7270 und Traffic Shaper


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30 Sep 2005
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Sorry for writing english. I read and understand German very well, so you are welcome to answer in (almost) whatever language you want.

I have a 7050 which need to be replaced with something newer. I considere 7270, but wonder however there are any improvment in the Traffic Shaper from 7050 to 7270?
In 7050 is was hard to change the standard configuration.

Some member of the family is active in online-playing and filesharing (Torrent) which give the rest of the family much frustration.


[.....]Some member of the family is active in online-playing and filesharing (Torrent) which give the rest of the family much frustration.
Try to buy an FritzBox 7270.
It comes along with a kind of "traffic shaper" so called "Priorisierung" to reduce your frustration.

greets effmue

Are there any development on the shaper from what it was like in 7050?
Is it easier than it was to configure / customize the shaper-rules?
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