_FB_Tools - manage your FritzBox from Autoit


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_FB_Tools (c) 2012-2013 by allow2010


1.0 25.03.2012
- inital release
1.1 27.03.2012
- some fixes and cosmetics
1.2 14.12.2012
- added support for FritzOS 5.50 (thanks to spackmat and others for working the details out)
- new option use_lua_login in ini (0= html, 1=LUA, 2=try lua first and then html, 3=try html first and then LUA)
- modified login/logout/isloggedin to support this
- renamed _FB_GetFonecallslist() to _FB_GetFonecallslistXML() and added _FB_GetFonecallslist() for compatibillity
- added _FB_GetFonecallslistCVS() for new Fritz OS 5.50 and above
1.3 13.05.2013
- fixed new login functions for Fritz OS 5.50 and above
- synced with changes in the php version
- seperated post and get functions to be more like the php version (easier to maintain)
- modified a lot functions to work woth older and newer FritzOS versions
- split in two included, one for the basics (valid for all devices) and on for specific funktions
- updates to new winhttp udf
- a lot of small changes an corrections
1.4 14.05.2013
- update alle functions to work with FOS 5.50 and Labor FRITZ!OS 05.55-25188 BETA
- removed old function (if you need to control older FOS Version try 1.2 or 1.3)
- internal changes

- when using remote connection (ssl): does not check the certificate, so the password is sent to any computer responding at the configured address
- Only works for newer FritzBox models with current firmware (due to new login method)
- IMPORTANT: when not using the FritzBox for a while (10min) you are automatically logged
out, so you have to log in again

- Set settings in fritz.ini (at least your FB password if set in your FB)
- open _FB_Tools_Examples.au3 and go to examples() and edit it to your needs
(there are several examples of what can be done)
- run the script

Many thanks to spackmat from http://spackmat.de/spackblog (Gregor Nathanael Meyer <[email protected]>)
for helping me out with some issues and providing the php code and to ProgAndy from the
Autoit forum, as well as all other forum users who helped me with that code.

This code is released as-is under GPL. Fell free to do with it whatever the GPL allows.
See GPL Text below

What I ask you to do:
If you create any useful functions (even basic ones or buggy functions) please post
them in the related thread in the Autoit Forum, so others may use them.
The same for any corrections and fixes that you make to the original code. Thank You!

FritzBox API by Spackmat: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=196309
Sessionid simulator for testing and coding samples: http://mengelke.mine.nu/cgi-bin/
AVM challange response discription: http://www.avm.de/de/Extern/Technical_Note_Session_ID.pdf
Cool stuff just by using dial: http://www.avm.de/de/Service/Handbuecher/FRITZBox/Handbuch_FRITZ_Box_Fon_WLAN_7390.pdf page 148 and following
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sehr schön, Dank an mr.smiley für diese Portierung! Ich freue mich immer, wenn mein Kram portiert und/oder weiterentwickelt wird. :)

gibts davon auch nen Screenshot???
Was macht das Tool denn tatsächlich??,

ich habs nähmlich noch nicht am laufen gebracht.

Es kann keinen screenshot geben, man sieht nämlich nichts.

Das ist kein Tool sondern eine Sammlung von Funktionen die es dir erlauibt aus Autoit (Programmiersprache die du behrrschen solltest) deine Fritzbox zu steuern. Die beispiele sind so einfach gehalten, dass du neben einem evtl. gesetzten passwort und der richtigen Formware version kaum etwas brauchst damit das funktioniert...

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