nzbget+uulib auf Fritz!Box

kannst du die scripte und konfig mal bitte posten?

das script
sleep 20
testwert="$(ps |grep -c nzbget)" #ps mit otion das ausgeben wird wieviele treffer
datum=$( date )	#datum und zeit  | cut -c 0-16
up=$( uptime )	#wie lange läut die box schon
if test $testwert -le 5  #testen
		/var/media/ftp/uStor01/nzbget/nzbget -D -c /var/media/ftp/uStor01/nzbget/nzbget.conf 2>&1 #startbefehl
	#	echo -e "\t \041 \041 \041 \041 \041 \041 \041 neugestartet um $datum" > /var/tmp/t ;cat /var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log >> /var/tmp/t ;mv /var/tmp/t /var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log #oben in log schreiben
	#	echo "past die box $datum $up" > /var/tmp/t ;cat /var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log >> /var/tmp/t ;mv /var/tmp/t /var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log #oben in log schreiben 
# head -n 200 /var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log >/var/tmp/e ;cat /var/tmp/e >/var/media/ftp/uStor01/log/nzb.log	#das log file auf 200 zeilen kürzen
meine confing
# On POSIX put this file to one of the following locations:
# ~/.nzbget
# /etc/nzbget.conf
# /usr/etc/nzbget.conf
# /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf
# /opt/etc/nzbget.conf
# On Windows put this file in program's directory.
# You can also put the file into any location, if you specify the path to it
# using switch "-c", e.g:
#   nzbget -c /home/user/myconig.txt

# For quick start change the option MAINDIR and configure one news-server

### PATHS                                                                  ###

# Root directory for all related tasks.
# MAINDIR is a variable and therefore starts with "$".
# On POSIX you can use "~" as alias for home directory (e.g. "~/download").
# On Windows use absolute paths (e.g. "C:\Download").

# Destination-directory to store the downloaded files.

# Directory to monitor for incoming nzb-jobs.
# Can have subdirectories. 
# A nzb-file queued from a subdirectory will be automatically assigned to 
# category with the directory-name.

# Directory to store download queue.

# Directory to store temporary files.

# Lock-file for daemon-mode, POSIX only.
# If the option is not empty, nzbget creates the file and writes process-id 
# (PID) into it. That info can be used in shell scripts.

# Where to store log file, if it needs to be created.
# NOTE: See also option <CreateLog>.

### NEWS-SERVERS                                                           ###

# This section defines which servers nzbget should connect to.

# Level of newsserver (0-99).
# The servers will be ordered by their level, i.e. nzbget will at
# first try to download an article from the level-0-server.
# If that server fails, nzbget proceeds with the level-1-server, etc.
# A good idea is surely to put your major download-server at level 0
# and your fill-servers at levels 1,2,...
# NOTE: Do not leave out a level in your server-list and start with level 0.
# NOTE: Several servers with the same level may be used, they will have 
# the same priority.

# Host name of newsserver.

# Port to connect to (1-65535).

# User name to use for authentication.

# Password to use for authentication.

# Server requires "Join Group"-command (yes, no).

# Encrypted server connection (TLS/SSL) (yes, no).


# Maximal number of simultaneous connections to this server (0-999).

# Second server, on level 0.


# Third server, on level 1.

### PERMISSIONS                                                            ###

# User name for daemon-mode, POSIX only.
# Set the user that the daemon normally runs at (POSIX in daemon-mode only).
# Set $MAINDIR with an absolute path to be sure where it will write.
# This allows nzbget daemon to be launched in rc.local (at boot), and
# download items as a specific user id.
# NOTE: This option has effect only if the program was started from 
# root-account, otherwise it is ignored and the daemon runs under 
# current user id.

# Specify default umask (affects file permissions) for newly created 
# files, POSIX only (000-1000).
# The value should be written in octal form (the same as for "umask" shell 
# command).
# Empty value or value "1000" disable the setting of umask-mode; current 
# umask-mode (set via shell) is used in this case.

### INCOMING NZBS                                                          ###

# Create subdirectory with category-name in destination-directory (yes, no).

# Create subdirectory with nzb-filename in destination-directory (yes, no).

# How often incoming-directory (option <NzbDir>) must be checked for new 
# nzb-files (seconds).
# Value "0" disables the check.

# How old nzb-file should at least be for it to be loaded to queue (seconds).
# Nzbget checks if nzb-file was not modified in last few seconds, defined by
# this option. That safety interval prevents the loading of files, which 
# were not yet completely saved to disk, for example if they are still being
# downloaded in web-browser.

# Automatic merging of nzb-files with the same filename (yes, no).
# A typical scenario: you put nzb-file into incoming directory, nzbget adds
# file to queue. You find out, that the file doesn't have par-files. You
# find required par-files, put nzb-file with the par-files into incoming 
# directory, nzbget adds it to queue as a separate group. You want the second 
# file to be merged with the first for parchecking to work properly. With 
# option "MergeNzb" nzbget can merge files automatically. You only need to 
# save the second file under the same filename as the first one.

# Set path to program, that must be executed before any file in incoming 
# directory (option <NzbDir>) is processed.
# Example: "NzbProcess=~/".
# That program can unpack archives which were put in incoming directory, make
# filename cleanup, assign category and post-processing parameters to nzb-file
# or do something else.
# NZBGet passes following arguments to nzbprocess-program as environment
# variables:
#  NZBNP_DIRECTORY - path to directory, where file is located. It is a directory
#                    specified by the option <NzbDir> or a subdirectory;
#  NZBNP_FILENAME  - name of file to be processed;
# In addition to these arguments nzbget passes all
# nzbget.conf-options to postprocess-program as environment variables. These
# variables have prefix "NZBOP_" and are written in UPPER CASE. For Example
# option "ParRepair" is passed as environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR".
# The dots in option names are replaced with underscores, for example 
# "SERVER1_HOST". For options with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.)
# the values are passed always in lower case.
# The nzbprocess-script can assign category or post-processing parameters
# to current nzb-file by printing special messages into standard output
# (which is processed by NZBGet).
# To assign category use following syntax:
#   echo "[NZB] CATEGORY=my category";
# To assign post-processing parameters:
#   echo "[NZB] NZBPR_myvar=my value";
# The prefix "NZBPR_" will be removed. In this example a post-processing
# parameter with name "myvar" and value "my value" will be associated
# with nzb-file.
# The nzbprocess-script can delete processed file, rename it or move somewhere.
# After the calling of the script the file will be either added to queue 
# (if it was an nzb-file) or renamed by adding the extension ".processed".
# NOTE: Files with extensions ".processed", ".queued" and ".error" are skipped
# during the directory scanning.
# NOTE: Files with extension ".nzb_processed" are not passed to 
# NzbProcess-script before adding to queue. This feature allows 
# NzbProcess-script to prevent the scanning of nzb-files extracted from 
# archives, if they were already processed by the script.

# Check for duplicate files (yes, no).
# If this option is enabled the program checks by adding of a new nzb-file:
# 1) if nzb-file contains duplicate entries. This check aims on detecting
#    of reposted files (if first file was not fully uploaded);    
#    If the program find two files with identical names, only the 
#    biggest of these files will be added to queue;
# 2) if download queue already contains file with the same name;
# 3) if destination file on disk already exists.
# In last two cases: if the file exists it will not be added to queue;
# If this option is disabled, all files are downloaded and duplicate files 
# are renamed to "filename_duplicate1".
# Existing files are never deleted or overwritten.

### DOWNLOAD QUEUE                                                         ###

# Save download queue to disk (yes, no).
# This allows to reload it on next start.

# Reload download queue on start, if it exists (yes, no).

# Reload Post-processor-queue on start, if it exists (yes, no).
# For this option to work the options <SaveQueue> and <ReloadQueue> must
# be also enabled.

# Reuse articles saved in temp-directory from previous program start (yes, no).
# This allows to continue download of file, if program was exited before 
# the file was completed.

# Visibly rename broken files on download appending "_broken" (yes, no).
# Do not activate this option if par-check is enabled.

# Decode articles (yes, no).
# yes - decode articles using internal decoder (supports yEnc and UU formats);
# no - the articles will not be decoded and joined. External programs 
#      (like "uudeview") can be used to decode and join downloaded articles.
#      Also useful for debugging to look at article's source text.

# Write decoded articles directly into destination output file (yes, no).
# With this option enabled the program at first creates the output 
# destination file with required size (total size of all articles), 
# then writes on the fly decoded articles directly to the file 
# without creating of any temporary files, even for decoded articles.
# This may results in major performance improvement, but this highly 
# depends on OS and file system.
# Can improve performance on a very fast internet connections, 
# but you need to test if it works in your case.
# INFO: Tests showed, that on Linux with EXT3-partition activating of 
# this option results in up to 20% better performance, but on Windows with NTFS 
# or Linux with FAT32-partitions the performance were decreased. 
# The possible reason is that on EXT3-partition Linux can create large files
# very fast (if the content of file does not need to be initialized), 
# but Windows on NTFS-partition and also Linux on FAT32-partition need to
# initialize created large file with nulls, resulting in a big performance 
# degradation.
# NOTE: for testing try to download few big files (with total size 500-1000MB)
# and measure required time. Do not rely on the program's speed indicator.
# NOTE: if both options <DirectWrite> and <ContinuePartial> are enabled,
# the program will still create empty articles-files in temp-directory. They
# are used to continue download of file on a next program start. To minimize
# disk-io it is recommended to disable option <ContinuePartial>, if 
# <DirectWrite> is enabled. Especially on a fast connections (where you
# would want to activate <DirectWrite>) it should not be a problem to 
# redownload an interrupted file.

# Check CRC of downloaded and decoded articles (yes, no).
# Normally this option should be enabled for better detecting of download 
# errors. However checking of CRC needs about the same CPU time as 
# decoding of articles. On a fast connections with slow CPUs disabling of
# CPU-check may slightly improve performance (if CPU is a limiting factor).

# How much retries should be attempted if a download error occurs (0-99).

# Set the interval between retries (seconds).

# Redownload article if CRC-check fails (yes, no).
# Helps to minimize number of broken files, but may be effective 
# only if you have multiple download servers (even from the same provider
# but from different locations (e.g. europe, usa)).
# In any case the option increases your traffic.
# For slow connections loading of extra par-blocks may be more effective
# The option <CrcCheck> must be enabled for option <RetryOnCrcError> to work.

# Set connection timeout (seconds).

# Timeout until a download-thread should be killed (seconds).
# This can help on hanging downloads, but is dangerous. 
# Do not use small values!

# Set the (approximate) maximum number of allowed threads (0-999).
# Sometimes under certain circumstances the program may create way to many 
# download threads. Most of them are in wait-state. That is not bad,
# but threads are usually a limited resource. If a program creates to many
# of them, operating system may kill it. The option <ThreadLimit> prevents that.
# NOTE: the number of threads is not the same as the number of connections
# opened to NNTP-servers. Do not use the option <ThreadLimit> to limit the
# number of connections. Use the appropriate options <ServerX.Connections>
# instead.
# NOTE: the actual number of created threads can be slightly larger as
# defined by the option. Important threads may be created even if the
# number of threads is exceeded. The option prevents only the creation of
# additional download threads.
# NOTE: in most cases you should leave the default value "100" unchanged.
# However you may increase that value if you need more than 90 connections 
# (that's very unlikely) or decrease the value if the OS does not allow so 
# many threads. But the most OSes should not have problems with 100 threads.

# Set the maximum download rate on program start (kilobytes/sec).
# Value "0" means no speed control.
# The download rate can be changed later via remote calls.

# Set the size of memory buffer used by writing the articles (bytes).
# Bigger values decrease disk-io, but increase memory usage.
# Value "0" causes an OS-dependent default value to be used.
# With value "-1" (which means "max/auto") the program sets the size of 
# buffer according to the size of current article (typically less than 500K).
# NOTE: the value must be written in bytes, do not use postfixes "K" or "M".
# NOTE: to calculate the memory usage multiply WriteBufferSize by max number
# of connections, configured in section "NEWS-SERVERS".
# NOTE: typical article's size not exceed 500000 bytes, so using bigger values
# (like several megabytes) will just waste memory.
# NOTE: for desktop computers with large amount of memory value "-1" (max/auto)
# is recommended, but for computers with very low memory (routers, NAS)
# value "0" (default OS-dependent size) could be better alternative.
# NOTE: write-buffer is managed by OS (system libraries) and therefore 
# the effect of the option is highly OS-dependent.

# Pause if disk space gets below this value (megabytes).
# Value "0" disables the check.
# Only the disk space on the drive with <DestDir> is checked.
# The drive with <TempDir> is not checked.

# Delete already downloaded files from disk, if the download of nzb-file was 
# cancelled (nzb-file was deleted from queue) (yes, no).
# NOTE: nzbget does not delete files in a case if all remaining files in 
# queue are par-files. That prevents the accidental deletion if the option
# <ParCleanupQueue> is disabled or if the program was interrupted during 
# parcheck and later restarted without reloading of post queue (option 
# <ReloadPostQueue> disabled).

# Keep the history of downloaded nzb-files (days).
# Value "0" disables the history.
# NOTE: when a collection having paused files is added to history all remaining
# files are moved from download queue to a list of parked files. It holds files
# which could be required later if the collection will be moved back to
# download queue for downloading of remaining files. The parked files still
# consume some amount of memory and disk space. If the collection was downloaded
# and successfully par-checked or postprocessed it is recommended to discard the
# unneeded parked files before adding the collection to history. For par2-files
# that can be achieved with the option <ParCleanupQueue>.

### LOGGING                                                                ###

# Create log file (yes, no).

# Delete log file upon server start (only in server-mode) (yes, no).

# How error messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).

# How warning messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).

# How info messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).

# How detail messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).

# How debug messages must be printed (screen, log, both, none).
# Debug-messages can be printed only if the program was compiled in 
# debug-mode: "./configure --enable-debug".

# Set the default message-kind for output received from process-scripts
# (PostProcess, NzbProcess, TaskX.Process) (none, detail, info, warning, 
# error, debug).
# NZBGet checks if the line written by the script to stdout or stderr starts
# with special character-sequence, determining the message-kind, e.g.:
# [INFO] bla-bla.
# [DETAIL] bla-bla.
# [WARNING] bla-bla.
# [ERROR] bla-bla.
# [DEBUG] bla-bla.
# If the message-kind was detected the text is added to log with detected type.
# Otherwise the message becomes the default kind, specified in this option.

# Number of messages stored in buffer and available for remote 
# clients (messages).

# Create a log of all broken files (yes ,no).
# It is a text file placed near downloaded files, which contains
# the names of broken files.

# Create memory dump (core-file) on abnormal termination, Linux only (yes, no).
# Core-files are very helpful for debugging.
# NOTE: core-files may contain sensible data, like your login/password to
# newsserver etc.

# See also option <LogFile> in section "PATHS"

### DISPLAY (TERMINAL)                                                     ###

# Set screen-outputmode (loggable, colored, curses).
# loggable - only messages will be printed to standard output;
# colored  - prints messages (with simple coloring for messages categories)
#            and download progress info; uses escape-sequences to move cursor;
# curses   - advanced interactive interface with the ability to edit 
#            download queue and various output option.

# Shows NZB-Filename in file list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
# it can be switched on/off in run-time with Z-key.

# Show files in groups (NZB-files) in queue list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
# it can be switched on/off in run-time with G-key.

# Show timestamps in message list in curses-outputmode (yes, no).
# This option controls the initial state of curses-frontend,
# it can be switched on/off in run-time with T-key.

# Update interval for Frontend-output in console mode or remote client 
# mode (milliseconds).
# Min value 25. Bigger values reduce CPU usage (especially in curses-outputmode)
# and network traffic in remote-client mode.

### CLIENT/SERVER COMMUNICATION                                            ###

# IP on which the server listen and which client uses to contact the server. 
# It could be dns-hostname or ip-address (more effective since does not 
# require dns-lookup).
# If you want the server to listen to all interfaces, use "".

# Port which the server & client use (1-65535).

# Password which the server & client use.

# See also option <LogBufferSize> in section "LOGGING"

### PAR CHECK/REPAIR                                                       ###

# How many par2-files to load (none, all, one).
# none - all par2-files must be automatically paused;
# all - all par2-files must be downloaded;
# one - only one main par2-file must be dowloaded and other must be paused.
# Paused files remain in queue and can be unpaused by parchecker when needed.

# Automatic par-verification (yes, no).
# To download only needed par2-files (smart par-files loading) set also 
# the option <LoadPars> to "one". If option <LoadPars> is set to "all",
# all par2-files will be downloaded before verification and repair starts.
# The option <RenameBroken> must be set to "no", otherwise the par-checker
# may not find renamed files and fail.

# Automatic par-repair (yes, no).
# If option <ParCheck> is enabled and <ParRepair> is not, the program
# only verifies downloaded files and downloads needed par2-files, but does
# not start repair-process. This is useful if the server does not have
# enough CPU power, since repairing of large files may take too much
# resources and time on a slow computers.
# This option has effect only if the option <ParCheck> is enabled.

# Use only par2-files with matching names (yes, no).
# If par-check needs extra par-blocks it searches for par2-files
# in download queue, which can be unpaused and used for restore. 
# These par2-files should have the same base name as the main par2-file, 
# currently loaded in par-checker. Sometimes extra par files (especially if 
# they were uploaded by a different poster) have not matching names. 
# Normally par-checker does not use these files, but you can allow it 
# to use these files by setting <StrictParName> to "no".
# This has however a side effect: if NZB-file contains more than one collection
# of files (with different par-sets), par-checker may download par-files from
# a wrong collection. This increases you traffic (but not harm par-check).
# NOTE: par-checker always uses only par-files added from the same NZB-file
# and the option <StrictParName> does not change this behavior.

# Maximum allowed time for par-repair (minutes).
# Value "0" means unlimited.
# If you use nzbget on a very slow computer like NAS-device, it may be good to
# limit the time allowed for par-repair. Nzbget calculates the estimated time 
# required for par-repair. If the estimated value exceeds the limit defined
# here, nzbget cancels the repair.
# To avoid a false cancellation nzbget compares the estimated time with 
# <ParTimeLimit> after the first 5 minutes of repairing, when the calculated
# estimated time is more or less accurate. But in a case if <ParTimeLimit> is
# set to a value smaller than 5 minutes, the comparison is made after the first 
# whole minute.
# NOTE: the option limits only the time required for repairing. It doesn't 
# affect the first stage of parcheck - verification of files. However the 
# verification speed is constant, it doesn't depend on files integrity and
# therefore it is not necessary to limit the time needed for the first stage.
# NOTE: this option requires an extended version of libpar2 (the original
# version doesn't support the cancelling of repairing). Please refer to 
# nzbget's README for info on how to apply a patch to libpar2.

# Pause download queue during check/repair (yes, no).
# Enable the option to give CPU more time for par-check/repair. That helps
# to speed up check/repair on slow CPUs with fast connection (e.g. NAS-devices).
# NOTE: if parchecker needs additional par-files it temporary unpauses queue.
# NOTE: See also option <PostPauseQueue>.

# Cleanup download queue after successful check/repair (yes, no).
# Enable this option for automatic deletion of unneeded (paused) par-files 
# from download queue after successful check/repair.

# Delete source nzb-file after successful check/repair (yes, no).
# Enable this option for automatic deletion of nzb-file from incoming directory 
# after successful check/repair.

### POSTPROCESSING                                                         ###

# Set path to program, that must be executed after the download of nzb-file 
# or one collection in nzb-file (if par-check enabled and nzb-file contains 
# multiple collections; see note below for the definition of "collection") 
# is completed and possibly par-checked/repaired.
# Example: "PostProcess=~/".
# NZBGet passes following arguments to postprocess-program as environment
# variables:
#  NZBPP_DIRECTORY    - path to destination dir for downloaded files;
#  NZBPP_NZBFILENAME  - name of processed nzb-file;
#  NZBPP_PARFILENAME  - name of par-file or empty string (if no collections were 
#                       found);
#  NZBPP_PARSTATUS    - result of par-check:
#                       0 = not checked: par-check disabled or nzb-file does
#                           not contain any par-files;
#                       1 = checked and failed to repair;
#                       2 = checked and successfully repaired;
#                       3 = checked and can be repaired but repair is disabled;
#  NZBPP_NZBCOMPLETED - state of nzb-job:
#                       0 = there are more collections in this nzb-file queued;
#                       1 = this was the last collection in nzb-file;
#  NZBPP_PARFAILED    - indication of failed par-jobs for current nzb-file:
#                       0 = no failed par-jobs;
#                       1 = current par-job or any of the previous par-jobs for
#                           the same nzb-files failed;
#  NZBPP_CATEGORY     - category assigned to nzb-file (can be empty string).
# If nzb-file has associated postprocess-parameters (which can be set using
# subcommand <O> of command <-E>, for example: nzbget -E G O "myvar=hello !" 10)
# or using XML-/JSON-RPC (for example via web-interface), they are also passed 
# as environment variables. These variables have prefix "NZBPR_" in their names.
# For example, pp-parameter "myvar" will be passed as environment 
# variable "NZBPR_myvar".
# In addition to arguments and postprocess-parameters nzbget passes all
# nzbget.conf-options to postprocess-program as environment variables. These
# variables have prefix "NZBOP_" and are written in UPPER CASE. For Example
# option "ParRepair" is passed as environment variable "NZBOP_PARREPAIR".
# The dots in option names are replaced with underscores, for example 
# "SERVER1_HOST". For options with predefined possible values (yes/no, etc.)
# the values are passed always in lower case.
# Return value: nzbget processes the exit code returned by the script:
#  91 - request nzbget to do par-check/repair for current collection in the 
#       current nzb-file;
#  92 - request nzbget to do par-check/repair for all collections in the 
#       current nzb-file;
#  93 - post-process successful (status = SUCCESS);
#  94 - post-process failed (status = FAILURE);
#  95 - post-process skipped (status = NONE);
# All other return codes are interpreted as "status unknown".
# The return value is used to display the status of post-processing in
# a history view. In addition to status one or more text messages can be
# passed to history using a special prefix "[HISTORY]" by printing messages
# to standard output. For example:
#   echo "[ERROR] [HISTORY] Unpack failed, not enough disk space";
# NOTE: The parameter NZBPP_NZBCOMPLETED is very important and MUST be checked 
# even in the simplest scripts.
# If par-check is enabled and nzb-file contains more than one collection
# of files the postprocess-program is called after each collection is completed
# and par-checked. If you want to unpack files or clean up the directory 
# (delete par-files, etc.) there are two possibilities, when you can do this:
#  1) you parse NZBPP_PARFILENAME to find out the base name of collection and 
#     clean up only files from this collection (not reliable, because par-files
#     sometimes have different names than rar-files);
#  2) or you just check the parameters NZBPP_NZBCOMPLETED and NZBPP_PARFAILED
#     and do the processing, only if NZBPP_NZBCOMPLETED is set to "1" (which 
#     means, that this was the last collection in nzb-file and all files 
#     are now completed) and NZBPP_PARFAILED is set to "0" (no failed par-jobs);
# NOTE: the term "collection" in the above description actually means 
# "par-set". To determine what "collections" are present in nzb-file nzbget 
# looks for par-sets. If any collection of files within nzb-file does 
# not have any par-files, this collection will not be detected.
# For example, for nzb-file containing three collections but only two par-sets, 
# the postprocess will be called two times - after processing of each par-set.
# NOTE: if nzbget doesn't find any collections it calls PostProcess once
# with empty string for parameter NZBPP_PARFILENAME;
# NOTE: the using of special return values (91 and 92) for requesting of 
# par-check/repair allows to organize the delayed parcheck. To do that:
#   1) set options: LoadPars=one, ParCheck=no, ParRepair=yes;
#   2) in post-process-script check the parameter NZBPP_PARSTATUS. If it is "0",
#      that means, the script is called for the first time. Try to unpack files.
#      If unpack fails, exit the script with exit code for par-check/repair;
#   3) nzbget will start par-check/repair. After that it calls the script again;
#   4) on second pass the parameter NZBPP_PARSTATUS will have value 
#      greater than "0". If it is "2" ("checked and successfully repaired")
#      you can try unpack again. 
# NOTE: an example script for unrarring is provided within distribution 
# in file "".

# Allow multiple post-processing for the same nzb-file (yes, no).
# After the post-processing (par-check and call of a postprocess-script) is
# completed, nzbget adds the nzb-file to a list of completed-jobs. The nzb-file
# stays in the list until the last file from that nzb-file is deleted from 
# the download queue (it occurs straight away if the par-check was successful 
# and the option <ParCleanupQueue> is enabled).
# That means, if a paused file from a nzb-collection becomes unpaused 
# (manually or from a post-process-script) after the collection was already 
# postprocessed nzbget will not post-process nzb-file again.
# This prevents the unwanted multiple post-processings of the same nzb-file.
# But it might be needed if the par-check/-repair are performed not directly 
# by nzbget but from a post-process-script.
# NOTE: enable this option only if you were advised to do that by the author
# of the post-process-script.
# NOTE: by enabling <AllowReProcess> you should disable the option <ParCheck>
# to prevent multiple par-checking.

# Pause download queue during executing of postprocess-script (yes, no).
# Enable the option to give CPU more time for postprocess-script. That helps
# to speed up postprocess on slow CPUs with fast connection (e.g. NAS-devices).
# NOTE: See also option <ParPauseQueue>.

### SCHEDULER                                                              ###

# This section defines scheduler commands.
# For each command create a set of options <TaskX.Time>, <TaskX.Command>,
# <TaskX.WeekDays> and <TaskX.DownloadRate>.
# The following example shows how to throttle downloads in the daytime 
# by 100 KB/s and download at full speed overnights:

# Time to execute the command (HH:MM).
# Multiple comma-separated values are accepted.
# Asterix as hours-part means "every hour".
# Examples: "08:00", "00:00,06:00,12:00,18:00", "*:00", "*:00,*:30".

# Week days to execute the command (1-7).
# Comma separated list of week days numbers. 
# 1 is Monday.
# Character '-' may be used to define ranges.
# Examples: "1-7", "1-5", "5,6", "1-5, 7".

# Command to be executed (PauseDownload, UnpauseDownload, PauseScan,
# UnpauseScan, DownloadRate, Process).
# Possible commands:
#   PauseDownload   - pauses download;
#   UnpauseDownload - resumes download;
#   PauseScan       - pauses scan of incoming nzb-directory;
#   UnpauseScan     - resumes scan of incoming nzb-directory;
#   DownloadRate    - sets download rate in KB/s;
#   Process         - executes external program.

# Download rate to be set if the command is "DownloadRate" (kilobytes/sec).
# Value "0" means no speed control.
# If the option <TaskX.Command> is not set to "DownloadRate" this option
# is ignored and can be omitted.

# Path to the porgram to execute if the command is "Process".
# Example: "Task1.Process=/home/user/".
# If the option <TaskX.Command> is not set to "Process" this option
# is ignored and can be omitted.
# NOTE: it's allowed to add parameters to command line. If filename or
# any parameter contains spaces it must be surrounded with single quotation
# marks. If filename/parameter contains single quotation marks, each of them 
# must be replaced with two single quotation marks and the resulting filename/
# parameter must be surrounded with single quotation marks.
# Example: '/home/user/download/my scripts/task' 'world''s fun'.
# In this example one parameter (world's fun) is passed to the script 
# (task

## PERFORMANCE                                                              ##

# On a very fast connection and slow CPU and/or drive the following 
# settings may improve performance:
# 1) Disable par-checking and -repairing ("ParCheck=no"). VERY important,
#    because par-checking/repairing needs a lot of CPU-power and 
#    significantly increases disk usage;
# 2) Try to activate option <DirectWrite> ("DirectWrite=yes"), especially
#    if you use EXT3-partitions;
# 3) Disable option <CrcCheck> ("CrcCheck=no");
# 4) Disable option <ContinuePartial> ("ContinuePartial=no");
# 5) Do not limit download rate ("DownloadRate=0"), because the bandwidth 
#    throttling eats some CPU time;
# 6) Disable logging for detail- and debug-messages ("DetailTarget=none", 
#    "DebugTarget=none");
# 7) Run the program in daemon (Posix) or service (Windows) mode and use
#    remote client for short periods of time needed for controlling of 
#    download process on server. Daemon/Service mode eats less CPU 
#    resources than console server mode due to not updating the screen.
# 8) Increase the value of option <WriteBufferSize> or better set it to 
#    "-1" (max/auto) if you have spare 5-20 MB of memory.

0 1-18 * * * /var/media/ftp/uStor01/nzbget/nzbget -D -c /var/media/ftp/uStor01/nzbget/nzbget.conf 2>&1
05 19 * * * killall nzbget
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
vielen Dank, und das script schreib ich wo rein?

und wie wird dies ausgeführt?
in crontab

0 1 * * * /var/media/ftp/uStor01/sh/

das skript nach sh und ausführ machen es legt log an ob es nzbget läuft oder neugestaret wurde. muss noch für hängende pozesse geändert werden.
pfad siehe oben
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
oder was mir noch eingefallen ist. quick & dirty alle 1h nzbget abschiesen und ne min drauf wieder neu starten
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

also das funktioniert so nicht ... muss ich dazu noch ein modul/paket in freetz einbinden?

beim script muss ich auf jednefall aus:

das ! entfernen=

Ansonsten kommt die Fehlermeldung: /bin/sh: ./ not found

Aber auch danach weitere Fehlermeldung:
./ line 13: syntax error: unexpected end of file (expecting "then")

so on ... tohe
normaler weise mus nix instaliert sein. welchen editor verwedest du? nim mal notepad++ und speichere es als *.sh datei linux skipt. #!/bin/sh past so normaler anfang einer linuxskipt datei mit sh als ausführ "bash" kanst gerne nachlesen
Ich bekomme das nzbget 0.8 Binary von MaxMuster leider nicht zum laufen.

# ./nzbget -c nzbget.conf -D
buffer 0x7ffea1f8, szPath 0x7ffea2b0, size 160, diff 184
Vor S_ISDIR szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/dst/
Nach stat szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/dst/
Nach isdir szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/dst/
buffer 0x7ffea1f8, szPath 0x7ffea2b0, size 160, diff 184
Vor S_ISDIR szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/tmp/
Nach stat szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/tmp/
Nach isdir szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/tmp/
buffer 0x7ffea1f8, szPath 0x7ffea2b0, size 160, diff 184
Vor S_ISDIR szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/queue/
Nach stat szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/queue/
Nach isdir szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/queue/
buffer 0x7ffea1f8, szPath 0x7ffea2b0, size 160, diff 184
Vor S_ISDIR szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/nzb/
Nach stat szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/nzb/
Nach isdir szPath=/var/media/ftp/TOSHIBA-MK1059GSM-01/nzbget/nzb/

Danach läuft der Server nicht und ich erhalte auch keine aussagekräftige Fehlermeldung. Weiß wer Rat?

Die Config ist nur in Sachen Serverdaten zum Example aus den Binary Tarball von SourceForge geändert.

nach Update auf die aktuelleste AVM Version 5.21 funktioniert nzbget leider nicht mehr (7270) der Prozess hängt nach starten einfach ohne jegliche Fehlerangabe.

Hat jemand auch dieses Problem? Weiß jemand Rat ;)

Vielen Dank
ich denke das ich das selbe prob habe. auch nach lösung schau Danke
gibt es derzeit Ansätze, nzbget in Fritzload zu integrieren?
Hier mal ein aktuelles Freetz-Paket (mit nzbget 9.0, libsigc 2.3.1 und libpar2 0.2) sowie die statisch gebauten Binaries für mips und mipsel...

Geht es damit (besser)?


  • nzbget_9.0.patch.gz
    3.4 KB · Aufrufe: 29
  • nzbget_static_mips.gz
    1.1 MB · Aufrufe: 28
  • nzbget_static_mipsel.gz
    1.1 MB · Aufrufe: 20
ja, läuft auf meiner FB7390 ungefreezt :) dankeschön dafür!
hat zufällig noch jemand einen statisch gelinkten streamripper für MIPS big endian (also für FB7390. mips-el geht nicht)?
dann hab ich alles, was ich brauche, ohne zu Freetzen.

screen mit ncurses wäre das Sahnehäubchen, aber mit nohup geht's auch.
Hier ein "streamripper", "screen" und auch ein "tmux". Für letztere brauchst du noch "terminfo", z.b. von hier.


  • screen_mips_static.gz
    222.7 KB · Aufrufe: 8
  • tmux_mips_static.gz
    259.8 KB · Aufrufe: 4
  • streamripper_mips_static.gz
    405.2 KB · Aufrufe: 4
super, tausend Dank! Läuft alles problemlos. Dann bin ich gut sortiert.
ich weiß klingt bisel doof aber kann einer mir bisel zusammenfassen was ich machen muss um nzbget mit webif zum laufen zubekommen hab die 7330sl mit 5.22 freetz ist auch kein ding apache läuft :D vielen dank im vor raus^^
Für nzbget 0.9 brauchst Du keinen Webserver oder PHP mehr, Du musst lediglich gemäß Anleitung die Webdir konfigurieren.

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