[Frage] fritzbox 7270 register sip account


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1 Mrz 2010
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i do have a fritzbox 7270 and i have registered in vc 8/36 a sip account from my provider.
i do need to register another sip account over the internet (8/35 vc). unfortunatelly it goes to register only through the second vc 8/36. is there a way to make it register?
There's a GUI option in newer firmware versions, the switched internal setting (in /var/flash/voip.cfg) is named "route_always_over_internet".
i am running FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 with FRITZ!OS 05.53. i cannot see that option under telephone numbers
why not a update for the old firmware?
i am running FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 with FRITZ!OS 05.53. i cannot see that option under telephone numbers
That's why I've added a hint, how to change the value while editing /var/flash/voip.cfg using nvi from a telnet session. If you're unable to do it this way, you can export the complete configuration, change it therein and import the changed file afterwards (don't forget to research, how to change the export file the right way).

I'm unable to install an international 05.53 version to verify your issue ... and even if I could, what would be the reason to do this? I don't even know, if this GUI option was available in earlier german versions ... nowadays the current german version is 06.05 and there the mentioned option is present.
Anhang anzeigen 80195

And no, I don't know another way to change this setting, if the GUI of your version doesn't show it.

There's no newer international version.

EDIT: Ok, I didn't realize, that the question regarding the "invisible" option came from someone else ... but the substance/my opinion above is the same for both writers.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
odd, someone else had the same error!
i will give it a try and i will come back
i got it working. thanks a lot
is there a plan to update the fritzos to be able to separate the sip numbers from the same registration? i do have one registration and all the numbers are under this registration. i do not know how to separate them. i heard that only the newest fritzos6 (german) does that. is there a plan for translation?

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