7340 reboot loop, after usb-root activation


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24 Dez 2008
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I just got a 7340 and got a basic freetz image working. I wanted to use usb-root just like with my 7170, but since I activated usb-root and rebooted, it just remains in a continuous reboot loop.

I tried to set a static ip and use avm's recovery image, but it doesn't seem to be able to connect.

Then i tried to ftp in, but unlike my with the 7170 the 7340 doesn't stop booting after getting in. It just reboots shortly (1-2 seconds) after getting in. I wanted to try to execute

"quote SETENV kernel_args ds_off=y"

because I read that works for some models to disable freetz altogether, which would solve the problem considering usb-root is the culprit. However, as I said, there's no time to execute it.

Is there something else or different I can try? Any help is appreciated.

UPDATE: I tried to connect with ruKernelTool using the option "In Adam2 halten", but it fails at "Fritzbox/Speedport Adam2-IP setzen" and gives the error message "Die Adam2-IP konnte nicht gesetzt werden!". Is there anything that can be done at this stage besides trying to return it?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
As the 7340 is very similar to the 7390 the bootloader should be accessible the same way. Did you set a fixed IP (e.g. Did you watch the network traffic with a tool like wireshark?

I did assign a static IP and disabled all other interfaces. I've tried to use avm's recovery image and ruKernelTool to get in the bootloader on 2 different systems, but no luck.

Also, just to make sure it wasn't anything on my systems blocking it somehow, I used the appropriate recovery image for my older 7170 and also tried ruKernelTool using the same static IP settings etc., and they both worked fine on the 7170.
Looking at http://www.wehavemorefun.de/fritzbox/index.php/7340 I can't see why it shouldn't work. Did I understand you right that the AVM recover programm doesn't recognize your Box? Then I would assume a network problem even if the same procedure with the 7170 works.

Yes. The 7170 recovery image recognizes the 7170 almost instantly (~3 seconds after attaching the mains) whereas the 7340 recovery image doesn't recognize the box even after minutes.
That's odd. Please trace network traffic with wireshark. I don't have any other ideas and I'm off for the next 8 hours.

SOLVED: I used wireshark to monitor network traffic as you suggested and found that the ipv6 protocol was causing issues, so I disabled that. The recovery image still wouldn't recognize the box. Then, I tried to switch from LAN1 to LAN2 and after about 30 seconds it recognized the 7340. That's still much slower than with the 7170, but hey, it works. I also tried the recovery with ipv6 off and LAN1 just to check if that would work, but it didn't. I assume, that it should be possible to use LAN1 for a recovery. Isn't it usually advised to use LAN1 for a recovery? So it seems it's somehow the interaction between ivp6 and LAN port used that is causing the failure.

Anyhow, thanks for your help olistudent!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I got freetz up and running. The only problem is that whenever I include usb-root in the image, it goes in the reboot loop and I have to recover the box. If I don't include it, it works fine.

The very first time I included the usb-root package on the 7340, freetz started fine. However, ever since I've activated usb-root via the freetz web-interface, every time I now include usb-root in the image the box goes into the reboot loop.

Does this just mean usb-root isn't compatible with the 7340 (yet)?

Please try attached patch. I adopted 7340 settings from the 7390. This is untested. But since recovering isn't a problem for you anymore... ;-)

If this doesn't do you will have to solder a serial cable to get logs. (If you really want it.)



  • usbroot_7340.patch.txt
    1.5 KB · Aufrufe: 26
Is it safe to assume I will still be able to access the bootloader to recover when using this patch?

I put it in ./patches/7340/en/
Is this correct, because I get this error:


applying patch file ./patches/7340/en/usbroot_7340.patch
patching file make/usbroot/files/root/etc/init.d/rc.usbroot
Hunk #1 FAILED at 313.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 322.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 342.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file make/usbroot/files/root/etc/init.d/rc.usbroot.rej
ERROR: modpatch: Error in patch-file ./patches/7340/en/usbroot_7340.patch
make: *** [firmware-nocompile] Error 2

Yes you will.

This patch should be "executed" in your Freetz Base Directory with "patch -p0 < usbroot_7340.patch".


edit: Instead of recovering you can unset kernel_args and kernel_args1 with ftp-access like you mentioned in the first thread.
Worked like a charm, USB-root is running. Will you add it to the trunk?

Some packages don't run or don't run correctly yet on the 7340, but that's to be expected as support for the 7340 is experimental.

Thanks again for all your help!
Cool. :)

Please open threads for non working packages. As I don't own such a box I can't test it...


Sorry for posting here in a thread that is a year old. But the problem reported by the OP is happening to me as well.

I have a FB7340. I am trying to enable USBRoot and am getting the same problem. So I keep restoring from the recovery image to version 99.05.22. I have tried many, many different options. But most just keep "reboot-looping." Mein Deutsche spräche ist nicht so güt, and because this is an English thread maybe we can find out what is causing the reboot loops this time, on my box?

Thank you so much
Yes, I checked, it is already in trunk... so that did get applied...
Did you try it out? Does it work?


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