AJAM mit fli4l nutzen ?


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11 Okt 2006
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ich habe gerade herausgefunden das es eine webschnittstelle für asterisk gibt.
Das nennt sich ajam
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/index.php?page=Aynchronous Javascript Asterisk Manager (AJAM)

Ich brauche sowas um aus dem "webtelefonbuch" heraus nummern wählen zu lassen, wie man das sonst per Tapi macht.

Kann ich diese ajam tool irgendwie benutzen bei meinem fli4l?

Es muss ja keine Fertiglösung sein, ich bin durchaus gewillt, dafür ein bisschen rum zu probieren, aber ich brauche einen Ansatzt.

Kann ich das gegebenfalls nachinstallieren?

Vielen Dank schon mal vorab.

Hast du diesen Satz gelesen:

AJAM is a new technology (available in 'svn trunk' and in v1.4 when available) which allows web browsers or other HTTP enabled applications and web pages to directly access the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) via HTTP.

Ich hatte auf meinem fli4l bereits * 1.4b2 laufen!

Das Problem ist derzeit, dass weder chan_capi, chan_sccp und auch kein bristuff für die 1.4 existiert und ohne diese Channel-Treiber ist die neue asterisk-Version nicht viel Wert :-(


Mit dem am 6.9.07 veröffentlichten asterisk 1.4 on fli4l ist jetzt ajam (webgui) einsetzbar :) !
Die docs innerhalb der sourcen geben schon eine Menge Informationen. Siehe dazu die Datei ajam.txt. Selbst habe ich es nicht eingesetzt, deshalb kann ich nur diese Datei hier posten:
Asynchronous Javascript Asterisk Manger (AJAM)

AJAM is a new technology which allows web browsers or other HTTP enabled
applications and web pages to directly access the Asterisk Manger
Interface (AMI) via HTTP.  Setting up your server to process AJAM
involves a few steps:

Setup the Asterisk HTTP server

1) Uncomment the line "enabled=yes" in /etc/asterisk/http.conf to enable
   Asterisk's builtin micro HTTP server.

2) If you want Asterisk to actually deliver simple HTML pages, CSS,
   javascript, etc. you should uncomment "enablestatic=yes"

3) Adjust your "bindaddr" and "bindport" settings as appropriate for
   your desired accessibility

4) Adjust your "prefix" if appropriate, which must be the beginning of
   any URI on the server to match.  The default is "asterisk" and the
   rest of these instructions assume that value.

Allow Manager Access via HTTP

1) Make sure you have both "enabled = yes" and "webenabled = yes" setup
   in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

2) You may also use "httptimeout" to set a default timeout for HTTP

3) Make sure you have a manager username/secret

Once those configurations are complete you can reload or restart
Asterisk and you should be able to point your web browser to specific
URI's which will allow you to access various web functions.  A complete
list can be found by typing "show http" at the Asterisk CLI.



This logs you into the manager interface's "HTML" view.  Once you're
logged in, Asterisk stores a cookie on your browser (valid for the
length of httptimeout) which is used to connect to the same session.


Assuming you've already logged into manager, this URI will give you a
"raw" manager output for the "status" command.


This will give you the same status view but represented as AJAX data,
theoretically compatible with RICO (http://www.openrico.org).


If you have enabled static content support and have done a make install,
Asterisk will serve up a demo page which presents a live, but very
basic, "astman" like interface.  You can login with your username/secret
for manager and have a basic view of channels as well as transfer and
hangup calls.  It's only tested in Firefox, but could probably be made
to run in other browsers as well.

A sample library (astman.js) is included to help ease the creation of
manager HTML interfaces.

Note that for the demo, there is no need for *any* external web server.

Integration with other web servers

Asterisk's micro HTTP server is *not* designed to replace a general
purpose web server and it is intentionally created to provide only the
minimal interfaces required.  Even without the addition of an external
web server, one can use Asterisk's interfaces to implement screen pops
and similar tools pulling data from other web servers using iframes,
div's etc.  If you want to integrate CGI's, databases, PHP, etc.  you
will likely need to use a more traditional web server like Apache and
link in your Asterisk micro HTTP server with something like this:

ProxyPass /asterisk http://localhost:8088/asterisk

This is a fairly new technology so I'd love to hear if it's useful for



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