Caller ID "name" not working :-(

Edward Velo

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Mitglied seit
31 Mai 2006
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I live in Belgium, and I have an analogue fixed telephone line from the operator Belgacom. I subscribed to their "Caller ID name" service, so Belgacom sends me both the phonenumber AND the name of the person who calls me.

This works very well when my analogue phone is connected directly to my analogue Belgacom line. However, when I put my Fritzbox 7050 inbetween them, I can only see the number and not the name anymore :-(

Is this working in Germany? Maybe in Belgium we use a different protocol for "name over analogue fixed lines"...

Can someone offer any help for this?


PS. Sorry if this have been discussed earlier on this forum, but I can not read German well :-(
Unfortunally the Fritzbox supports only the Caller ID without name.
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