7140: "No mass storage device is connected" after installing Freetz 1.0


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21 Jul 2008
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Hi all, I'm sorry for posting in English but my German writing is not good enough. My German-reading skills are a bit better but I could not find a solution for my problem:

I am using a FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 Annex A, Firmware version 39.04.56 with an external harddrive connected to the USB port (WD Mybook 250GB). Before installing Freetz 1.0, my WD MyBook was working fine on my Fritz!Box.

I wanted to use the SMB and NTFS features of Freetz, so I followed a guide and compiled a Freetz-enabled firmware (7140_04.56-freetz-1.0.en_20080719-153022.image) with StinkyLinux.

Installing this firmware went fine, all my Fritz!Box settings were kept and my Fritz!Box works fine for LAN, WLAN and VOIP. However, my WD MyBook is not detected anymore. When I go to USB Deviced on the FB webinterface I get:
No mass storage device is connected to FRITZ!Box.

I have tried different file systems (FAT32, NTFS, EXT2) and 2 different USB drives + a USB-stick. None of them showed up. When I connected my USB-printer, it was recognized just fine.

Can anyone help me solve this? What options should I check when creating the Freetz-image (in 'make menuconfig')?
At the moment it isn't possible to use filesystems other than originally provided by FBox (fat,ext2) Firmware with Freetz-1.0. With current trunk all filesystems should work.

Hi Oliver, thanks for your answer. I did't change the filesystem before installing Freetz, so it was still FAT(32). (I must admit that there was also a NTFS partition on the same WD MyBook but this was simply ignored by my FritzBox before installing Freetz).

Anyway, I have also formatted a USB stick with ext2 but this is not detected by the FritzBox either.

What do you mean by 'current trunk'? Is that the development version of Freetz?
Thanks for the tip, McNetic! I finally figured out how this subversion thing works and managed to compile a new firmware image from trunk version 2383. Guess what, it works :).

Even my NTFS USB-harddrive is recognized by my Fritz!Box and read+write is working via FTP and Samba :)

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