Ich habe an unserer Siemens Hicom eingestellt, dass nach 5x klingeln ein Anrufer zu einer Nebenstelle am Asterisk geschickt wird.
Dort gibts dann ein Answer, Playback, Hangup.
Rufe ich dort an, tut es
Rufe ich von intern meine Kollegen an, wird weitergeleitet, tut.
Rufe ich von extern meine Kollegen an, wird weitergeleitet, und der Anruf nicht entgegengenommen. Der Anrufer hört weiterhin das Freizeichen, obwohl Asterisk "Answering for xxxx" sagt.
Wieso nimmt Asterisk nicht ab. Schickt die SiemensAnlage mal wieder ISDN-Sequenzen, die der Treiber nicht versteht?
Ich verwende chan-capi-cm-0.7.1
Dort gibts dann ein Answer, Playback, Hangup.
Rufe ich dort an, tut es
Rufe ich von intern meine Kollegen an, wird weitergeleitet, tut.
Rufe ich von extern meine Kollegen an, wird weitergeleitet, und der Anruf nicht entgegengenommen. Der Anrufer hört weiterhin das Freizeichen, obwohl Asterisk "Answering for xxxx" sagt.
Wieso nimmt Asterisk nicht ab. Schickt die SiemensAnlage mal wieder ISDN-Sequenzen, die der Treiber nicht versteht?
Ich verwende chan-capi-cm-0.7.1
============== TUT von intern =================
Dec 1 02:49:23 NOTICE[7270]: chan_sip.c:5267 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #8)
-- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host sipgate.de, port 5060
CONNECT_IND ID=015 #0xe111 LEN=0046
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
CIPValue = 0x10
CalledPartyNumber = <81>41346
CallingPartyNumber = <01 83>4121
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
BC = <80 90 a3>
LLC = default
HLC = <91 81>
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x3c04,DID=41346,CID=4121,CIP=0x10,CONTROLLER=0x4)
> ISDN4#02: msn='*' DNID='41346' MSN
== ISDN4#02: setting format alaw - 0x8 (alaw)
== ISDN4#02: Incoming call '4121' -> '41346'
-- ISDN4#02: CAPI/ISDN4/41346-3: 41346 matches in context isdn_incoming
-- Executing Answer("CAPI/ISDN4/41346-3", "") in new stack
== ISDN4#02: Answering for 41346
CONNECT_RESP ID=015 #0xe111 LEN=0039
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
Reject = 0x0
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>41346
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- Executing Wait("CAPI/ISDN4/41346-3", "2") in new stack
== Started pbx on channel CAPI/ISDN4/41346-3
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe112 LEN=0016
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
InfoNumber = 0x18
InfoElement = <89>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe112 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
-- ISDN4#02: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 89
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe113 LEN=0029
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
InfoNumber = 0x28
InfoElement = 4121 BARTH HR<2e>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe113 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
-- ISDN4#02: info element DSP
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe114 LEN=0021
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
InfoNumber = 0x70
InfoElement = <81>41346
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe114 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
-- ISDN4#02: info element CALLED PARTY NUMBER
> ISDN4#02: INFO_IND DID digits not used in this state.
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe115 LEN=0016
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3c04
InfoNumber = 0x18
InfoElement = <89>
============== TUT nicht von extern ==============
rhlx16*CLI> capi debug
CAPI Debugging Enabled
Dec 1 02:51:43 NOTICE[7270]: chan_sip.c:5267 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #15)
-- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host sipgate.de, port 5060
CONNECT_IND ID=015 #0xe5ed LEN=0052
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
CIPValue = 0x4
CalledPartyNumber = <81>41346
CallingPartyNumber = <00 80>001792261912
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
BC = <90 90 a3>
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x3e04,DID=41346,CID=001792261912,CIP=0x4,CONTROLLER=0x4)
> ISDN4#02: msn='*' DNID='41346' MSN
== ISDN4#02: setting format alaw - 0x8 (alaw)
== ISDN4#02: Incoming call '001792261912' -> '41346'
-- ISDN4#02: CAPI/ISDN4/41346-5: 41346 matches in context isdn_incoming
-- Executing Answer("CAPI/ISDN4/41346-5", "") in new stack
== ISDN4#02: Answering for 41346
CONNECT_RESP ID=015 #0xe5ed LEN=0039
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
Reject = 0x0
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>41346
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
-- Executing Wait("CAPI/ISDN4/41346-5", "2") in new stack
== Started pbx on channel CAPI/ISDN4/41346-5
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5ee LEN=0016
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x18
InfoElement = <89>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5ee LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 89
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5ef LEN=0017
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x1e
InfoElement = <82 83>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5ef LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: info element PI 82 83
> ISDN4#02: Origination is non ISDN
-- CAPI queue frame: [ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Unknown control '14' (14) ] [ISDN4#02]
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5f0 LEN=0045
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x28
InfoElement = 001792261912 S2 AMT K <2d 3e> 4112
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f0 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: info element DSP
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5f1 LEN=0021
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x70
InfoElement = <81>41346
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f1 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: info element CALLED PARTY NUMBER
> ISDN4#02: INFO_IND DID digits not used in this state.
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5f2 LEN=0016
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x18
InfoElement = <89>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f2 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 89
> CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN4/41346
> CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN4/41346
INFO_IND ID=015 #0xe5f3 LEN=0019
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
InfoNumber = 0x4009
InfoElement = <06 00 00 00>
INFO_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f3 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
-- ISDN4#02: unhandled INFO_IND 0x4009 (PLCI=0x3e04)
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=015 #0xe5f4 LEN=0022
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>41346
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x3e04
CONNECT_B3_IND ID=015 #0xe5f5 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f5 LEN=0015
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
Reject = 0x0
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=015 #0xe5f6 LEN=0013
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f6 LEN=0012
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
DATA_B3_IND ID=015 #0xe5f7 LEN=0022
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
Data32 = 0x406c0c5a
DataLength = 0xa0
DataHandle = 0x2b8
Flags = 0x0
Data64 = 0x2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a
DATA_B3_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f7 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
DataHandle = 0x2b8
-- ISDN4#02: DATA_B3_IND (len=160) fr.datalen=160 fr.subclass=8
DATA_B3_IND ID=015 #0xe5f8 LEN=0022
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
Data32 = 0x406c245a
DataLength = 0xa0
DataHandle = 0x2bb
Flags = 0x0
Data64 = 0x2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a
DATA_B3_RESP ID=015 #0xe5f8 LEN=0014
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x13e04
DataHandle = 0x2bb