[Problem] Cannot revert firmware in any way on 7340


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7 Feb 2012
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After reading all the FAQs and information I could find, I still am not able to install my custom freetz image on my 7340. It currently has a multi-annex 99.05.05. I am unable to install the freetz image (based on 99.04.90), or downgrade to AVM's 99.04.90 directly.

I've tried runKernel, followed all the procedures, tried using wireshark to detect any traffic on the wire that could be an indication of what I'm seeing, to no avail. Mediasensing is off. No virus/... software is active. There is simply no traffic on the wire that would indicate the box is alive at any time before it starts using its configured (non-ADAM2) ip address.

I am about to consider this 7340 box a write off :(. Is there *any* way to get a custom firmware on this thing?
After booting into linux and restarting the Fritz a few times, I was not able to see any evidence of the box exhibiting any TCP/IP traffic on any other address than the configured default gateway address of

Does anyone know what I'm *supposed* to see? I'm assuming that there is some kind of FTP server available during boot, which would allow upgrading the kernel. I'm assuming that the booting Fritz would somehow announce its IP address using an ARP flood, perhaps followed by a Windows NMBD election - this might explain some of the FAQs concerning switching on LMHOSTS on the Windows machine.

Can anyone help?
Arg! It works if you use LAN2. LAN1 will consistently fail.

Can you update the docs?

Can you please repeat? I did not unterstand the cause of the error.

n.b. The trunk does support the actual 05.05 firmware. If you are willing to experiment.

Ah, now I got it. You can't recover the 7340 over LAN 1? Very suspicous...
Correct. LAN2 works, LAN1 does not. No troubles encountered since I found the problem.

I will try out the 05.05 on the trunk asap!

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