[HowTo] how-to compile chan_datacard with FREETZ for fritz!box 7170/7270


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4 Apr 2010
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I need to compile chan_datacard with FREETZ for fritz!box 7170/7270.
I think to asterisk + chan_datacard (trunk if possible).
Can someone help me?
Thank you.
It must be very easy. There is a Makefile for OpenWrt.
A long time ago chan_datacard was allready compiled for the Fritzbox, but the quality of the voice was not good.
But you can try it. Fritzbox has a newer Linux-kernel now and the version of chan_datacard is now newer too. Maybe the problems with bad quality belongs to history now.
I don't understand if FREETZ (that I know) and OPENWRT (that I don't know) are the same or if they are different.
If they are the same, why I can't find "rules.mk" file (refered in the Makefile that you shown me in previous message) on my Ubuntu with FREETZ installed?
If they are the different, how can I download OPENWRT for Fritz!box on my Ubuntu operating system?
OpenWrt and freetz is not the same. But many things are similar.
If i understood you correctly you need only working asterisk with chan_datacard for your Fritzbox. You can compile openwrt and compile asterisk with chan_datacard. The asterisk-Binary is round about 6MB big if you include all libraries and depends into one file. It would work under freetz or under normal AVM-Firmware.
Well, I have compiled asterisk ( and chan_datacard (release 54) with FREETZ (trunk).
It works pretty well.
Although I have a problem of delay in the audio signal by Fritz to the person who has been called, but no delay by the person who has been called to Fritz.
This problem RESOLVES ITSELF if you make a second call IMMEDIATELY.

I also tried chan_datacard (trunk, i.e. release 184), but with bad results.

My questions are:
1) How are the results with OpenWRT? The call is good? No delay?
2) I am interested in using OPEWRT, but I have yet to find a HOW-TO. Can you help me?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
...a problem of delay in the audio signal by Fritz to the person who has been called...
Yes, this problem is known. And nobody knows a solution. Did you tried it with the new linux-kernel (the labor-firmware of has the new linux-kernel)?
Please try it with the labor-firmware (with new kernel). I hope, the sound-quality will be better.
1) I tested it with OpenWrt a long time ago. But with a Alix-Board and not with the Fritzbox. The results were good. Good call. No delay.
2) I don't know about a howto, but there is a Makefile for OpenWrt.
I see that the problem does not arise:
- when Asterisk is just started;
- when a call was just made by Asterisk (SIP call, without chan_datacard);
Instead, the problem occurs after the system "Asterisk-chan_datacard-K3520" remain inactive for a few minutes (at half-sleep), then the processor speed and memory speed reading are crucial to wake up the system that is sleeping.

So, I put a patch to the problem:
before making a call with chan_datacard, I wake up the system in this way:
- I make a call by chan_datacard calling the same number of SIM contained in the K3520 (so it is busy);
- Wait 15 seconds with Wait(15)
With these two steps I wake up the system "Asterisk-chan_datacard-K3520".
Finally, I make the call by chan_datacard and WORKS FINE, even if I have to wait 30 seconds to listen ringing.

It would be interesting to see who is to blame in this situation.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Congratulations. You are the first, who has localised/found the problem. The CPU-speed of fritzbox is too low.
Thanks. I will write it to the german thread. Here are people with many know-how. I think they can manipulate the speed manually.
Ok, thanks.
Can you tell me in which thread you write, so I can follow up the issue (I translate German to English by google translate).
Greetings from Italy.
It works pretty well.
Although I have a problem of delay in the audio signal by Fritz to the person who has been called, but no delay by the person who has been called to Fritz.
This problem RESOLVES ITSELF if you make a second call IMMEDIATELY.

Did you solved the problem? I tried many things (make a second call immediately too), but the problem will not be solved.
I have used FREETZ.

1) Go to your ubuntu computer and, from command prompt, type:
svn co http://svn.freetz.org/trunk freetz-trunk -r 7450

2) cd freetz-trunk

3) from http://freetz.org/ticket/706 download (in the directory freetz-trunk):
- asterisk_1.6.2.20_chan_capi_datacard_dongle.patch

4) apply patch, typing from command prompt:
patch -p0 < asterisk_1.6.2.20_chan_capi_datacard_dongle.patch

5) compile, typing:
make menuconfig
(in HardwareType, select 7170 or 7270)
(in FirmwareLanguage, select english or deutsch)
(in FreetzLanguage, select english or deutsch)
(in PackageSelection/Testing, select asterisk with chan_capi, chan_datacard, chan_dongle)
(in AdvancedOptions/KernerlModules/Drivers, select usbserial.ko)

6) new firmware image is under "images" directory

THERE IS NO DELAY NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THERE IS NO DELAY NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THERE IS NO DELAY NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings from Italy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I have not Ubuntu PC.
Can you share a compilied chan_datacard?

If I understood correct GSM gateway on USB modem works fine only on FREETZ firmware?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@ dataconsav
I tested it with the steps what you write above, but i have a delay.
The problem is not solved: in one way is the voice-quality super and in other way a little delay.
Tested with Fritzbox 7390 and E1550 Firmware-Version 84.05.05freetz-devel-7802M
Wha was your configuration where you had good quality? Which fritzbox, which firmware, which freetz-version, which usb-modem?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I use fritz!box 7170 Firmware version 29.04.82freetz-devel-7450M
and K3520 dongle with firmware 11.314.21.31.00
My dongle.conf file is empty
instead my datacard.conf is:

;jbenable = yes
;jbforce = no
;jbmaxsize = 200
;jbresyncthreshold = 1000
;jbimpl = fixed;
;jbtargetextra = 40
;jblog = no


in extensions.conf you can call by K3520 dongle with
exten => _X.,1,Dial(Datacard/datacard0/${EXTEN},45,tT)
exten => _X.,2,Hangup()

if you telnet your fritz!box e type "lsmod" from command prompt can you see the line
usbserial ..... 6
NOTE: the 6 at end of line is the proof that chan_datacard use usbserial module,
if you don't see it, you have to load it by typing from command prompt

insmod usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1001 (this is for K3520 stick, elsewhere you can type "insmod usbserial")

then, you can start asterisk.

200-500 ms?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I dont know how smyll my delay is, but the voice sounds like a roboter on the another side. Can you have your firmware? Please send it to me to mynicknameinthisforum at wolke7.net . I have a 7170 anywhere, so i would test it.
Nowadays AVM is developing a Labor-Firmware for 7270 an 7390 Fritzbox where all this will be integrated. I using a 7390, so i am still waiting for new firmware.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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