flash international 7270 with german firmware


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22 Nov 2008
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I have an international 7270 with an ISDN line. Is it possible to flash it with the German firmware? (I would like to use the fritz!mini and the labor firmwares).
I tried the search option but only found topics for flashing international firmware into German 7270.
that should be quite easy!

first you have to tell your box that it is a german model not an international:
download the file "fritz_as_avm_newer.tar" from here: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showpost.php?p=971638&postcount=1057
go to the fritz!box webinterface an upload the file (do not extract) just as you would do for a new firmware, ignore any error messages, after that your box should get unresponsive
then do a recover with the german firmware, which can be found here: ftp://ftp.avm.de/fritz.box/fritzbox...ITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.04.70.recover-image.exe
after that you have an international 7270, which thinks its a german one with the german .70 firmware and you can also upload the labor versions of the firmwares
hope that works for you!
I will try and report back results here. Vielen Dank!
It all went well with the following remarks:
  • I had to load fritz_as_annex_b_kernel_args_newer.tar as well to get my internet connection working (I have ISDN).
  • I had to change the WLAN channel from auto to channel 5 to be able to connect Fritz!Mini (I don't know why).
  • VOIP/SIP isn't working yet: I get the following message when entering
    FRITZ!Box verfügt momentan nicht über Zugangsdaten für eine Internetverbindung. Dereingerichtete Internettelefoniezugang ist jedoch nur nutzbar, wenn FRITZ!Box über Zugangsdaten verfügt. Geben Sie unter Internet/Zugangsdaten die erforderlichen Daten ein

That last error is strange because my internet connection is working, specifically it has the setting:
Happy to hear that it worked. Don't know why you had to patch the box to Annex B because it should have been before? I can't tell you anything about the Fritz!Mini, because I don't have one. And the last error is very strange, youu are right, but I also can't say more than that. Sorry
Don't know why you had to patch the box to Annex B because it should have been before?

ISDN = Annex B. The other way round: when you configure a 7270 with ithe nternational fw you must expressively choose Annex A or B. The same step has to be done when "telling" the box that it should work now under Annex B.

VOIP/SIP isn't working yet

Does it really not work or you only get the message? Did you activate "Expertenmodus" (Erweiterte Einstellungen > System) and then register the internet telephony service provider(s) detailed account data(s) on "Internettelefonie". Could you post a screenshot of the page "Internettelefonie" and "Internet"
I was able to fix it by editing the config file directly with FBEditor. I made the following changes:
targets {
type = pppcfg_target_internet;
name = "internet";
only_crypt_auth = no;
local {

local {
username = "";
passwd = "";
in 2 places.
Everything works fine now, thanks for the help!
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