ungültige source-urls, "zlib.h: No such file or directory" und so weiter. Als ich im volgenden Beitrag...
  3. M

    29.04.15 und DS-Mod ?

    Hi Oliver, ich habe den ganzen Tag nach der Lösung dieses Problems gesucht und wäre froh gewesen wen ich auf diesen Beitrag eine Antwort gefunden hätte. Vieleicht hilft es doch noch jemanden. mfG Pavle
  4. M

    29.04.15 und DS-Mod ?

    Öffne die Datei "home\ds-0.2.8\toolchain\make\target\uclibc\uclibc.mk, finde die Zeile "tar -C $(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_DIR) $(VERBOSE) -xzf $(UCLIBC_SOURCE) \" und füge --wildcards vor -C ein. Wiederhole make source ich bin der Bruder von Mrle, Mrle kann nicht Deutsch :)
  5. M

    JFritz versus 39.04.34 firmware

    thank you for clarify a things. i hope that "Internet Monitoring" will work in some of next versions again. off topic btw. is there any trick to put fritz's web password in the url, i mean to put in address bar of my web browser something like this...
  6. M

    JFritz versus 39.04.34 firmware

    hi to all. sorry if this already discussed here, i don't know german & don't have luck with searching in this forum. also sorry for my bad english. so, i have fritz.box 7140 converted in english & to annex A. before 2 days i upgrade firmware from 39.04.26 to 39.04.34 from ftp.avm.de...
  7. M

    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    yes, you are right. my brother is made, on his own fritz, some virtual ip, port forward or something like that, and in that case i made web access on 8080 port from the wan. but, hmmm .... however it's little stupidly that anybody from the LAN can reset all settings. isn't it? is there any...
  8. M

    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    hi to all. :) i'm a happy fritzbox 7140 user. i convert it to english & to annex A. everything is working OK, WLAN, all my SIP accounts etc. but i can't understand 1 thing. my head grow up to 22 inches when i think about it. on the first/home fritz's web interface page there is place...
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