Faxen mit T38Modem Version 2 WINDOWS


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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Mittlerweile sollte es sich schon rumgesprochen haben, dass eine Fax-Übertragung mittels T.38 nur dann klappen kann, wenn:

- der Absender mit T.38 sendet,
- die komplette Leitungsführung (über alle beteiligten Provider) T.38 zulässt/unterstützt
- der Empfänger T.38 empfangen/dekodieren kann

Ansonsten wird halt automatisch auf G.711 zurückgeschaltet.
Ich bin mir nicht einmal sicher, ob sich hinter diesem Link ein legitimes Faxprogramm für Windows verbirgt. ;)
Es ist ein virtuelles T.38-Fax-Modem und mit "Windows-Fax und -Scan" könnte man eigentlich an kompatible Gegenstellen Faxe versenden. Voraussetzung ist, dass man welche findet.
Es geht auch nicht um T38, obwohl das Programm so heißt, sondern um die richtige Konfiguration, damit dann mit G711 versendet werden kann.

Verlinkt war eine kompilierte EXE. Als Nichtprogrammierer kann ich leider nicht allzu viel mit den Angaben dort anfangen und wollte erst recht nicht anfangen, irgendetwas zu kompilieren.

Aber vielleciht hat sich schon mal jemand amit beschäftigt und kann erklären, welche Parameter eingegeben werden müssen.

[Edit Novize: Beiträge zusammengefasst - siehe Forumsregeln]

Hier mal noch die Ausgabe der Hilfe:

T38Modem Version 2.0.0
(OPAL-3.9.0/3.9beta0, PTLIB-2.9.0/2.9beta0 (svn:24165)) by Vyacheslav Frolov on Windows 7 (v6.1.7601-i586 (Model=158 Stepping=9))

  T38Modem [options]

  -t --trace                : Enable trace, use multiple times for more detail.
  -o --output file          : File for trace output, default is stderr.
     --save                 : Save arguments in configuration file and exit.
  -v --version              : Display version.
  -h --help                 : Display this help message.

Common options:
  --ports T:B-M[,...]       : For (T)ype set (B)ase and (M)ax ports to use.
                              T is 'udp', 'rtp' or 'tcp'. B and M are numbers.
  --route pat=dst[;option[=value][;...]]
                            : Route the calls with incoming destination address
                              matching the regexp pat to the outgoing
                              destination address dst.
                              All '<dn>' meta-strings found in dst or in
                              following route options will be replaced by all
                              valid consecutive E.164 digits from the incoming
                              destination address. To strip N first digits use
                              '<dn!N>' meta-string.
                              If the specification is of the form @filename,
                              then the file is read with each line consisting
                              of a pat=dst[;...] route specification.
  -u --username str         : Set the default username to str.
  --displayname str         : Set the default display name to str.
                              Can be overriden by route option
  --stun server             : Set STUN server.
  --fake-audio [!]wildcard[,[!]...]
                            : Register the fake audio format(s) matching the
                              wildcard(s). The '*' character match any
                              substring. The leading '!' character indicates
                              a negative test.
                              May be used multiple times.

H.323 options:
  --no-h323                 : Disable H.323 protocol.
  --h323-audio str          : Use OPAL-Enable-Audio=str route option by
                              default. May be used multiple times.
  --h323-audio-list         : Display available audio formats.
  --h323-disable-t38-mode   : Use OPAL-Disable-T38-Mode=true route option by
  --h323-t38-udptl-redundancy str
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Redundancy=str route option by
  --h323-t38-udptl-keep-alive-interval ms
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Keep-Alive-Interval=ms route
                              option by default.
  -F --fastenable           : Enable fast start.
  -T --h245tunneldisable    : Disable H245 tunnelling.
  --h323-listen iface       : Interface/port(s) to listen for H.323 requests
                            : '*' is all interfaces, (default tcp$*:1720).
  --h323-no-listen          : Disable listen for incoming calls.
  -g --gatekeeper host      : Specify gatekeeper host.
  -n --no-gatekeeper        : Disable gatekeeper discovery.
  --require-gatekeeper      : Exit if gatekeeper discovery fails.
  --h323-bearer-capability str
                            : Use OPAL-Bearer-Capability=str route option by

H.323 route options:
    Enable the audio format(s) matching the wildcard(s). The '*' character
    match any substring. The leading '!' character indicates a negative test.
    Default: G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k.
    Enable or disable T.38 fax mode.
    Default: false (enable T.38 fax mode).
    Set error recovery redundancy for IFP packets dependent from their size.
    For example the string '2:I,9:L,32767:H' (where I, L and H are numbers)
    sets redundancy for (I)ndication, (L)ow speed and (H)igh speed IFP packets.
    Default: empty string (no redundancy).
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle till it
    contains IFP packets not sent redundancy times.
    Default: 50.
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle.
    Default: 0 (no resend).
    Optimize UDPTL packets on resending in accordance with required redundancy
    (exclude redundancy IFP packets sent redundancy times).
    Default: true (optimize).
    Set bearer capability information element (Q.931) with
      S - coding standard (0-3)
      C - information transfer capability (0-31)
      R - information transfer rate (1-127)
      P - user information layer 1 protocol (2-5).

SIP options:
  --no-sip                  : Disable SIP protocol.
  --sip-audio str           : Use OPAL-Enable-Audio=str route option by
                              default. May be used multiple times.
  --sip-audio-list          : Display available audio formats.
  --sip-disable-t38-mode    : Use OPAL-Disable-T38-Mode=true route option by
  --sip-t38-udptl-redundancy str
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Redundancy=str route option by
  --sip-t38-udptl-keep-alive-interval ms
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Keep-Alive-Interval=ms route
                              option by default.
  --sip-proxy [user:[pwd]@]host
                            : Proxy information.
  --sip-register [user@]registrar[,pwd[,contact[,realm[,authID]]]]
                            : Registration information. Can be used multiple
  --sip-listen iface        : Interface/port(s) to listen for SIP requests
                            : '*' is all interfaces (default tcp$*:5060 and
                            : udp$*:5060).
  --sip-no-listen           : Disable listen for incoming calls.

SIP route options:
    Enable the audio format(s) matching the wildcard(s). The '*' character
    match any substring. The leading '!' character indicates a negative test.
    Default: G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k.
    Enable or disable T.38 fax mode.
    Default: false (enable T.38 fax mode).
    Set error recovery redundancy for IFP packets dependent from their size.
    For example the string '2:I,9:L,32767:H' (where I, L and H are numbers)
    sets redundancy for (I)ndication, (L)ow speed and (H)igh speed IFP packets.
    Default: empty string (no redundancy).
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle till it
    contains IFP packets not sent redundancy times.
    Default: 50.
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle.
    Default: 0 (no resend).
    Optimize UDPTL packets on resending in accordance with required redundancy
    (exclude redundancy IFP packets sent redundancy times).
    Default: true (optimize).

Modem options:
  --no-modem                : Disable MODEM protocol.
  -p --ptty [num@]tty[,...] : Pseudo ttys. Can be used multiple times.
                              If tty prefixed by num@ then tty will
                              accept incoming calls only
                              for numbers with prefix num.
                              Use none@tty to disable incoming calls.
                              See Modem drivers section for tty format.
  --force-fax-mode          : Use OPAL-Force-Fax-Mode=true route option by
  --no-force-t38-mode       : Use OPAL-No-Force-T38-Mode=true route option by
Modem route options:
    Set timeout for outgoing call Set-Up phase to secs seconds.
    Set alternate incoming destination address for outgoing calls to dst. This
    address will be used to re-route if outgoing call Set-Up phase fails.
    Enable or disable forcing fax mode (T.38 or G.711 pass-trough).
    Not enable or not disable forcing T.38 mode.
Modem drivers:
    Uses serial port to communicate with fax application.
    The tty format is \\.\port.
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