Almost dead (?) Fritz!Box 7170


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17 Jul 2010
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Hallo! Greetings from melting Moscow! :)

Recently I've recieved Fritz!Box 7170 from It wasn't fully equiped with cables and splitters, in package there were 3 things: the router itself with antenna, the power supply and a yellow (?) DSL cable.

So I've tested it with my LAN cable and it seemed to work OK. Then I built a WDS with my ASUS WL500GP router and it worked fine.

But in Russia we use Annex A and Fritz!Box had Annex B. So i tried to change the Annex (and the language meanwhile :) ). Firstly I returned to the factory defaults with a phone: #991*15901590*. Then there was a LAN connection with the router and PC using cmd ---> ftp ---> adam2/adam2. I wrote several commands:
quote SETENV annex A
quote SETENV kernel_args annex=A
quote SETENV HWRevision 127
quote SETENV firmware_version avme

Then it had to be a firmware upgrade without rebooting, but I forgot about it and rebooted the Fritz!Box...

And now I cannot access or reset the router. I can't even ping,,,

When a power cable is connected I see next in Network Places (translated it with goolge): Connecting (1 sec) -> Identifizierung (4 sec) -> Unidentified Network (6 sec) -> Netzwerkkabel ist nicht angeschlossen

What I tried to do to rescue my dear red-and-grey friend:
  • Restore it this way (but there is always a string: suchen an: or other addresses)
  • Restore it using a notebook
  • Reset it using the phone (*991*15901590*)
  • Connect it to PC using LAN<-->USB cable :)
  • Connect it to ASUS WL500gp but there was nothing special in WL500gp 's logs
  • Connect it to one LAN hole in PC with/without second LAN hole
I thought I would find a solution in this article but I didn't succeed...

Now the Fritz!Box 7170 shows its activity only this way after connecting power cable:
1) Blinks Power/DSL
2) Constant glow of Power/DSL
3) Blinks Power/DSL
4) After a few seconds lights up WLAN "button"
5) Blinks Power/DSL and constant light from WLAN (they do it together)
6) After 10 seconds all 5 "buttons" on FRitz!Box are lightened up and this circle starts again...

Is there any way to save my little german friend? Maybe hard reset or some mind-blowing techniques using Linux? I'm almost despaired...

  • Windows 7 x86
  • router ASUS WL500GP
  • 2 LAN ports: onboard and through card

P.s. Sorry for writing in non-German, but with Google-translate it would be awful :)
HOWTO: Recover FritzBox 7170 which is caught in reboot-loop using the ruKernelTool

Privet, Andrew.

Hallo! Greetings from melting Moscow! :)
Also almost +30 degrees here in Germany.

There is an easy solution for recovering your FritzBox to a working Firmware with Annex A.

1. Download the ruKernelTool
First of all, you need to download a tool called "ruKernelTool".
(The "ru" in the tool's does not mean "Russia" but comes from the author's name...)
The download is available in this thread: Click me.
Because the above thread is in German language, I will give you the download link here: Click me.
For this download link you need the credentials (user name and password) from this file: Click me.

If you can read German, you can use the following manual: Click me.
If not, I wrote a "HOWTO" for you in English language.

2. Extract files from the .zip archive
You need to extract the files from the downloaded file "" into a directory on your computer's hard disk.

3. Run the ruKernelTool
After extracting is completed, run "ruKernelTool.exe" from that directory (needs Administrative privileges, so you need to confirm the UAC (User account control) on Windows 7.
(On a 64-bit Version of Windows you would run ruKernelTool_x64.exe instead).

4. Some initial configuration (first start of ruKernelTool only)
When the program is run for the first time, you have to accept the license agreement by clicking on "Yes" in the Window "Einrichtungsassinstent (1#4) - Lizenz" (Setup assistant (1 of 4) - License).

Then you have to configure the tool's automatic update feature in the window "Einrichtungsassistent (2#4) - Automatische Versionsüberprüfung" (Setup assistant (2 of 4) - Automatic updates). I recommend you to use "recommended" settings her by clicking on "Empfehlung" (Recommendation) and then on "Weiter" (Continue).

If you have multiple NICs (Network cards) in your computer, you have to select whether to temporary disable all unused NICs during the flasing. This is accomplished by klicking "Yes" in the window "Einrichtungsassistent (3#4) - Netzwerkkarten" (Setup assistant (3 of 4) - Network cards)

Then you have to confirm a warning window about flashing "wrong" firmware onto a box. Click "OK" in the window "Einrichtungsassistent (4#4) - Starthinweis" (Setup assistant (4 of 4) - Startup warning).

-> Screenshots (in German language) of all these steps can be found here: Click me.

5. Disable "MediaSensing"
Now you are ready for running the tool.
First of all you need to disable a feature called "Media sensing" of your NIC. This helps in establishing a connection to your box which is caught in a "reboot loop".
Do this by selecting the tab "Netzwerk" ("Network") in the ruKernelTool's main window. There click on the button "MediaSensing abschalten" (Turn off Media sensing). Confirm the apperaing dialog box with "Yes".

Then a message Box appears, asking you for a reboot of your computer. Reboot your computer by clicking "Yes".

6. Select the correct network card (if computer has multiple NICs)
After the reboot, start the ruKernelTool again. Select the tab "Netzwerk" (Network) again and select the Network card to which your FritzBox is connected. This is done in the dropdown box "Name: ".
After selecting the correct NIC here, its MAC and IP-Addresses should appear in the ruKernelTool's window.

7. Verify network connection to your box (+ read out some settings from it)
Now we will check if the network connection to your FritzBox is working correctly (Yes, this is possible even if the box is caught in a "reboot loop").
Select the tab "Upload" in the ruKernelTool. Then click the button "Infos auslesen" (Read information from Box).

A message box appears, asking you whether you really want to read out information from the box. Confirm it by clicking "Yes".

Now all unneeded network adaptors are deactivated and the only remaining NIC (the one you selected previously) is set to a static IP Address.
Now a message box appears, asking you whether the power supply of the FritzBox has been unplugged. Unplug the power supply and then confirm the message box by clicking "Yes".

Another message box appears, aksing you to plug in the power supply again and then confirm the messge box. Plug in the power supply again and then confirm the message box by clicking "OK".

The tool then tries to connect to your FritzBox (the bootloader which runs after power-up has a special FTP service for such purposes).

After connection to your FritzBox is established by the tool, it reads various settings form the bootloader.
If this step was successful, the read-out settings are displayed in the ruKernelTool and a message box appears asking you whether you want to overtake the read-out WLAN-Key into the Upload-settings. Confirm this message box by clicking "Yes". This ensures that your WLAN won't be unencrypted (-> unsecure) after flashing the firmware later.

After clicking "Yes" in the above message box another message box appears, informing you that your network adaptor has been reset to DHCP.

Also your router now reboots, (but since it's still caught in the "reboot loop", so we are not finished yet).

8. Select correct Firmware
Now you have to select the correct Annex A Firmware for your FritzBox 7170.
First click on the tab "Firmware-Downloads" in the ruKernelTool. There you find a list of avalilable firmware files.
Select the firmware "58.04.82_AnnexA" there by clicking the checkbox in the column "DL" (Downlaod) and then clicking on the Button "Download".
(This is the only English Annex A FW available for the 7170. [58.04.76_AnnexA provides only German language.])

9. Download the firmware and extract the kernel.image from it
A message box appears, asking you wheter you want to download it. Do so by clicking on "Yes". The firmware will then be downloaded to your hard disk.

After the download is complete, click on the button "Als kernel.image benutzen" (Use as kernel.image). This selects the downloaded Firmware for later flashing.
A message box appears asking you whether you want to use this file as a kernel.image. Confirm it by clicking "Yes".

Another message box appears, telling you that the downloaded firmware image needs to be extracted (the kernel.image needs to be extracted from it). Confirm it by clicking "Yes".

Another dialog box appears asking you for a name for the extracted kernel.image. A default name is already given (kernel_aus_FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7170.AnnexA.en.58.04.82.image), so click on "OK".

Another message box appears, asking you to make sure that the selected kernel.image is suitable for your box. Confirm ist by clicking "Yes".

10. Verify settings (Annex and Branding)
Then another message box appears informing you about the firmware's settings. Confirm it by clicking "OK".
(In the message box there should appear "Branding: avme" and "Annex: Annex A").

After confirming that message box, the tab "Upload-Parameter" (Upload-Parameters) should be automatically selected in the ruKernelTool. (If not, select it manually).
Verify that the "Branding" ist set to "avme" and the "Annex" is set to "Annex A" in the corresponding dropdown boxes. (Both should already be set to the correct values).

11. Flash the firmware onto the box
After verifying that these settings are correct, select the tab "Upload".

Now we will flash the firmware onto the box. Full attention, please.

On this tab you click on the button "Upload starten" (Start upload). A message box appears, asking whether you really want to flash. Confirm it by clicking "Yes".

Now your network card will be set to a static IP Address (this is required because the FritzBox will not provide an IP via DHCP during flashing).
After the tool has set your network card to a static IP Address, a message box (Title: "Netzteil ausgesteckt?" [Power supply disconnected?]) appears asking you whether you have disconnected the power supply of your FritzBox. Disconnect the power supply and then click on "Yes".

After doing so, another message box (Title: "Bereit?" [Ready?]) appears, asking you to reconnect the power supply AFTER clicking "OK". -> Click "OK" in this message box and then reconnect the power supply of your FritzBox.

The tool then tries to connect to your FritzBox (the bootloader which runs after power-up has a special FTP service for such purposes).

After connection to your FritzBox is established by the tool, it reads various settings form the bootloader and then starts transferring the kernel.image to the box's flash memory.
After the kernel.image has been transferred, two more parts of the flash are cleared in order to reset all the settings in the box (similar to using the "Reset to factory defaults" function of the FritzBox, but more in-depth).
If everything was successful, your NIC's previous settings are restored, and a message box appears, asking you whether to turn on MediaSensing again. Do this by clicking "Yes".

12. Reboot your computer (box will be rebooted automatically)
Then another message box apears, asking you to reboot your computer. Do so by clicking "Yes" there. Your computer will reboot.
After the reboot is done, make sure your Network card's settings are really set to DHCP again (if not, set them to DHCP).

13. Enjoy your FritzBox
Then your FritzBox should be reachable by typing in your web-bowser.
Because during the flash process we also cleared all settings in the box, you will have to re-enter all your settings (e.g. User name and password for internet connection, WLAN settings, phone configuration, etc) in the FritzBox Web-Interface.

Best regards from Germania,


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Privet, Andi! :)
It's been two days since I'm reading your post and trying to make my little boxie alive.

And I did it thanks to you, Andi!

Though there were some problems (with Windows telnet client, with box identification during rescue operation) it's now working! Without your comments and supplying pictures it would be very difficult to understand the principle of ruKernelTool and to make my little red-and-grey friend alive...

With a joy in my heart I would follow your advice:
Enjoy your FritzBox

Danke schön, Andi!
Большое спасибо aus Russland :)


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Danke schön, Andi!
Большое спасибо aus Russland :)
Пожалуйста. :)

We are happy about your successful rescue operation.
I am currently working on a .html version of my above post which will then be provided on the homepage of the ruKernelTool's author.
(He asked me whether I wanted to provide a .html version of my post and he also originally pointed me to your post here).

These are good news, Andi!

Also it will be very convenient if there will be PDF version too :) Such a version is useful if there are problems with internet connection. And also you don't have to click on pictures to enlarge them :)

If needed I can copy your text (formatted) with pictures into Word and send it to you for additional editing and PDF converting.

It's so exciting to meet people who can help and who know Russian :)
Though there were some problems (with Windows telnet client, with box identification during rescue operation) it's now working!

Yes, the telnet client is not enabled in a default installation of Windows Vista or Windows 7. It has to be enabled manually via the Control Panel.

But it's not required for recovering a router with the ruKernelTool. It's only required for some "advanced" features of the tool, e.g. reading out various values (like WLAN-Key, Internet user name and password, ...) from a running box.

Andi_84 schrieb:
But it's not required for recovering a router with the ruKernelTool. It's only required for some "advanced" features of the tool, e.g. reading out various values (like WLAN-Key, Internet user name and password, ...) from a running box.
Ok! Just wanted the rescue operation to flow without any errors to ensure 100% success :)
I'll take it into account for further work with Fritz!Box.
@Andi_84: Respekt für diese 1A Beschreibung.
yeah, Andy ;-)

Please give it to us in german and in english :groesste:
Auf Deutsch gibt es doch schon :confused:

Das HowTo kannst Du auf alle FB's anwenden. :-Ö
Manual now available in .html and .pdf Format

The flashing manual is now also available as:

Thanks go to to skyteddy for uploading these files. :)

If you need a telnet/ssh client, you should use PuTTY anyway - it's free and reliable ;-) -->

Flashing instructions now also available in German language

The flashing instruction is now also available in German language.
Die in diesem Thread besprochene Flash-Anleitung ist jetzt auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.

.html: Click.
.pdf: Click.

Und was macht man wenn die Box dennoch nicht gefunden wird? Die hängt bei mir auch in ner Boot schleife fest.

Kann ich die jetzt in die Tonne treten? :(
Dann hängt man erst einmal ein möglichst analoges Telefon an einen der Analog-Telefonanschlüsse der FB und gibt dann ins Telefon ein: #991*15901590*. Das setzt die Box auf Werkseinstellung zurück - auch mit Rebootschleife.

Danach versuchst Du nochmal ruKT - oder die gute alte ftp-Methode, die es in [post=1569949]Kurzform hier[/post] und in [post=1277882]Langform hier[/post] gibt.

Die in den geöffneten ftp einzugebenden Befehle müssten natürlich Deiner Box und Situation angepasst werden - z.B. Auslesen mit "quote GETENV (z.B. firmware_version)" und Eingeben mit "quote SETENV (z.B. firmware_version avm)

Was hattest Du denn vor?
8. Select correct Firmware
Now you have to select the correct Annex A Firmware for your FritzBox 7170.
First click on the tab "Firmware-Downloads" in the ruKernelTool. There you find a list of avalilable firmware files.
Select the firmware "58.04.82_AnnexA" there by clicking the checkbox in the column "DL" (Downlaod) and then clicking on the Button "Download".
(This is the only English Annex A FW available for the 7170. [58.04.76_AnnexA provides only German language.])
Thanks a lot for the very useful translation and explanation how to convert the German Annex B Box to an English Annex A one, using ruKernelTool.
One question:
Once you have converted the FritzBox to the english Annex A version (58.04.82), will it be possible to upgrade the Box with future Firmwares (58.04.xx) via the normal process (web interface)?
Or do we need ruKernelTool again to flash a new Firmware ?

Gruesse aus Belgien.
Most likely, updating a box which was flashed from Annex B to Annex A using the ruKernelTool is only possible by using the ruKernelTool again.
When trying to update via the web interface you will most likely get an error message stating that "The specified file is not a valid fimware for your box."

The reason is that some values of the box's bootloader - which are checked when trying to update the FW via the web interface - can not be changed by the ruKernelTool.

As this tread started in english, I will also continue in english ....

Is there a way to avoid the error message stating that "The specified file is not a valid fimware for your box." when trying to run a Firmware update ? For example by manually changing some paramaters (HW Revison ?)

Completely re-flashing the Box with ruKernelToolfor for every update is of course a pain, as all settings are lost.
Can we save the settings (Einstellungen sichern) and use this file to recover the settings in the new Firmware version ? This would at least avoid to start from scratch each time ...

Vielen Dank, und Gruesse aus Belgien.

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