Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe das Problem das ich nicht von ausen angerufen werden kann, aber ich kann raustelefonieren!
Steh grad voll auf dem Schlauch!
Meine Config:
1 ISDN Karte HFC-PCI1.1 extern
2 SIP Telefone intern
LCR interface.conf
Asterisk extensions.conf
Und bei Asterisk kommt in der console bei Verbose 5 folgende Meldung
Kann mir da einer helfen?
Ich habe das Problem das ich nicht von ausen angerufen werden kann, aber ich kann raustelefonieren!
Steh grad voll auf dem Schlauch!
Meine Config:
1 ISDN Karte HFC-PCI1.1 extern
2 SIP Telefone intern
LCR interface.conf
portnum 0
layer2hold yes
screen-in national % 0%
screen-in international % 00%
interface=misdnextern : remote application=asterisk
Asterisk extensions.conf
exten => 1001,1,Answer()
exten => 1001,2,Playback(hello-world)
exten => 1001,3,Hangup()
exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/2000,20)
exten => 2000,2,VoiceMail(2000,u)
exten => 2001,1,Dial(SIP/2001)
exten => 2001,2,VoiceMail(2001,u)
exten => 2002,1,Dial(SIP/2002)
exten => 2002,2,VoiceMail(2002,u)
exten => 2999,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)},s)
exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
Und bei Asterisk kommt in der console bei Verbose 5 folgende Meldung
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:1344 receive_message: [call=NULL ast=NULL] Received new ref by LCR, due to incomming call. (ref=7)
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:328 alloc_call: [call=0 ast=NULL] Call instance allocated.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:849 lcr_in_setup: [call=7 ast=NULL] Incomming setup from LCR. (callerid NUMMER, dialing NUMMER)
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:758 lcr_start_pbx: [call=7 ast=lcr/2] Try to start pbx. (exten=NUMMER context=misdnextern complete=no)
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:364 send_message: [call=NULL ast=NULL] Sending MESSAGE_OVERLAP to socket.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:795 lcr_start_pbx: [call=7 ast=lcr/2] Extensions matches.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:826 lcr_start_pbx: [call=7 ast=lcr/2] Starting call to Asterisk due to matching extension.
-- Executing [NUMMER@misdnextern:1] Dial("lcr/2", "SIP/2000") in new stack
-- Called 2000
-- SIP/2000-00000001 is ringing
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[17718]: chan_lcr.c:2304 lcr_indicate: [call=7 ast=lcr/2] Received indicate AST_CONTROL_RINGING from Asterisk.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[17718]: chan_lcr.c:364 send_message: [call=NULL ast=NULL] Sending MESSAGE_ALERTING to socket.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:1070 lcr_in_release: [call=7 ast=lcr/2] Incomming release from LCR, releasing ref. (cause=101)
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[14581]: chan_lcr.c:1688 handle_queue: [call=0 ast=lcr/2] Sending queued HANGUP to Asterisk.
== Spawn extension (misdnextern, NUMMER, 1) exited non-zero on 'lcr/2'
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[17718]: chan_lcr.c:2123 lcr_hangup: [call=0 ast=lcr/2] Received hangup from Asterisk thread.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[17718]: chan_lcr.c:2146 lcr_hangup: [call=0 ast=lcr/2] Freeing call instance, because we have no ref AND we are requesting no ref.
[Nov 14 16:42:44] NOTICE[17718]: chan_lcr.c:302 free_call: [call=0 ast=NULL] Call instance freed.
Kann mir da einer helfen?