Asterisk 1.6.0 Released



Submitted by asteriskteam on 2 October 2008 - 7:01pm.

Asterisk 1.6.0 is the first official release of Asterisk 1.6.

--- Upgrade Information -----------------------------------------

Asterisk 1.6 no longer supports Zaptel. It only contains support for DAHDI. For more information on this transition, please see the following help file:

There are a number of other important changes to be aware of when upgrading to Asterisk 1.6.0 from previous versions of Asterisk. For a listing of those things, please see UPGRADE.txt:

--- New Features ------------------------------------------------

Asterisk 1.6.0 contains new features that were not previously available in an Asterisk release. For a full listing of the features that are included in Asterisk 1.6.0, please see the CHANGES file:

A verbose listing of each individual change that was made in the development of Asterisk 1.6.0 is also available:

--- Release Management ------------------------------------------

The development team has decided on a new release management style for Asterisk 1.6. Previously, a release series was strictly feature frozen for its entire lifetime. The release management guidelines for Asterisk 1.6 were inspired by the Linux Kernel, among a
number of other projects.

Asterisk 1.6 is not feature frozen. Features will be added in point releases. However, effort will be made to ensure that the number of large changes is minimized in a single point release. Even as 1.6.0 is being released, the Asterisk development team is already working on what new things will be in 1.6.1 and beyond. To take a look ahead to see what features have been added for releases that have not yet been made, take a look at the trunk version of the CHANGES file:

Even though new features will be added in point releases of Asterisk 1.6, that does not mean that any deprecated functionality will be removed as has been done between major releases in the past. In fact,
we have decided that maintaining backwards compatibility is of the utmost importance for configuration and external interfaces. C API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed between point releases. However, things like dialplan applications, functions, and AGI commands will not disappear just because there is a new and better way to accomplish the same thing.

With Asterisk 1.4, once Asterisk 1.4.N is released, Asterisk 1.4.X is no longer supported, where X

--- Reporting Issues --------------------------------------------

The bug tracking process is one of the best places to get started in the Asterisk development community. Please report all issues to Live discussion about current issues is done on the Freenode IRC network, in the #asterisk-bugs or #asterisk-dev channels.
Habs installiert und auch meinen Pickup-Patch auf Asterisk 1.6 portiert. Wenn ich sehe, dass das alles funktoniert werde ich ihn auch zur Verfügung stellen. Allerdings stoßen mir einige Bugs schon wieder *etwas* sauer auf.


Wie kann man da etwas freigeben? Damit ist mISDN zumindest für BRI in 1.6.0 nicht brauchbar... :-(
Wenn ich den Bug richtig lese, existiert dasselbe Problem auch schon mit Asterisk 1.4?
Mich deuchte die mISDN Geschichte sollte komplett von DAHDI übernommen werden. Is wohl aber noch nich so weit wie?
Mich deuchte die mISDN Geschichte sollte komplett von DAHDI übernommen werden. Is wohl aber noch nich so weit wie?

Zumindest für die typischen HFC Karten momentan noch nicht. Möchtest du dahdi ohne den Bristuff nutzen, muss wohl eine Astribank her. Ob die was taugt, kann ich dir nicht sagen.
Leider sind meine alten Dialpläne nicht mehr mit dem neuen System kompatibel, man muss scheinbar gut die Änderungen lesen damit alles läuft, schade.
Hier noch ein diff gegen den aktuellen Asterisk Trunk...

Danke Tweety, mit dem patch läuft mISDN scheinbar stabil und problemlos seit mittlerweile 5 Tagen.

Leider klappt damit ReceiveFax nicht.
[Oct 14 21:12:59] WARNING[27293]: chan_misdn.c:5718 chan_misdn_log: Got Unsupported Frame with Format:64

Hat jemand schon ne HFC Karte mit Asterisk 1.6 und ReceiveFax am laufen?



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