Bug report: FBF7170 Labor-Version 29.04.99-14119 (maybe some other firmware too, but


Mitglied seit
24 Feb 2006
Punkte für Reaktionen
Bug report: FBF7170 Labor-Version 29.04.99-14119 (maybe some other firmware too, but in RTM firmware i not remember this bug!)

LCR (Wahlregeln) not work with this configuration:, If user set parameter in voip.cfg

do_not_register = yes;

(due Betamax for example, i not need and want register, i make ONLY outgoing calls via this sip account)

after this mod, Wahlregeln not work in this firmware and not call via SIP1 account and call go to via next SIP2 account without warning!

This is Bug... I lost all credit on SIP2 account...

If i set back

do_not_register = no; (default settings), LCR works fine!!!

This bug is ONLY in some firmware tree i thing, in regular firmware do not this bug!!!

If i call via code like *121#number, then account with " do_not_register = yes; " work correctly...

Please fix this bug in 99 (DSL) firmware ...

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