7270: Answering (AB) not working after more than 35s?


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2 Sep 2006
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I tried to search, sorry if I didn't find because of my poor German.
I found this some time ago, but had no much time to investigate...
It looks (consistent, reproducible) that AB works if set a delay of up to 35s. Because this is too small for me, I tried several times to put 45 or 60s.
Now I also have a new box, although I don't believe it's a hardware problem.

With delay of <= 35 sec it works, with >= 40 s it doesn't respond anymore.

Can anyone confirm?

Did you use the actual firmware?

What kind of telephone-connection you use?
Did you use the actual firmware?

What kind of telephone-connection you use?

Sorry for not being very precise, I was so full with it that it seemed quite clear... :)
I'm using 7270 with latest beta (54.04.70-13538 + freetz, but it was the same with the official release) and the build-in AB.

I just want confirmation (or infirmation): can anyone set AB with a delay of 40s then try to call it?
Again, for me it works with delay <= 35 s and it does not work with delay >= 40s; it simply does not respond, no matter how long I try it. Of course I only had patience for ~1.5 min.

I tried now a longer delay at internal TAM (AB) and now I'm confuse.
Delay 35 sec. works fine, but delay 40 sec. I get a "busy".
The log file informs me: Request Timeout (408)

408 Request Timeout: Couldn't find the user in time

May be the telephone provider have a limit to wait for pick up the phone.
Or (I don't believe) it's a bug in the AVM firmware.

I never feeled this limit before, because I have a small room and can run very quickly to pick up the DECT-phone.
I tried now a longer delay at internal TAM (AB) and now I'm confuse.
Delay 35 sec. works fine, but delay 40 sec. I get a "busy".
The log file informs me: Request Timeout (408)

408 Request Timeout: Couldn't find the user in time

May be the telephone provider have a limit to wait for pick up the phone.
Or (I don't believe) it's a bug in the AVM firmware.

I never feeled this limit before, because I have a small room and can run very quickly to pick up the DECT-phone.

Which log file? In fritzbox? Now it's late for another call (kids sleeping, :)), but I'll try tomorrow again.
Although now with a 2nd confirmation I'm pretty sure it's a bug. It can't be a 35 s limit, I can call from my handy and answer on DECT after 1min.
For me it was quite the opposite, I had a few runs to the phone and it was too late.

Please remove the full quote - the forum administrator (government) don't like this.

I try later to deactivate the internal TAM and check the time for error 408.

Update: I deactivated the internal TAM, my VoIP-provider send after 40 sec. an error 408 (call from 1und1 to 1und1)
If I call at my cellular (1und1-vodafone) to my phone (1und1), then ring loooooooong time.
I don't know, what's happen.
I give up. :lach:
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Please remove the full quote - the forum administrator (government) don't like this.

That's exactly a confirmation. Apart from an artificial limit at the caller, one can simply wait and the TAM does not respond if the delay is >= 40s.
It looks like a bug, hopefully a simple one.

You're right.
It's looks like a bug.
I set the time to 60 sec.
I call from cellular to 1und1-phone.
The internal TAM don't pick up the call.
After 45 sec. the software Fritz!Box monitor shows me, a new call, and so on ... :confused:
The cellular don't stop ringing.
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This bug was reported to AVM from me 4 weeks ago ... until now I dont have an answer from them.

Yeah, I forgot to rechange the TAM settings (60 sec.) and nobody could leave a message on my TAM :motz:
I ask this person, "Why you not leave a message for me?"
She answers: "The TAM didn't pick up"

May be I open a AVM service ticket.
Now I ask in german the another IPPF-users to compare this bug.

with kindly regards

Hallo, für alle die, welche diesem engl. thread nicht ganz folgen können meine Frage.

kann das jemand bestätigen, dass wenn man den FB AB auf 60 Sekunden einstellt, der Anrufer ein besetzt erhält, statt eine Nachricht zu hinterlassen?
Hallo Ecki,

hmmm, ich hab grad mal meinen AB auf 60 Sekunden eingestellt und vom Handy angerufen. Der AB sprang artig nach ewigem Klingeln an und nahm meinen Vers entgegen. Anschließend bekam ich dann die Nachricht per Push-Mail.

Bei mir geht es also auch mit 60 Sekunden.
Hi Bibie,
bedeutet "nach ewigem Klingeln" nach 60 Sekunden?
Ich denke schon, daß es 60 Sekunden waren, aber auf eine Stopuhr hab ich nicht geguckt. (Ich habe nämlich keine)
Hallo Ecki

1. habe eben 3 ABs in der FritzBox eingerichtet

- AB1 Sipgate-Rufnummer Ansageverzögerung auf 60 sek. gestellt => geht

- AB2 T-online-Rufnummer Ansageverzögerung auf 60 sek.gestellt => geht

- AB3 Dus.net-Rufnummer Ansageverzögerung auf 60 sek. gestellt => geht nicht nach ca.40 sek. kommt ein Besetzt-Signal.

Alle Anrufe sind vom Festnetz zu den VoIP-Accounts erfolgt.

Hilft Dir das weiter?

Mfg Holger
nearly the same problem with the 7170 ( latest labor firmware )

difference is that with a delay > 35 the answering system answers the call exactly after 35 seconds - it's not signalling busy

seems to be a bug in the firmware

( sorry for not using the shift button )

fast dasselbe problem mit der 7170 ( neueste labor firmware ) , nur mit dem unterschied , dass bei einer anrufverzögerung > 35 sec der anruffuzzy sich einschaltet und der anrufer kein besetztzeichen hört
I have this problem only with incoming VoIP-calls - fixed line works well. TAM is setted to pick up after 50 seconds.

With setting 30 seconds everything fits - VoIP and fixed line.
Good to see I'm not the only one...

Don't bother to reply in both languages, I can understand German pretty well. I just don't feel comfortable (nor speedy :p) in writing.

In welchem Land wohnst Du?

ich denke eher, es ist kein Problem der Frtzbox, sondern eines der VoIP Provider. Viele VoIP Provider erzeugen einen Timeout nach 35 - 40 Sekunden, das wurde hier schon öfter berichtet. Das AB hat also gar keine Chance, den Anruf anzunehmen.
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