Recover Image Fritz Box Fon Wlan


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3 Feb 2005
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(sorry aber Deutsch ist nicht meine Müttersprache, also...)
Mit die beschreibung in der Post von Copilot19 ( ) habe ich vesucht meinem Box wieder zu aktivieren aber krieg ich die follgende ergebnis:
Version erfolgreich ermittelt
Hardware: Fritz!Box Fon WLAN Annex B
Urlader: 0
Firmware: 08.03.14
Loescher mtd2 Progress 100%
Recover der Partition mtd2 fehlgeschlagen
Fehler beim recover, Bitte recover wiederholen (Error -3) "

Ich habe 3 mal wiederholt mit das gleiche Ergebnis.

Können Sie mir bitte helfen ?

Danke und Grüße
Hallo Sando,

Was mir komisch vorkommt ist "Urlader: 0". Das Recover erkennt noch nicht mal deinen Bootloader.
Welche Box hast du ? ( WLAN, Fon, ATA ?) Wobei ist das Problem aufgetreten ?

Versuch: Den Boot per "ftp" anhalten.

Versuch einmal "recover.exe". Es könnte sein, dass nach dem Fehlversuch, Urlader gelöscht, die Box nicht mehr zu recovern geht.


PS: Wenn du lieber auf englisch schreibst ist das auch kein Problem.
Hallo haveaniceday,
many thanks for the answer. I have the Fritz!Box Fon WLAN.
As for when the failure occured. I simply followed the instructions per Copilot's post: Disable Firewall, Disconnect power. Start Recover.exe and then reconnect power when indicated in the program and then pressed a key when instructed to do so.

I've taken a look at the link that you sent and one thing is not exactly clear to me (I'm certainly no expert).
First, the current stand is that my Fritz!Box is currently only connected to my computer.
As far as I understand, I have to connect to my Box using FTP and then run the recover program that I downloaded from Copilot19's message.
The comment in brackets in the attached link confused me a little as the description states:
"- statt mit "recover.exe" fange ich mit "ftp" an. ( Eintippen, Stecker raus/rein, enter hinter ftp eintippen.
=> FTP findet anscheinend besser die Box
- ftp mit "<ctrl>-c abbrechen
- jetzt könnt ihr in Ruhe recover.exe starten.... "
Do you mean:
Type: (do not press enter);
Disconnect/reconnect power;
CTRL-C (to end ftp session)

(sorry if this is a stupid question but I presume the order is very important)

Many thanks,
Hallo haveaniceday,
many thanks for the answer. I have the Fritz!Box Fon WLAN.
As for when the failure occured. I simply followed the instructions per Copilot's post: Disable Firewall, Disconnect power. Start Recover.exe and then reconnect power when indicated in the program and then pressed a key when instructed to do so.

I've taken a look at the link that you sent and one thing is not exactly clear to me (I'm certainly no expert).
First, the current stand is that my Fritz!Box is currently only connected to my computer.
As far as I understand, I have to connect to my Box using FTP and then run the recover program that I downloaded from Copilot19's message.
The comment in brackets in the attached link confused me a little as the description states:
"- statt mit "recover.exe" fange ich mit "ftp" an. ( Eintippen, Stecker raus/rein, enter hinter ftp eintippen.
=> FTP findet anscheinend besser die Box
- ftp mit "<ctrl>-c abbrechen
- jetzt könnt ihr in Ruhe recover.exe starten.... "
Do you mean:
Type: (do not press enter);
Disconnect/reconnect power;
CTRL-C (to end ftp session)

(sorry if this is a stupid question but I presume the order is very important)

Many thanks,
Hi Sando,
I had to reedit this...

* Your windows should have the fixed IP address
* disable any IP-filtering ( firewall )

Trouble for "recover.exe": It detects the box only within 5 seconds after a "power on".
A way to ease this situation is to use the windows ftp-client "ftp" to
interrupt the boot of the fritzbox. This makes it easier to start recover.exe.

- unplug the power of the fritzbox
- type the line "ftp" on a dos prompt ( without return )
- plug in the power
- immediate "return" at the dos-windows.
- if the ftp gets a connection to the box: interrupt ftp with ctrl-C
- start now recover.exe

Best regards,


Edit: the recover.exe is a different. You got a message via PN about it.
Hello again haveniceday,
sorry that I haven't replied sooner. I just wanted to say thanks for your time in trying to help me out.
My Fritz!Box really did die in the end - I don't know how it happened but it was finally not possible to get any power to the box.
I contacted AVM who are sending me a replacement.

Once again, thanks for your time. I know where to come if I have further problems.

This is really an excellent message board.

Viele Grüße
You are welcome. Enjoy your fritz box. Especially the linux on it :)
And more luck with the next box ;-)

Hello again haveniceday,
sorry that I haven't replied sooner. I just wanted to say thanks for your time in trying to help me out.
My Fritz!Box really did die in the end - I don't know how it happened but it was finally not possible to get any power to the box.
I contacted AVM who are sending me a replacement.

Once again, thanks for your time. I know where to come if I have further problems.

This is really an excellent message board.

Viele Grüße

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