Usage: mail {send|sendonce|enqueue} [MAILER_OPTION]...
mail {process|config|list}
usage: mailer mailer [-s subject] -f from -t to -m mailserver [-a authname [-w passwd]] -i file(s) [-r] [-d attachfile(s)]
-? - print this help
-s STRING - subject. ("FRITZ!Box")
-f STRING - from. (NULL)
-t STRING - to. (NULL)
-m STRING - mailserver. (NULL)
-a STRING - authname. (NULL)
-w STRING - passwd. (NULL)
-n - no SMTP-Auth. (NOTSET)
-d STRING - attachment(s). (NULL)
-i STRING - inline part(s) - add text file(s) here. (NULL)
-r - use "multipart/related" if possible. (NOTSET)
-l - SMTP with SSL or TLS. (NOTSET)
note: please use filename extensions if possible