Bittorent-Freetz question


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21 Jun 2008
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I'd like to compile with freetz maximum possible "clean" firmware with Bittorrent-download and IPv6 support. Which version of freetz I have to use? Which packets I need to include?

I use fbf 7270v3 international edition with german firmware (using AnnexA driver).

Thank you for your help.

It is all about choice, but I am mostly using the latest trunk version. I am flashing a new version about every week, also for my own experiments. The people maintaining Freetz seems to be very careful, since they broke only a few minor things the past half year and mostly fixed it very quickly.

So, if you want a minimum install, just check-out the trunk version and only check Transmission in the configuration (make menuconfig). The dependent packages are automatically included. IPv6 support is out of the box in the latest firmware version.

If you want to use a German firmware with an international box (I am doing this myself), you have to be careful to set the Enforce firmware_version variable to AVM, else your box will most probably go into a reboot loop. Note that if you checkout Freetz, the recovery tools are checked out too. Maybe it is a good idea to take a look at these tools, if it is your first time you are going to flash Freetz. Maybe obvious, but you should have a working firmware version available.

Don't be afraid to build and flash Freetz, it is really a painless process.

If you have any question, please let me know.
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