Automatic call recording: Storing VOIP calls as mp3


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6 Apr 2010
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I have a fritzbox fon wlan box (08.04.49) and I was wondering if it is possible to modify the firmware in the box so that incoming/outgoing voip calls are automatically stored on a remote ftp server (mp3 or some other audio format) ?

The patch to the firmware must be some kind of program which captures RTP packets and extracts the payload and converts the payload to mp3 or some other audio file format. The audio file is then stored on a remote ftp server.

How do I do this?
This is a time consuming task, and your box is probably not able to do that in real time.

My fritzbox fon wlan (08.04.49) has a feature where it is able to dump all traffic to a file. When I am done with the capture I just open the file in WireShark and convert the RTP packets to a .au file which can be played back using VLC Media Player.

So if the box is able to dump all traffic in real time, why wouldnt it be possible to install a background service/process in the box which listens for RTP packets and stores these packets automatically in a file on a remote ftp server...???
I'm also searching for a solution to record all incoming and outgoing calls with a FritzBox, but specially isdn gateways.

Today, there is no solution to solve it acceptable for me.

Now, all calls from isdn and voip are routed via an external asterisk server, which can record and store it as a mp3 file. Maybe the asterisk mod for FritzBox can do the same for you? (I don't test it!)

For Voip calls only, you can search for dtmfbox mod, so i think there was a chance to store the voip-call-data on a usb storage (but also untested by myself!)
It would be possible to have a process on the box to dump the raw packets. tcpdump could be used for that. Depending on your bandwith, it may be possible to upload that in realtime to a FTP server. It might be necessary to open the FTP connection in advance. Conversion to MP3 will probably be too much.
It would be possible to have a process on the box to dump the raw packets. tcpdump could be used for that. Depending on your bandwith, it may be possible to upload that in realtime to a FTP server. It might be necessary to open the FTP connection in advance. Conversion to MP3 will probably be too much.

I'm a programmer by profession, so I was wondering if you could point me to some documentation on how to create programs (like the one I'm suggesting) for a fritzbox fon wlan (08.04.49) ? How/Where do I start?

Thanks :)
tcpdump is using a library named pcap. There is probably a documentation for it, or you can look how tcpdump uses the library.
Or you can use tcpdump itself to dump the raw packets to stdout and feed that into your program.
You must decide whether you want to just dump the packets to some file and do the processing on the server, or do the processing on the box.
The FTP part is quite simple, just look at the RFCs regarding FTP.

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