embedd a file in freetz


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7 Mai 2008
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Thanks to freetz is easy to make a custom fritz image. Thanks to all of you :)

Now, i want to put a own file in the fritz flash...
What i have to do in the .image file in order to do it ?

Thank you.

Best regards
Could you specify better ?
I just compile an image with freetz.
Now i have a ".image" file and i want to add more files on it.

For exemple to put a program in /var/bin

Thank you
Bet regards
You have just confirmed that you didn't even try.

Good luck.

I d'ont know here to begin :confused::confused:

I just unpack the ".image" file and i get some more files ".image" in /var/tmp:

However these files cannot be unpacked :(:(

Thank you
Best ragards
The intention of freetz is to build a custom image ;-), so it is usually not intended to add files after building the image but during the build process.

If you just take a look into the freetz wiki you will find a section about adding own files to the box which should be understandable even if it has to be translated.
If you spend some seconds following Ralf's advice, you might as well find the script "fwmod_custom" very usefull. It is called just before freetz builds the new image and therefore should be a good place for adding some own modification code.
You will surely find a bunch of examples for your question on using the search on "fwmod_custom".

Many thanks for your help.
We don't know how to help if we don't know what you did. What are the contents of "your own files" Config.in, Makefile.in and projecto.mk??

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