
  1. botz

    [Frage] Ist FBF neu oder alt ?

    It is new! /Es is neu! :D The command works great! Thx botz
  2. botz

    [Frage] Ist FBF neu oder alt ?

    Hallo, sorry that I post in English, but unfortunately my German is too poor. I bought a new (I hope) FBF 7390, and I would like to double check if it is really new, or it has been already used. Does the FBF have a counters like number of all starts/boots, total up time or similar that I...
  3. botz

    1und1 Audiocenter nutzen des LCD für Rufnummeranzeige?!

    Sagem My Web Radio 500 (nicht 1und1 Audio Center): Leider geht nicht zu flashen mit 1.39. :( Firmware (1.11) von Sagem: <deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1</deviceType> <friendlyName>My Web Tuner 500</friendlyName> <manufacturer>Sagem</manufacturer>...
  4. botz

    1&1 Angebot ab 02.03.2009 - teurer

    Sagem IP Web Radio 500 spielt keine mp3 Muisic von USB Festplatte, aber nur von USB stick ! :-( Sorry, now in English: I spent almost whole weekend trying to make IP Web Radio 500 playing from USB HD. Today I called support and they explained that the radio does not play music from USB HD at...
  5. botz

    DNS-Fehler bei Fritz!Fon

    bei mir auch seit ~19:15 :(
  6. botz

    debitel zahlt Restguthaben nicht zurück

    some progress ? Can you explain what/how did you send to Verbraucherzentrale (how much did you pay)?
  7. botz

    debitel zahlt Restguthaben nicht zurück

    @Chris thx for the link. It looks like there is a lot of people with this problem. We should step together and do something. I think that we should post this problem to some GSM/computer/IT magazin.
  8. botz

    debitel zahlt Restguthaben nicht zurück

    I have the same problem. I sent all necessary documentation to Debitel in the beginning of February 2008 and until today no money :-(. The only way to communicate with them is really hot line 0900 xxx :-(. But somewhere it says that it can take up to 6 weeks and not 1/2 year. Never again...
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