
  1. D

    [Info] VTO/VTH Konfiguration ändern mit der "Dahua-JSON-Debug-Console-v2"

    Thank you @riogrande75. Maybe I try to build some small speaker inside the VTO case and play a custom sound with your event handler php script :P
  2. D

    [Info] VTO/VTH Konfiguration ändern mit der "Dahua-JSON-Debug-Console-v2"

    Yes, I followed it! But thats for the VTH, now I want to change the speech sound that the VTO plays when you press the door button.
  3. D

    [Info] VTO/VTH Konfiguration ändern mit der "Dahua-JSON-Debug-Console-v2"

    Hello, were you able to change the VTO ringing sound with this script? Sorry for the english, I'm not german speaker :(
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