Flash FritzBox 7340 over RS232 from Linux?


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3 Jan 2014
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How do I flash a FritzBox 7340 over RS232 from a Linux system?
(I only read about ruKernelTool, but it's for Windows.)

My FritzBox does not setup ethernet properly (see "7390 as alien on 7340" thread) since I tried Freetz with a slightly modified Config.in.

I think I'll buy a Raspberry Pi. It should be easy to connect, because it has the same level 3.3V RS232 port.
This also looks like a good solution: http://codeandlife.com/2012/07/01/raspberry-pi-serial-console-with-max3232cpe/

BTW: I can read German, but I better write in English.
You can't flash a fritzbox over RS-232. You will allways need an ethernet connection. In short terms, flashing is done via GUI or (e.g. with "ruKernelTool") from within the bootloader "EVA" via ftp, so it will require a network connection.
Freetz brings a flashing tool ("tools/push_firmware") which will usually work fine to flash an image during bootup from linux.
You can't flash a fritzbox over RS-232. You will allways need an ethernet connection. In short terms, flashing is done via GUI or (e.g. with "ruKernelTool") from within the bootloader "EVA" via ftp, so it will require a network connection.
Freetz brings a flashing tool ("tools/push_firmware") which will usually work fine to flash an image during bootup from linux.

I hope you're wrong.
I do not have an ethernet connection anymore, so I would have to throw away the box.
See http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=256133&page=3

But if I can connect over RS232, I'll also be able to copy files over RS232.
Only question is, how to install these files.

EVA/ADAM2 looks quite promising: http://www.wehavemorefun.de/fritzbox/EVA

... but I don't know exactly what to do.

(and I do not have an RS232 connection, yet. I have not even opened the box to create one)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
... or can I somehow restore ethernet?
Even if you "messed up" somthing in the firmware image (e.g. with a freetz alien image), the bootloader will still be working. So a "recover" from AVM or push-firmware will work, for during bootup (EVA), the Ethernet will work. Only if you "messed around" with the Bootloader you might be in trouble, then a serial console will give you some informatiion or enable you to sendd commands, but to transfer an image you will need a working network connection.

If everything fails, you might only use an (E)JTAG interface to flash a working bootloader.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Isn't there a chance to do a flash from a "Virtual Windows"?
Wouldn't it be easier?
Btw: I used the original AVM recovery.exe files without any problems using Wine on my Ubuntu system. I would suggest to put a switch between your system and the AVM box to prevent any problems with "media sensing"
Even if you "messed up" somthing in the firmware image (e.g. with a freetz alien image), the bootloader will still be working. So a "recover" from AVM or push-firmware will work, for during bootup (EVA), the Ethernet will work. ....

Indeed, works fine:

Looking for Fritz!Box ooO. found!
ADAM2 version 0.18.1 at (
Use of uninitialized value in split at tools/recover-eva line 253.
Use of uninitialized value $mtd0[1] in hex at tools/recover-eva line 258.
Use of uninitialized value $mtd0[0] in hex at tools/recover-eva line 258.
Product ID: Fritz_Box_7340
Hardware Revision: 171
Urlader Revision: 1947
Firmware Revision: 84.06.01
MTD0: 0 bytes
MTD1: 15597568 bytes
MTD2: 131072 bytes
MTD3: 524288 bytes
MTD4: 524288 bytes
recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image: removed checksum
CRC32: 4241E83C
Flashing recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image to mtd1 ...##########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
checksum ok!

I guess I was just too late, when I tried before.
Thanks for the help and explanation.
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