OK, das ich in der init.d/Asterisk den Code hinzufüge, klingt plausibel,
Aber wie müßen die Codes aussehen damit ich die 8 Befehle einbinden kann?
/etc/rc2.d/K91asterisk -> ../init.d/asterisk usw..
So sieht die Asterisk datei im Moment aus:
# Mon Jun 04 2007 Iñaki Baz Castillo <
[email protected]>
# - Eliminated SAFE_ASTERISK since it doesn't work as LSB script (it could require a independent "safe_asterisk" init script).
# - Load and use the standar "/lib/lsb/init-functions".
# - Added "--oknodo" to "start-stop-daemon" for compatibility with LSB:
# Thu Nov 17 2005 Gregory Boehnlein <
[email protected]>
# - Reversed behavior of LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
# - Added detailed failure messages
# Sun Jul 18 2004 Gregory Boehnlein <
[email protected]>
# - Added test for safe_asterisk
# - Changed "stop gracefully" to "stop now"
# - Added support for -U and -G command line options
# - Modified "reload" to call asterisk -rx 'reload'