Call transfer with Profiset 30ISDN


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11 Okt 2008
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Sorry for writing English, my German is very poor.

I have a FB7170 with the new English Fw which works perfecly with 3 analogue and 2 Siemens Profiset 30ISDN extensions, but I can not transfer the calls with the ISDN sets. I can alternating between the calls with 'R' key, but if I want to connect them (with R4 and/or simply hang up the headset) then the call isdisconnecting. This method works fine with analogue sets (fon1-3). I would like to use these high qality ISDN sets on my Fritzbox, so I would be greatful for the solution for this problem.

Tibor from Hungary
It'll work when you define each headset singly to the 7170 instead of defining an ISDN base machine.
It'll work when you define each headset singly to the 7170 instead of defining an ISDN base machine.

I have defined an MSN number (51 and 52) for both telephones on the FB7170 ISDN extensions menu, and assigned these MSN numbers too for the sets own MSN number.

How can I define your advise?
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