7270 and 5G


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13 Okt 2006
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question about the 5G feature ....
can the 7270 both accept 2.4G en 5G at the same time?
i want to buy a netgear 5G access point for HD streaming. But my laptop only has 2.4G.. and i want to service them both .. is this possible?

Thanks in advanced
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

no, the 7270 is not capable of handling both frequencies at the same time. You have to choose one.

BTW ist streaming over WLAN a bad idea. HD needs about 20 - 25 MBit/s net., and the medium access of WLAN is not very optimized for streaming media. I'm pretty sure this will not work very well.
where can i switch from 2.5 to 5g? cant find it.. only the channel settings

"n+a" is 5 GHz, "n+g+b" ist 2.4 GHz.
.. forgot the export mode.. gonna give HD a try anyway

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