Add option to webinterface


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Mitglied seit
7 Mai 2008
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In previous versions of firmware, the Internet Telefonie configuration page has the option "is nat aware".
This option is needed by my voip provider.

In version 4.76 (for Fritz 7270), this option in not present.

Is it possible to add this option to the WebInterface (for example with a patch in freetz) ??

To overcome this problem, I edit the file voip.cfg in a telnet session... However, this is not very comfortable :spocht: :spocht:

Thank you
Best regards
Is this option just disabled in the necesary html file or is it totally striped out?
Maybe u just need to reactivate it in the sourcecode of the html file...
Thanks Darkyputz for your answer.....

I try to find the html source, but I cannot find it....
At night I will try again.

Best regards
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