speedport 920v rebooting continuous


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16 Dez 2008
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Guys I read and speak German but I can write English Better sorry for that

I just converted my speedport 920v to Fritzbox 7270 under Ubuntu 8.04
when it finish there was no dsl connection but everything was fun I tried all options it did not work so I change the firmware version to

But after flashing the BOX again when I start it, It try to find the DSL and after some 4-5min reboots

Now I can get into the BOX can anyone help

I live In Nuernberg anyway

hope my english isn't so bad ;D

Which version of the script did you use ? In all of the last versions there were bugs in relation whit the speedport w920v, you must use the 19.12.2008 version of the script! Otherwise a DSL Connection isn't possible with the latest firmware version und the box could enter a reboot loop.

Please download the newest script and use the .67 firmware, ADSL works fine!
Thanks alot I have just Fix It, By using the recovery.exe from fritzbox7270 and the 19.12.2008 version of the script but My DECT option is working (inactive)

Everyting is fine now Thanks for to everyone
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