Fritz!Box 7272 environment request


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21 Dez 2006
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Hi everybody,
I have a problem with last bought Fritz!Box 7272. The seller said, that wifi is not working. As is turned out, the device has been uploaded firmware from 7270 v2 modell !!! When I try to recovery device with right firmware, mesagge appears "incompatible firmware version".
I want to change environment data to the right one by recovery ftp QUOTE SETENV commands, but I have no idea, what should i put in the places like:

quote SETENV firmware_version ??
quote SETENV firmware_info ??
quote SETENV ProductID ??
quote SETENV HWRevision ??
quote SETENV annex ??
and maybe
quote SETENV bootloaderVersion ??

Which o these informations above are checked during recovery process??

My present environment looks like:
ProductID Fritz_Box_7270_16
SerialNumber 0000000000000000
annex B
autoload yes
bootloaderVersion 1.544
bootserport tty0
country 99
cpufrequency 360000000
firstfreeaddress 0x946BDA1C
firmware_info 54.05.53
firmware_version avme

I hope it helps you

ATTETION with the boot/ur - loader version - take a "eva_get_environment env" from the environment at the time

HWRevision            192
HWSubRevision         1
ProductID             Fritz_Box_HW192
SerialNumber          0000000000000000
annex                 B
autoload              yes
bootloaderVersion     1.1823
bootserport           tty0
cpufrequency          500000000
crash                 [0]0,0,0[1]0,0,0[2]4fb7ccf,5835e06b,1[3]0,0,0
firstfreeaddress      0x81113040
firmware_info         120.06.83
firmware_version      avm
flashsize             nor_size=0MB sflash_size=1024KB nand_size=128MB
linux_fs_start        1
memsize               0x08000000
modetty0              38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1              38400,n,8,1,hw
modulemem             6605606
mtd0                  0x400000,0x3400000
mtd1                  0x0,0x400000
mtd2                  0x0,0x40000
mtd3                  0x40000,0xA0000
mtd4                  0xA0000,0x100000
mtd5                  0x0,0x200000
prompt                Eva_AVM
req_fullrate_freq     250000000
sysfrequency          250000000
urlader-version       2823
usb_device_id         0x0000
usb_device_name       USB DSL Device
usb_manufacturer_name  AVM
usb_revision_id       0x0000
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
When I try to recovery device with right firmware
What is the right firmware for you? Do you want to recover to the german or to the international firmware?
In case of the latter, annex B and firmware_version avm as in the previous post will not work.
well sorry - for international you have to use

firmware_version avme
Thank you @stoney0815 for environment, but it doesn't work in my case. I think, last owner of this box uploaded 7270 bootloader to device directly by command something like " cat 7270boot.bin > /dev/mtd2 " and he overwrote original bootloader (I don't know for what). Now I need original 7272 bootloader, to do the same thing, I think, because ftp quote commands not helping. Recovery firmware alway say "Firmware incompatible" (I changed urlader-version by quote SETENV command from your environment, but recovery firmware is still showing original urlader version).
If someone can send me mtd2.bin of his box (by private message of course) I'll be grateful.
Ps. Yes, I know about annex A and avme for international version.

Thank you for answers.
I have a problem with last bought Fritz!Box 7272.
I think, last owner of this box uploaded 7270 bootloader to device directly by command something like " cat 7270boot.bin > /dev/mtd2 " and he overwrote original bootloader
Please open the casing of the FritzBox and take a photo from inside. I cannot imagine that the bootloader of a 7270 works on a 7272 (even if its only the bootloader itself). The hardware is too different. :confused:

Now I need original 7272 bootloader, to do the same thing,
This does not work:überschreiben
This box is working, because there is a freetz compiled with removerd options like dsl, telephony and dect. When I recovered it, the device went into bootloop. Without dsl, telephony and dect, box works, but only ethernet switch, rest is not avaliable (you can set wifi, but it doesn't work).
How can I put photo inside the thread ?? I must upload this photo on the outside image server or is there a special place on this forum for uploaded images/photos??
This box is working, because there is a freetz compiled with removerd options like dsl, telephony and dect.
And the working Freetz-Image is for FritzBox 7270 or 7272?

How can I put photo inside the thread ? I must upload this photo on the outside image server...
No. When you create a post click on the button "Upload a File" (German: "Datei hochladen") for uploading a Picture. Then you can paste the Picture in the post by clicking on "Thumbnail" or "Full Image" (German: "Minitauransicht" or "Vollbild").
Freetz image is for 7270 v2 of course.

Here is photo of my 7272 mainboard:


AVM menu (freetz compiled without dsl, telephony and dect options):


and freetz info about what was removed:

The 7272 uses an AR10 processor, your photo shows an UR8 top-left from the middle.

It seems to be a "real" 7270 model ... why do you think, it should have another (more modern) architecture?
It means, that someone put inside 7272 housing the 7270 mainboard . Now I see, that one of wifi connectors is not used by external antenna.
Unbelievable, how I live I did not see such things like this. Housing of device should have 3 wifi antennas.
I was cheated by the seller.

Thank you for answers. The topic is to close.
Freetz image is for 7270 v2 of course.
A Firmware-Image of the 7270v1/2/3 can not run on a 7272, also not without DSL, telephony and DECT. This already shows that it could not be a 7272!

Here is photo of my 7272 mainboard:
Wrong! The photo proves that you bought a 7270v2 Mainboard (with 16MB NOR-Flash), no 7272, no 7270v3 and no 7270v1 Mainboard!

Compare with:!Box_Fon_WLAN_7270#Versionen

The 7272 has a completely different Mainboard with EFI-Shield (and heat-sink) on the SoC (ARX388 instead UR8) and with 128MB NAND-Flash.

It means, that someone put inside 7272 housing the 7270 mainboard
That's right.

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