Telnet commands for Freetz


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6 Jan 2020
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Hi, sorry if I post here in english but I'm italian and I speak only these two languages.

Today I've installed Freetz on my FRITZ!Box 7530 succesfully and I've enable Telnet.
Now I want to see the DSL statistics (via telnet), but the classic command "xdslctl" doesn't work.
Is there a list of available commands to use on Freetz telnet?

The "classic" xdslctl is only a Tool for Broadcom xDSL-Chipset based Devices (only on Devices with a Broadcom xDSL-Firmware/Driver). The Fritzbox 7530 is based on a Intel xDSL-Chipset (with a SoC from Qualcomm). You can find xdslctl on Fritzboxes with Broadcom SoC and DSL-AFE (7581 or 7582).

With FITZ!OS you have interesting Commands such as "ctlmgr_ctl" (e.g. "ctlmgr_ctl u"). Or you create the Support-Data and look in Section "##### BEGIN SECTION DSL Supportdata xDSL".
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks for the reply.

If I want to add more packages to my Freetz installation, I need to make another image with Linux and upload it via Freetz GUI (System --> Firmware update) or via Linux command?
If you've used the provided mechanism for "image signing", your currently installed image contains an additional public key, corresponding to the private key from your build system, and you're able to create correctly signed images yourself (Freetz can do this for you) and such an image may be installed using the "update page" from vendor's GUI, too.
Thanks for all the replies.
I have the last question (I hope):
What is the exact command for see (on SSH) the dsl statistics?
If I type "ctlmgr_ctl u " appears a list with all the commands, dslstatistics included.
How can I "launch" it via SSH?

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