chan_sccp_b brances, fehlschläge und hints


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6 Feb 2006
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mein 7970 macht eigentlich mehr oder weniger das was ich will ausser den Hints.

Aber fangen wir mal vorne an. Eigentlich benutze ich Asterisk auf nem Linksys Router, d.h. OpenWRT, d.h. MIPS. Den Cross-Compiler hab ich auch und dazu erste Anmerkungen zu den verschiedenen Branches:

v3 und trunk:

man muss das Makefile um das passende library directory ergänzen: "LINK_OPTS+=-L...."

v3_1 funzt gar net:

In file included from sccp_mwi.c:2:
config.h:21:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
sccp_mwi.c: In function `sccp_mwi_progress':
sccp_mwi.c:82: warning: implicit declaration of function `sccp_mwi_checkLine'
sccp_mwi.c:82: warning: nested extern declaration of `sccp_mwi_checkLine'
sccp_mwi.c: At top level:
sccp_mwi.c:219: warning: no previous prototype for 'sccp_mwi_checkLine'
sccp_mwi.c:219: error: conflicting types for 'sccp_mwi_checkLine'
sccp_mwi.c:82: error: previous implicit declaration of 'sccp_mwi_checkLine' was here
make: *** [.tmp/sccp_mwi.o] Error 1

v3.2 scheint noch alpha zu sein:

./ Permission denied

und auch nachm chmod 0755 fragt es nix und das kompilieren endet mit sccp_features.c:1028: error: invalid operands to binary !=

Ehrlich gesagt hab ich gar net verstanden was da in welchen branches passiert.


Ausserdem scheint man Config files in verschiedenen formaten zu brauchen:

  • trunk: was ganz neues in sccp_v3.conf
  • v3: sccp.conf/sccp_v3.conf aber mit ner kopie der alten sccp.conf stürtzt asterisk ab:
    == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sccp_v3.conf': Found
      -- GLOBAL: Preferred capability (ulaw|gsm|alaw)
      -- found general
      -- found devices
      -- using build_devices
      -- Add line button on position: 1
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    mit der angepassten conf aus branches/v3/conf/sccp.conf funktionierts, aber ich hatte noch nicht die musse rauszusuchen worans liegt


So oder so: Hints funzen irgendwie nit. Egal ob ich sag

speeddial = 7001,MOBILE,1@watchgroup
button = speeddial,7001,mobile,1@watchgroup


exten => 1,hint,SIP/7001

Bitte um zahlreiche Kommentare :)

: Bei Hint stell ich gerade fest dass zumindest mit dem "alten" chan_sccp (v2 oder weniger) das Cisco telefon anzeigt wenn das SIP-Gerät fehlt (auf dem Display "temp fail" und ein roter Knopf), allerdings nicht dass es telefoniert. Hmmm :-\
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
update kommt in den nächsten tagen
sorry wenn ich dazwischenfunke.
aber ich habe vorher viel asterisk gemacht und jetzt cisco.

ich habe sccp noch nie mit asterisk probiert - würde mich aber brennen interessieren.

chan_sccp_b ist ja die neuerste variante.
in asterisk ist auch eine alte version dabei.
als ich mal so drüber geschaut habe, habe ich einfach keine gute install Anleitung gefunden - und auch keine gute Beschreibung wie man sccp dann implementiert.
Ist das irgendwo zu finden.
Ich meine was muss man beachten beim compilieren.
wie wird es installiert ( muss man asterisk damit kompilieren usw... ).
wie heißen die chan Treiber und wie bedient man die.
welches konfig file ist dafür zuständig - was muss man konfigurieren.

all diese Dinge haben mir einfach gefehlt und ich wollte keinen test Marathon starten.

Ich wäre aber sehr interessiert chan_sccp mit asterisk zu betreiben, da ich momentan einfach guten Zugriff auf cisco Hardware habe.

da hast du recht, kannst aber gern eine Anleitung zur installation verfassen.
Die einfachste Variante ist, hier im Forum zu fragen
update kommt in den nächsten tagen

klingt ja erstmal immer gut ein update ;)
und dieses update befasst sich genau mit xxx?

eigentlich wärs auch mal schön zu wissen was genau die einzelnen branches können, wann man welches nutzen soll, was der trunk kann usw. oder steht das schon irgendwo? (ausser im svn verteilt ;) )

ich fange gerade an mich mit Trixbox und asterisk zu befassen. Habe Trixbox jetzt auch erfolgreich installiert und habe auch sccp nach installiert.

Würde jetzt gerne mal mein Cisco an die gute Trixbox anschliessen. Kann mir jemand dabei evtl ein wenig helfen?

Soll ich besser die sccp.conf oder die sccp_v3.conf verwenden?

freue mich schon auf eure Tipps.

P.S ich habe jetzt schon erfolgreich ein Snom 360 angemeldet. :)

Verwende TrixBox und chan-sccp v3
also wenn du die v_3.1 verwendest, dann ist auch die sccp_v3.conf zugehörig. Erspart Probleme, wie z.B. nicht registrierte lines
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: nutze die sccp_v3.conf ;-)

Ok. Ich verwende jetzt die sccp_v3
Kannst du mir aber evtl. noch einen kurzen Tipp geben wie ich da das Telefon richtig eintrage. Ich habe ein 7940.

Steige da noch nicht so ganz durch.
Das wird bisschen OT hier. :rolleyes:

Um mal darauf zurückzukommen:
Ich weiss noch immer gar nicht genau was die einzelnen versionen machen können/sollen.... :D
@icaros: Endgeräte werden z.B. so definiert:

type = 7940
description = CP-7940,
autologin =
speeddial =
;keepalive = 60
;tzoffset = +2
transfer = on
park = off
cfwdall = on
cfwdbusy = off
dtmfmode = inband
dnd = silent
trustphoneip = no
;earlyrtp = none
private = off ; permit the private function softkey for this device
mwilamp = on ; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
mwioncall = off ; Set the MWI on call.
nat = on

also es gibt eigentlich zwei brauchbare Hauptversionen (so will ichs mal nennen :) ):

v2: Entspricht eigentlich dem aktuellen Release (20090602.tar , also vom Juni diesen Jahres) und läuft recht stabil. Unterstützt jedoch z.B. noch keine shares lines

v3_1: Das ist der aktuelle Stand der Shares Lines Entwicklung. Hat viele Ähnlichkeiten mit v2, unterstüzt aber eben die besagten shares lines, sowie Feature-Buttons usw.
Es sind also ein wenig mehr Funktionen dabei und seit dem Update v981 (glaube ich :) )
läuft die Version auch relativ stabil. Ich habe zur Zeit nur ein klines Problem mit DND-Silent, aber ich nutze die v3_1 jetzt schon seit einem Monat ohne Probleme mit 7970,7945,7921er usw Phones


also habe meine sccp_v3 mal ein wenig bearbeitet.

Das gabze sieht jetzt so aus

; SCCPv3 -- An implementation of Skinny Client Control Protocol
; Federico Santulli <[email protected]>
; See for more information about
; the SCCPv3 project. Please do not directly contact
; any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
; the project provides a web site, tracker, and mailing list
; for your use.
; This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
; the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
; at the top of the source tree.
servername=SCCPv3				; name showed on the device after registration
allowguest=no					; Allow or reject guest device registration
								; this feature allow unknown devices to not be rejected on
								; register but not linking any line so as CCM behaviour
keepalive=60					; global phone keep-alive timeout
;verbose=3						; Console Log Level
;debug=3						; Console Debug Level
context=sccp					; Asterisk default extension's context
dateformat=D.M.Y				; M-D-Y in any order. Use M/D/YA (for 12h format)

bindport=5060                   ; TCP Port to bind to (SCCP standard port is 2000)
bindaddr=                ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
                                ; You can specify port here too, like

; See qos.tex or Quality of Service section of asterisk.pdf for a description of these parameters.
tos_sccp=cs3                   	; Sets TOS for SCCP packets.
tos_audio=ef                   	; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
;tos_video=af41                 ; Sets TOS for RTP video packets. (not yet implemented)

cos_sccp=3						; Sets 802.1p priority for SCCP packets.
cos_audio=5                    	; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP audio packets.
;cos_video=4                    ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP video packets. (not yet implemented)

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=ulaw						; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
;allow=g729                     ; Most phones supports only alaw/ulaw/g729
; This option specifies a preference for which music on hold class this channel
; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the
; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
; This option may be specified globally, or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
; This option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the peer channel
; when this channel places the peer on hold. It may be specified globally or on
; a per-device or per-line basis.

firstdigittimeout = 16			; dialing timeout for the 1st digit
digittimeout = 8				; dialing timeout between digits
;digittimeoutchar = #			; you can force the channel to dial with this char in the dialing state

autoanswer_ring_time = 0		; ringing time in seconds for the autoanswer, the default is 0
autoanswer_tone = 0x32			; autoanswer confirmation tone. For a complete list of tones: grep SKINNY_TONE sccp_protocol.h
								; not all the tones can be played in a connected state, so you have to try.

remotehangup_tone = 0x32		; passive hangup notification. 0 for none

transfer_tone = 0				; confirmation tone on transfer. Works only between SCCP devices
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d			; sets to 0 to disable the callwaiting tone

language=en						; Default language setting
;callevents=no                  ; generate manager events when phone 
                                ; performs events (e.g. hold)
;accountcode=sccp				; accountcode to ease billing
deny=			; Deny every address except for the only one allowed. 
permit=	; Accept class C
								; You may have multiple rules for masking traffic.
								; Rules are processed from the first to the last.
								; This General rule is valid for all incoming connections. It's the 1st filter.
;localnet = ; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
;externip =				; IP Address that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
;externhost =	; Hostname (if dynamic) that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
;externrefresh = 60				; expire time in seconds for the hostname (dns resolution)
dnd = on						; turn on the dnd softkey for all devices. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent)
rtptos = 184					; sets the default rtp packets TOS
echocancel = on					; sets the phone echocancel for all devices
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for all devices
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for all lines
;pickupgroup=1,3-5				; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for all lines
;amaflags = 					; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
								; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
tos = 0x68						; call control packets tos (0x68 Assured forwarding)
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
								; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
private = on					; permit the private function softkey
privacy = full					; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
;mwilamp = on					; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off				; Set the MWI on call.
;blindtransferindication = ring	; moh or ring. the blind transfer should ring the caller or just play music on hold
;protocolversion = 3			; skinny version protocol. Just for testing. 0 to 11
;cfwdall = off					; activate the callforward ALL stuff and softkeys
;cfwdbusy = off					; activate the callforward BUSY stuff and softkeys
;cfwdnoanswer = off				; activate the callforward NOANSWER stuff and softkeys
;SCCP Realtime Support
; you should specify both tables to get realtime support working
rt-devices = sccpdevices	; datebasetable for devices
rt-lines	= sccplines		; datebasetable for lines

; this is for custom softkey template
onhook		= redial,newcall,cfwdall,dnd
connected	= hold,endcall,park,select,cfwdall,cfwdbusy,idivert
onhold		= resume,newcall,endcall,transfer,confrn,select,dirtrfr,idivert
ringin		= answer,endcall,idivert
offhook		= redial,endcall,private,cfwdall,cfwdbusy,pickup,gpickup,meetme,barge
conntrans	= hold,endcall,transfer,confrn,park,select,dirtrfr,cfwdall,cfwdbusy
digitsfoll	= backspace,endcall
connconf	= hold,endcall,join
ringout		= endcall,transfer,cfwdall,idivert
offhookfeat	= redial,endcall
onhint		= pickup,barge

; This is a 7940 device
type 			= 7940						; device type (see below)
imageversion 	= SCCP65.8-4-1SR2			; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the ones that do not load *.xml from the tftp server)
;keepalive 		= 60                		; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset  		= +2						; 
;addon 			= 7915						; first addon. Allowed value are 7914, 7915, 7916. Please check your device for addons compatibility.
;addon			= 7915						; second addon.

button 			= line,1001,default		; this is default line
button 			= speeddial,snom,Dial1000				; this is second line
;button 			= empty						; this is an empty button
;button 			= speeddial,1000,Dial1000	; this is a speeddial button
;button 		= speeddial,1001,Dial1001,default	; this is an hotline button
;button 			= empty						; this is an empty button
;button 			= serviceurl,,GoGoogle	; this is a service url
;button 			= feature,Displayname,ID	; this is a feature button

transfer = on					; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
conference = on					; enable or disable the conference capability. It does remove the conference softkey
park = on						; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
cfwdall = off					; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = off
cfwdnoanswer = off
pickupexten = off				; enable Pickup function to direct pickup an extension
;pickupcontext = sccp			; context where direct pickup search for extensions. if not set it will be ignored.
pickupmodeanswer = on			; on  = asterisk way, the call has been answered when picked up
								; off = call manager way, the phone who picked up the call rings the call
private = on					; permit the private function softkey for this device
privacy = full					; full = disable hints notification on devices, on = hints showed depending on private key, off = hints always showed
dnd = on						; turn on the dnd softkey for this device. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent) or user to toggle on phone
;mwilamp = on					; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off				; Set the MWI on call.

mohinterpret=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default				; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold

dtmfmode = inband				; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
								; Some phone model does not play dtmf tones while connected (bug?), so the default is inband

;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
;allow=alaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;allow=g729                     ; see Asterisk doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
deny=			; Same as general
permit=	; This device can register only using this ip address
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
								; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
								; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
;setvar=testvar=value			; This is a device test variable

; This is a sample line
label       = 7940				; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
description = Office		; top diplay description
echocancel = on					; sets the phone echocancel for this line
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for this line
incominglimit = 2				; more than 1 incoming call = call waiting.
perdevicelimit = 2
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9	; digits for the secondary dialtone (max 9 digits)
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22	; outside dialtone

cid_name = Office			; caller id name
cid_num = 7940					; caller id number
transfer = on					; per line transfer capability. on, off, 1, 0
conference = on					; per line conference capability.
trnsfvm = 1000					; extension to redirect the caller (e.g for voicemail)
mailbox = 1001					; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox[@context][:folder])
vmnum = 600						; speeddial for voicemail administration, just a number to dial
meetmenum = 700					; this extension will receive meetme requests, SCCP_MEETME_ROOM channel variable will
								; contain the room number dialed into simpleswitch.

mohinterpret=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
mohsuggest=default				; Suggested music on hold when other channels put on hold
language=en						; Default language setting
accountcode=79651				; accountcode to ease billing
rtptos = 184					; sets the the rtp packets TOS for this line
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for this line
;pickupgroup=1,3-5				; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for this line
;amaflags = 					; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record for this line
;setvar=testvar2=value			; this is a line test variable

Dann starte ich asterisk neu

trixbox*CLI> restart now
Disconnected from Asterisk server
[trixbox.c4networx.ld ~]# asterisk -c
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <[email protected]>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
[ Booting...
[ Reading Master Configuration ]
[ Initializing Custom Configuration Options ]
.........  == Platform byte order   : LITTLE ENDIAN
    -- GLOBAL: Preferred capability ()
    -- found device SEP001F6C7E8C0A
    -- Found buttonconfig: line,1001,default
    -- Add line button on position: 1
    -- Found buttonconfig: speeddial,snom,Dial1000
    -- Add SPEEDDIAL button on position: 2
    -- Added device 'SEP001F6C7E8C0A'
    -- Added line 'softkeys'
    -- Added line '7940'
    -- SCCP channel driver up and running on
    -- SCCP listening on
.SIP channel loading...
............................................................................................................................... ]
Asterisk Ready.
*CLI>     -- SCCP: Accepted connection from
    -- SCCP: Using ip
    -- SCCP: Alarm Message: Severity: Warning (1), 6: Name=SEP001F6C7E8C0A Load=8.0(4.0)File Not Found [2048/1409394880]
    -- SCCP: Alarm Message: Severity: Informational (2), 14: Name=SEP001F6C7E8C0A Load=8.0(4.0) Last=CM-closed-TCP [2048/1409394880]
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: asked our protocol capability (17). We answered (9).
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Handset' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Speaker' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Headset' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Speaker' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Headset' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Speaker' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Headset' is 'OnHook' (0)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Speeddial Button (2) pressed, configured number is (Dial1000)
    -- SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Handset' is 'OffHook' (0)

Und sobald ich dann den Hörer abnehme bekomme ich das hier:

SEP001F6C7E8C0A: Accessory 'Handset' is 'OffHook' (0)
Segmentation fault
[trixbox.c4networx.ld ~]#

Blick da nicht so ganz durch.
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