FBF 7141 bricked


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9 Jun 2009
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I just got a FBF 7141 to use with asterisk.
After I upgraded to the latest 40.04.70, I experimented with changing from Annex B to Annex A following some threads in the forum from "inquisitor" etc.
Then I tried to change to English interface and when I rebooted, fritz disappeared...
Power light blinking and then for a while wlan and suddenly after 2-3 min all lights blink for a second and again the same sequence.
1)Tried to use the recovery from AVM and the tool reads the information from the box but fails to reflash it.
2) Tried to use the older FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7141.04.23.recover.exe from the cd but it says that the version is inkompatibel. I also tried to find a version closer to 40.4.70 but I can't find anything.
3) I have no access from web interface
4) No ftp access
5) No ping

Any suggestions?
Is there a possibility to reflash it with jtag? I know howto use Max232 and get serial access but I need extra infos.

Thanx in advance
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my proposal:
Try to get to ADAM2 login (infos here in the forum).
Try to set to correct type of 7141 by command "set" (infos here in the forum, e.g. here: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showpost.php?p=1252818&postcount=14)
- either the german or english type according to the recover version you want to use (I would try the english type first)
- after you set the type, stay connected to ADAM2 and let the recovery program run.

Hope this helps. Regards,

Edit: Link to HW Rev #: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showpost.php?p=1124494&postcount=1
Edit2: HWRevision 108 (Annex B) for 7141
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