
  1. K

    vsftpd auf FB7270 ohne freetz

    You are my hero. thanks. :) Update: I had some trouble because I didn't know what all the vars in the file meant. So I have used bFTPd. Almost the same. This version here works really fine. It's now running on port 2121 and I have managed to add more users (only ftp) by adding a /etc/passwd...
  2. K

    vsftpd auf FB7270 ohne freetz

    Hello, I also want to try to install vsFPTd on the Fritzbox 7270 without Freetz. Since the build-in FTP on the Fritzbox only has 1 user, I would like a possibility to use a ftp server with more users. I know this is possible for Apache (to download a precompiled Apache package). So maybe it...
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