Makefile for plain C source, how to? (IMAP proxy)

Please have a look at Perhaps you can put the whole .c File in your package.

Meine Vermutung bezog sich hierauf, da in der Download-Datei kein Makefile enthalten ist, das hier kopiert werden könnte.
Meine Vermutung bezog sich hierauf, da in der Download-Datei kein Makefile enthalten ist, ...
Siehe EDIT 2 und "make yahooproxy-precompiled" aus meinem Beitrag #20;).
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It is maybe not the nicest solution, but I can confirm it works.

Attached an updated patch to make the proxy work with Evolution too.

Short usage instruction:
  1. Put this in your rc.custom:
    yahooproxy >>.../yahooproxy.log 2>&1 &
    (replace ... with a sensible path)
  2. Configure your e-mail client to use IMAP server
  3. Use your full e-mail address as login


  • yahooproxy.1.patch.txt
    3.1 KB · Aufrufe: 3
Na vom Texteditor.;) Ich habe ja nicht gesagt, dass das die finale Lösung ist.
There is no makefile, except for the Freetz makefile, which actually compiles the source file.
$($(PKG)_BINARY): $($(PKG)_DIR)/.configured
	$(YAHOOPROXY_DIR)/yahooproxy.c \
	-o $(YAHOOPROXY_DIR)/yahooproxy
Not the nicest solution, but it works.
I have seen your comment and looked into, but I am not a makefile expert and do not understand what is happening. But first let wait what the author says, because I have asked to make available a versioned archive with a folder in it. That is the best solution IMHO.
Jetzt hat mein kleines Makefile auch ein zuhause.;) Siehe Patch im Anhang:


  • yahooproxy_with_makefile.patch.txt
    2.7 KB · Aufrufe: 2
This IMAP proxy seems to be better alternative. An IMAP proxy is usefull if you want to use a webmail client.
Cross-compiling seems simple, if I find the time I will try to make a patch.
It shouldn't be difficult to patch it for use with Yahoo! too (see here for details)
Aber dieser IMAP Proxy schient für das Problem überdimensioniert zu sein, eben weil er für den Einsatz mit einem Webmail-Client gedacht ist. Solange man nicht Webmail auf der Box laufen lassen will, braucht man das nicht.
Und Yahoo hat selbst ein Webmail Interface, da bringt es nichts, ein anderes Webmail Interface für den Zugriff auf Yahoo zu verwenden.
I don't think it is a resource hungry proxy, but I guess we just have to try it. In any case it is a grown up proxy, looking at the change history.
I am looking for a IMAP proxy that can be patched to communicate with Yahoo!, so that I can read my Yahoo! mail with for example Thunderbird or Evolution (non web) using IMAP.
Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, tut yahooproxy doch das, was es soll. Es ist nur nicht in einem passenden Archiv mit Makefile verpackt.
yahooproxy works more or less, but in my experience not very stable (there are some known problems documented in the source). ImapProxy is much more mature, that is why I would like to try if it is more stable.
Ich habe mir mal kurz das yahooproxy angeschaut. Wenn es Probleme gibt, geht es vielleicht schneller, yahooproxy neu zu schreiben als einen vorhandenen Proxy für Yahoo anzupassen. Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, geht es nur darum, vor dem Login eine zusätzliche Zeile einzufügen und den Rest transparent weiterzuleiten.
Indeed, before logging in the command “ID ("GUID" "1")” has to be sent. This is documented in for example wikipedia (here).
Maybe it is easy to write a new proxy, but ImapProxy is already there and has as a bonus cached connections.
My experience is that protocols like IMAP tends to be more complicated if you look carefully at it.
Wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe, sendet aber ImapProxy nicht das benötigte Kommando und muß daher erst angepaßt werden.
Und die cached connections sind in diesem Fall nicht ein Bonus, sondern unnötig. Zumindest erkenne ich keinen Vorteil darin.
Thanks for thinking with me.

You are correct, ImapProxy needs to be adjusted, but I believe it is as simple like this:

src/imapcommon.c (function Get_Server_conn)
snprintf( SendBuf, BufLen, "ID (\"GUID\" \"1\")\r\n");
if ( IMAP_Write( Server.conn, SendBuf, strlen(SendBuf) ) == -1 )
if ( ( rc = IMAP_Line_Read( &Server ) ) == -1 )
(not tried)

If you use Thunderbird, selecting another folder results in a new login, so a non-web client can also benefit from cache connections.
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Another things is that ImapProxy supports ssl/tls (just to name a complication when writing our own proxy) and yahooproxy does not.
To above suggested addition can better be made conditionally like this:
if (strstr(ClientAddr, "yahoo") != NULL) {
  <above code>
(again not tried)

so that it keeps working for non-yahoo users too.

From the home page:
ImapProxy is an extremely lightweight daemon written in C using POSIX threads
So I think we don't need to worry about resource problems.
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