Cisco 7971G-GE - konfigurieren / aktivieren für SIP (an Asterisk@Home 2.8)


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11 Apr 2006
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Ich habe hier seit einer Woche ein Cisco 7971G-GE liegen. Um das Telefon überhaupt verwenden zu können, habe ich hier ein Archiv namens "cmterm-7970_7971-sip.8-0-3.tar.gz", darin befinden sich diverse Dateien, deren Bedeutung ich noch immer nicht auf die Spur bekommen bin.
Ich habe jedenfalls viele Stunden damit verbracht, diverse Dokumentationen und Websites nach Informationen abzugrasen, um dieses Telefon überhaupt per SIP an mein AAH 2.8 anzubinden, bislang absolut erfolglos. Mein einziges Erfolgserlebnis war bisher (entspr., dass das Ding inzwischen Datum und Zeit im deutschen Format anzeigt, sprich, die SEP[MAC].cnf.xml wurde geladen, wenn auch die Menüs nach wie vor in Englisch angezeigt werden.
Vorgenannte Anleitung bezieht sich aber auf SCCP, also habe ich bislang lediglich die SEP[MAC].cnf.xml erzeugt. Sprich, Zugriff via tftp existiert, das ist aber auch bereits so ziemlich alles ...

Hat das bereits jemand bewerkstelligt und könnte mir sagen, was genau man tun muß, damit dieses Telefon überhaupt einmal einen Laut von sich gibt?

Ich bin kurz davor, die Cisco-Telefone aus dem Fenster zu schmeißen - mein Nervengerüst wird immer dünner ... :(

Bevor du es aus dem fenster wirst sag bescheid - ich komme kurz vorbei und fang es auf ;)
spass bei seite; welche firmware hast Du drauf bzw. willst Du nutzen

Wenn Du das telefon mit SCCP-Firmware betreiben möchtest (würde ich empfehlen), dann benötigst Du chan_sccp2 von
chaos2000 schrieb:
Bevor du es aus dem fenster wirst sag bescheid - ich komme kurz vorbei und fang es auf ;)

Äh, habe mich falsch ausgedrückt - wenn ich's plattmache, dann werde ich wohl nicht werfen, sondern sicherheitshalber den Vorschlaghammer hernehmen, um mich mal so richtig abzureagieren. ;-)

spass bei seite; welche firmware hast Du drauf bzw. willst Du nutzen

So weit bin ich ja eigentlich gar nicht. Ich habe das Telefon über einen Bekannten (der hauptberuflich mit derlei Zoich arbeitet) bekommen, nur leider ist der in der Versenkung verschwunden. Bekommen habe ich von ihm noch vorgenanntes Archiv mit folgendem Inhalt:

  • apps70.1-1-2-26.sbn
  • cnu70.3-1-2-26.sbn
  • cvm70sip.8-0-2-25.sbn
  • dsp70.1-1-2-26.sbn
  • jar70sip.8-0-2-25.sbn
  • load119.txt
  • load30006.txt
  • SIP70.8-0-3S.loads
  • term70.default.loads
  • term71.default.loads

Sieht mir nach V8.0.2.25 aus ..? Der Witz ist ja, dass ich mit dem Telefon auch (laut Aussage meines Bekannten) einen Service-Contract gekauft hätte. Leider habe ich aber keine login-Daten für die Cisco-WS, sprich, ich habe gegenwärtig keinen Zugriff, das obige Archiv hat er mir zur Verfügung gestellt.
Ich würd's halt gern erst einmal einfach nur benutzen können, Versionsgefummel kann ja dann später folgen. :)

Wenn Du das telefon mit SCCP-Firmware betreiben möchtest (würde ich empfehlen), dann benötigst Du chan_sccp2 von

Ich bin halt DAU, was die Cisco Klamotten (und Linux ganz allgemein) anbelangt, daher hatte ich mich in dessen Hände begeben ... Um nun seit mehreren Wochen quasi platt und mit blau-violetten Augen auf der Schnau*e zu liegen. Aussage seinerseits war, dass ich das Cisco auf SIP "trimmen" solle, das wäre kein Problem. Wenn ich aber nun die Anweisungen im Web sehe/lese, habe ich evt. einfach nur das falsche Archiv (es scheinen für SIP notwendige Dateien zu fehlen) ..?
Sollte ich anstelle SIP lieber auf SCCP zurückgreifen? Wäre das nicht weit unter den Möglichkeiten des Gerätes?

Danke schonmal für deine "Anteilnahme" ;-)

ich versuche dir morgen einmal die Vorgehensweise zu erklären, wie Du die SIP Firmware aufgespielt bekommtst;

schönen abend
chaos2000 schrieb:
ich versuche dir morgen einmal die Vorgehensweise zu erklären, wie Du die SIP Firmware aufgespielt bekommtst;

Ahem. Ich hoffe, du hast nicht seit Freitag Abend komplett durchgeschlafen. :D

Hast du demnächst nochmal Zeit? Ich habe immer noch nix Brauchbares gefunden ... :(

sorry, das habe ich ganz vergessen; ist z.Z. etwas viel zu tun ;)

Olaf.Rabbachin schrieb:
Sollte ich anstelle SIP lieber auf SCCP zurückgreifen? Wäre das nicht weit unter den Möglichkeiten des Gerätes?
SCCP ist für die Ciscos die bessere Wahl

Wenn Du dennoch SIP verwenden möchtes:

als erstes benötigst du einen DHCP-server und einen TFTP-Server
gut ist

Dann entpackst Du die Datei und schiebst die Dateien auf den tftp-Server (ohne Verzeichnis direkt nach TFTPRoot)

dann erstellst du eine SEP[mac].cnf.xml im TFTPRoot
				<member priority="0">
	<versionStamp>{Jan 01 2006 00:00:00}</versionStamp>

Telefon neu starten -> Cisco müsste das SIP-Firmware laden

Sonst kannst Du auch mal hier schauen:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
chaos2000 schrieb:
sorry, das habe ich ganz vergessen; ist z.Z. etwas viel zu tun ;)

Pas de problème - geht mir ähnlich. :)

chaos2000 schrieb:
Wenn Du dennoch SIP verwenden möchtes:

Ächz. Ich habe mich jetzt, mit Ausnahme des De-Pl-Spiels (mein Nervenkostüm hat's echt zerfleddert) seit ca. 19:00 nur damit beschäftigt. Mir fehlen da irgendwelche Dateien, würde ich sagen (s. Auflistung weiter oben). Das Telefon findet da gar keine SIP-Firmware. Der Status steht nach wie vor auf SCCP und "Boot Load ID" auf "7971G_64-02070435Amd64meg.bin".
In den Status Messages findet sich dies hier:
 6:17:36p SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml 
 6:17:36p File Not Found P0S3-08-0-03 
 6:17:36p File Not Found : CTLFile.tlv 
 6:17:36p No CTL installed 
 6:17:36p SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml 
 6:17:36p File Not Found P0S3-08-0-03 
 6:17:36p File Not Found : CTLFile.tlv 
 6:17:36p No CTL installed 
 6:17:36p SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml 
 6:17:36p File Not Found P0S3-08-0-03

Wenn ich das Gelernte richtig interpretiere, würde doch die Datei "P0S3-08-0-03" die eigentliche Firmware enthalten, oder? TFTP läuft, DHCP wird vom Tel übernommen. Das Telefon lädt zwar auch einige Dinge aus den Dateien (z.B. kann ich die http-Adressen für die Menüs setzen), das Meiste aber wird gar nicht übernommen, oder bringt einen Fehler. Ich sollte wohl für heute aufgeben ...

chaos2000 schrieb:
SCCP ist für die Ciscos die bessere Wahl

Je mehr ich durch die Gegend suche, desto eher bin auch ich davon überzeugt. Bin halt Cisco-DAU und habe mich ganz einfach auf die Aussage meines Bekannten verlassen.
Ich habe mir einmal angesehen, das Archiv habe ich heruntergeladen. Habe die Sources gerade kompiliert. Jetzt wühle ich mich mal wieder durch ein paar Tonnen FAQs, WIKIs, How-Tos etc.

Mann-oh-Mann, dabei will ich nur telefonieren! :D

Danke jedenfalls erst einmal für deine Hilfe bis hierher!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Olaf.Rabbachin schrieb:
Ich habe mir einmal angesehen, das Archiv habe ich heruntergeladen. Habe die Sources gerade kompiliert. Jetzt wühle ich mich mal wieder durch ein paar Tonnen FAQs, WIKIs, How-Tos etc.

Tja, und wieder gibt's Probleme, bevor es so recht losgeht - sobald ich in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf die im HowTo angegebenen Zeilen
load =>
noload =>​
einfüge, kann Asterisk nicht mehr starten:

Jun 15 01:09:08 VERBOSE[2939] logger.c:  []
Jun 15 01:09:08 WARNING[2939] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_park_call
Jun 15 01:09:08 WARNING[2939] loader.c: Loading module failed!

Wenigstens reicht es, die entspr. Zeilen in der modules.conf auszukommentieren, damit Asterisk wieder läuft ...

Beim Kompilieren der SCCP-sources habe ich übrigens PARK und PICKUP einbezogen. War das ein Fehler ..? Naja, ich stehe ja wieder mal am Anfang - vielleicht komme ich ja hier weiter, als bei SIP. Jetzt erst mal ein Mützchen Schlaf ...

die Park und Pickup funktion ist bei mir ok;
schreibe mal in die /etc/asterisk/modules.conf

am ende der datei (vor global)
noload =>
load =>

in dieser Reihenfolge; sonst erst mal ohne Park kompilieren, wobei ich denke das es so funktionieren müsste
chaos2000 schrieb:
die Park und Pickup funktion ist bei mir ok;
schreibe mal in die /etc/asterisk/modules.conf

am ende der datei (vor global)
noload =>
load =>

Nope, der Fehler bleibt der gleiche. Ich kompiliere jetzt mal ohne PARK und PICKUP.

Olaf.Rabbachin schrieb:
Ich kompiliere jetzt mal ohne PARK und PICKUP.

Hmgrn! In der sccp.conf hatte ich doch tatsächlich einen Zahlendreher bei der AAH-IP! Dachte schon, das wär's gewesen, leider aber nicht.
Ohne P/P nämlich geht's. Genauer gesagt, ohne PARK und mit PICKUP geht's auch. Ich bekomme beim Kompilieren jew. folgende Warnungen (ob mit oder ganz ohne P/P, ist hier egal):

Now compiling .... sccp_actions.c       1427 lines
sccp_actions.c: In function `sccp_activate_hint':
sccp_actions.c:290: warning: passing arg 3 of `ast_extension_state_add' from incompatible pointer type

Sprich, die PARK-Funktion scheint der Übeltäter zu sein. Wieso, ist mir schleierhaft. Braucht man PARK? Entspricht das der Park-Funktion, wie's bei ISDN zur Verfügung steht?

Wie auch immer, uch bekomme jetzt weniger Fehlermeldungen vom 7971. Aber diese hier bleiben:

 6:17:36p File Not Found : CTLFile.tlv 
 6:17:36p No CTL installed 
 6:17:36p SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml 
 6:17:36p File Not Found P0S3-08-0-03

Schätze, ich müsste alle SIP-Dateien wieder aus dem TFTP-Dir 'rausschmeißen ..?

Woran sehe ich denn eigentlich, ob SCCP klappt? In AAH jedenfalls erkenne ich keine Änderung ...
In der sccp.conf habe ich meine AAH-IP gesetzt, alle Vorkommnisse von 7905 durch 7970 ersetzt, park steht nun auf off, id und pin habe ich (trotz Kommentar 'future use' mal entsprechend auf Extension und PWD gesetzt.
Ich sehe aber leider absolut keine Änderung am Telefon ... :(

die id benötigst du echt nicht;
du musst nur bei bei

device => SEP0017E045B049

schreiben. Also z.B. so etwas:

servername = Asterisk			; show this name on the device registration
keepalive = 60				; phone keep alive message evey 60 secs. Used to check the voicemail
debug = 1					; console debug level. 1 => 10
context = sccp
dateFormat = D.M.Y			; M-D-Y in any order. Use M/D/YA (for 12h format)
bindaddr =			; replace with the ip address of the asterisk server (RTP important param)
port = 2000					; listen on port 2000 (Skinny, default)
disallow=all				; First disallow all codecs
allow=alaw					; Allow codecs in order of preference
allow=ulaw					; 
firstdigittimeout = 16			; dialing timeout for the 1st digit 
digittimeout = 8				; more digits
;digittimeoutchar = #			; you can force the channel to dial with this char in the dialing state
autoanswer_ring_time = 1		; ringing time in seconds for the autoanswer, the default is 0
autoanswer_tone = 0x32			; autoanswer confirmation tone. For a complete list of tones: grep SKINNY_TONE sccp_protocol.h
						; not all the tones can be played in a connected state, so you have to try.
remotehangup_tone = 0x32		; passive hangup notification. 0 for none
transfer_tone = 0				; confirmation tone on transfer. Works only between SCCP devices
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d			; sets to 0 to disable the callwaiting tone
musicclass=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
language=de					; Default language setting
;accountcode=skinny			; accountcode to ease billing
deny=			; Deny every address except for the only one allowed. 
;permit=		; Accept class C
						; You may have multiple rules for masking traffic.
						; Rules are processed from the first to the last.
						; This General rule is valid for all incoming connections. It's the 1st filter.
;localnet = 	; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
;externip =			; IP Address that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
;externhost =   	; Hostname (if dynamic) that we're going to notify in RTP media stream
; externrefresh = 60			; expire time in seconds for the hostname (dns resolution)
dnd = on					; turn on the dnd softkey for all devices. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent)
rtptos = 184				; sets the default rtp packets TOS
echocancel = on				; sets the phone echocancel for all devices
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for all devices
;callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for all lines
;pickupgroup=1,3-5			; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for all lines
;amaflags = 				; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
						; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
tos = 0x68					; call control packets tos (0x68 Assured forwarding)
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
						; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
private = on				; permit the private function softkey
;mwilamp = on				; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
;mwioncall = off				; Set the MWI on call.
;blindtransferindication = ring		; moh or ring. the blind transfer should ring the caller or just play music on hold
;protocolversion = 3			; skinny version protocol. Just for testing. 2 to 6
type        = 7971			; device type (see below)
autologin   = testline,,		  	; lines list. You can add an empty line for an empty button (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
description = TestPhone		; internal description. Not important
;tzoffset  = +2
transfer = on				; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
park = off			; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
speeddial = 				; you can add an empty speedial if you want an empty button (7960, 7970, 7920)
speeddial = 21,user1			; speeddial number and name
speeddial = 22,user2			; speeddial number and name
cfwdall = on				; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = on
dtmfmode = inband				; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
						; Some phone model does not play dtmf tones while connected (bug?), so the default is inband
;imageversion = P00405000700		; useful to upgrade old firmwares (the ones that do not load *.xml from the tftp server)
;deny=			; Same as general
;permit=		; This device can register only using this ip address
dnd = on					; turn on the dnd softkey for this device. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy signal), "reject" (busy signal), "silent" (ringer = silent)
trustphoneip = no				; The phone has a ip address. It could be private, so if the phone is behind NAT 
						; we don't have to trust the phone ip address, but the ip address of the connection
;earlyrtp = none				; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
						; The audio strem will be open in the progress and connected state.
private = on				; permit the private function softkey for this device
mwilamp = on				; Set the MWI lamp style when MWI active to on, off, wink, flash or blink
mwioncall = on				; Set the MWI on call.
device => SEP0017E045B049		; device name SEP<MAC>
id          = 1001			; future use
pin         = 1234			; future use
label       = testLine		; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
description = Line1			; top diplay description
context     = default
incominglimit = 2			; more than 1 incoming call = call waiting.
transfer = on				; per line transfer capability. on, off, 1, 0
mailbox = 1234				; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox[@context][:folder])
vmnum = 8500				; speeddial for voicemail administration, just a number to dial
cid_name = Telefonname		; caller id name
cid_num = 1234
;trnsfvm = 1000				; extension to redirect the caller (e.g for voicemail)
secondary_dialtone_digits = 9		; digits for the secondary dialtone (max 9 digits)
secondary_dialtone_tone = 0x22		; outside dialtone
musicclass=default			; Sets the default music on hold class
language=de				; Default language setting
;accountcode=79501			; accountcode to ease billing
rtptos = 184				; sets the the rtp packets TOS for this line
echocancel = on				; sets the phone echocancel for this line
silencesuppression = off		; sets the silence suppression for this line
callgroup=1,3-4				; We are in caller groups 1,3,4. Valid for this line
pickupgroup=1,3-5			; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5. Valid for this line
;amaflags = 				; Sets the default AMA flag code stored in the CDR record for this line
line => testline

dann asterisk neu starten (es gibt kein reload für chan_sccp)
und die Konsole beobachten, dann müsste sich das Telefon versuchen zu registrieren

P.S. Die Fehlermeldungen von TFTP erst einmal ignorieren
chaos2000 schrieb:
die id benötigst du echt nicht;
du musst nur bei bei

device => SEP0017E045B049

schreiben. Also z.B. so etwas:
dann asterisk neu starten (es gibt kein reload für chan_sccp)
und die Konsole beobachten, dann müsste sich das Telefon versuchen zu registrieren

Hmpf, das Ding sträubt sich hartnäckig. Hab's mit einer entsprechend geänderten Version meiner sccp.conf versucht, wie auch mit deiner geposteten Datei (habe nur die IP gesetzt). Ergebnis: gar keins. :(

Hilft das full-log in irgendeiner Weise? Hier ist ein Auszug, IMHO dürfte das alles sein, was chan_sccp hier hergibt:

Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:  []Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:  [] => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP). Release: 20060408)
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:   == Platform byte order   : LITTLE ENDIAN
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sccp.conf': Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sccp.conf': Found
Jun 16 00:28:34 DEBUG[2870] acl.c: appended to acl for peer
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- GLOBAL: Preferred capability (alaw|ulaw)
Jun 16 00:28:34 WARNING[2870] chan_sccp.c: Unknown param at line 62: park = off
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- Added empty speeddial
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- Added speeddial 2: user1 (21)
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- Added speeddial 3: user2 (22)
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- Added device 'SEP0017E045B049' (7971)
Jun 16 00:28:34 WARNING[2870] chan_sccp.c: Unknown param at line 106: pickupgroup = 1,3-5
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- Added line 'testline'
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- SCCP channel driver up and running on
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:     -- SCCP listening on
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:   == Registered channel type 'SCCP' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP))
Jun 16 00:28:34 VERBOSE[2870] logger.c:   == Registered application 'SetCalledParty'

kennst Du die IP des Telefons?
wenn ja versuche mal http://<IP> und schau in die LogFiles was diese sagen
chaos2000 schrieb:
versuche mal http://<IP> und schau in die LogFiles was diese sagen

Console log (FS/cache/log1):
|=== Syslogd(cnu) === Mon Sep 26 14:17:05 2005
14:17:05.897624 SYSMSG: System cold boot event!
14:17:05.898328 SYSMSG: Last reboot cause -> Power Loss
14:17:05.898615 vSwitch: SW_PORT_PHY: PHY_ID_1_REG 0x141 
14:17:05.899011 vSwitch: SW_PORT_PHY: PHY_ID_2_REG 0xc26 
14:17:05.899306 vSwitch: SW_PORT_MAC: SWITCH_ID_REG 0xac12 
14:17:05.899595  LED DRIVER: Backlight set to 14.

14:17:05.899878 SYSMSG: pid 1 using max CPU
14:17:05.900222 SYSMSG: pid 1 using max CPU
14:17:05.904152 init: Starting console strace...
14:17:05.911217 strace(cnu): PID = 6, ver A 
14:17:06.000559 init: Starting espd...
14:17:06.011867 ESP: pid = 7 
14:17:06.012996 ESP: create cmd thrd 
14:17:06.014172 ESP: create read thrd 
14:17:06.015115 ESP: sending trigger
14:17:06.019883 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:06.021072 ESP: create trace thread 
14:17:06.100582 init: State load_apps --> kill_apps
14:17:06.101431 init: Sending termination signals to apps for pending restart.
14:17:06.102736 init: State kill_apps --> startup_apps
14:17:06.103546 init: Starting /sbin/inetd
14:17:06.106764 init: State startup_apps --> foregnd_app
14:17:06.116137 INETD: pid = 8 
14:17:06.117948 INETD: /etc/inetd/inetd.conf does not exist 
14:17:06.133093 CDP: pid = 9 
14:17:07.022782 ESP: starting strace -f1
14:17:07.132278 pwr: maxPower = 14900 mwatts, alloc power = 14900 
14:17:07.132993 pwr: alloc = 14900 mWatts, mode = 1 
14:17:07.133799 CDP: LINE power detected, max power = 14900 milliwatts 
14:17:07.138166 CDP: freeze tag = 4095 
14:17:07.144248 CDP: PHY 0 --> LINK IS DOWN 
14:17:07.147603 CDP: PHY 1 --> LINK IS DOWN 
14:17:07.159310 DNS: pid = 11 
14:17:07.161746 init: State foregnd_app --> startup_apps
14:17:07.162601 init: Starting /sbin/tftpClient
14:17:07.165887 init: Starting /bin/secd
14:17:07.169194 init: Starting /sbin/imgauthd
14:17:07.172558 init: Starting /bin/ntp
14:17:07.175808 init: Starting /bin/login
14:17:07.179125 init: Starting /ubin/vieo
14:17:07.182841 init: Starting /ubin/zrun
14:17:07.186165 init: Starting /bin/rm
14:17:07.189512 init: Starting /ubin/dsp
14:17:07.936051 ESP: espInfoUpdate() 
14:17:07.936949 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:07.937763 ESP: send INFO 
14:17:07.960684 SECD: Starting... Ver: 1.3(1.1) [Sep 26 2005, 10:34:37]
14:17:07.963043 SECD: initResources: pre-alloc'ed mem for SSLC-ME lib, 256 kb

14:17:07.964724 SECD: secCreateDir: dir created </usr/tmp/sec>

14:17:07.967126 SECD: initSecMode: initializing to sec mode UNKNOWN (default)

14:17:07.978204 SECD: WARN:loadCert: phone has no LSC cert

14:17:07.979138 SECD: initResources: have cert+pkey:  MIC only, no LSC

14:17:07.980735 SECD: No CTL file: /flash0/sec/ctl/CTLFile.tlv 

14:17:07.981956 SECD: initCTL: finished CTL initialization

14:17:07.982868 SECD: WARN:initCTL: ** phone has NO CTL **

14:17:07.983873 SECD: WARN:resetSecMode: ** WARN ** resetting sec mode to NONE (non-secure)

14:17:07.985610 SECD: clearCapfList: CAPF table cleared

14:17:07.986785 SECD: initCapfClnt: CAPF clnt initialized

14:17:07.992201 SECD: main: starting service...

14:17:07.996695 IMG_AUTH: Version: 2.5(1.0): CNU RELEASE: 7970(Curr), Common(Curr)

14:17:07.997656 IMG_AUTH: CNU, builtin keys: 7970 (curr only), Common (curr only)

14:17:07.998629 IMG_AUTH: server started...

14:17:08.001441 NTP: pid = 15
14:17:09.000321 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:10.000308 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:11.000389 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:12.000282 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:13.000325 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:15.583370 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:15.583698 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:15.631733 MT: CPLD0- phone model = 0, revision = 20, newCPLD = 1

14:17:15.632925 MT: Parms Substitution- New Transducer (gigHarbor), substituting mic/speaker parameters

14:17:15.634102 MT: DSP Parm/Coef Substitution- Error*** file '/ubin/dspCoefs' missing

14:17:15.643207 MT: mt thread starts; waiting for MediaTerminationStart.

14:17:15.646730 ESP: trace pid = 10 
14:17:15.662229 init: State startup_apps --> apps_up
14:17:15.665240 CDP: check link on port 0 
14:17:15.666246 CDP: PHY 0 --> 100 MB LINK IS UP 
14:17:16.157440 tftpcl:secReq_initClient: clnt sock fd 6 bound to </tmp/secClnt_tftpcl>

14:17:16.179981 DHCP: pid = 21 
14:17:16.258309 can't open /flash0/lib/tzmappings
14:17:16.365258 FileSystemDll assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:16.366496 
14:17:16.382522 SystemManager: module "Timer Manager"/timermgr(0) is PRELOADING14:17:16.383759 
14:17:16.415329 SystemManager: module "Property Manager"/propertymgr(1) is PRELOADING14:17:16.416556 
14:17:16.419407 Properties assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:16.420818 
14:17:16.451324 DHCP: COLDBOOT - wait 10 seconds... 
14:17:16.454683 System NOT running ... bypass SIGIPCFG!!!14:17:16.455904 
14:17:16.471549 @vieo handling IPCFG: PCPORT DOWN

14:17:16.472374 @vieo: mqThread no connection to MQ_MT_ASYNC..

14:17:16.473202 @vieo: mqThread no connection to MQ_MT_ASYNC..

14:17:16.482215 CDP: SIGIO received...
14:17:16.485669 System NOT running ... bypass SIGIPCFG!!!14:17:16.486888 
14:17:16.489799 DHCP: SIGIPCFG received, code = 256 
14:17:16.500625 @vieo handling IPCFG: PCPORT DOWN

14:17:16.501459 @vieo: mqThread no connection to MQ_MT_ASYNC..

14:17:16.502280 @vieo: mqThread no connection to MQ_MT_ASYNC..

14:17:16.515096 JNI value from SigIpCfg 256 JNI value from SigIpCfg 256 pid_18:secReq_initClient: clnt sock fd 5 bound to </tmp/secClnt_pid_18>

14:17:16.517590 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:16.524337 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:16.535760  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 1 
14:17:16.539064 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:16.564210  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 2 
14:17:16.566631 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:16.567698 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:16.633331 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:16.635695 ESP: request tftp server 0 
14:17:16.638075 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.640657 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:16.641820 ESP: server 0 = 
14:17:16.642922 ESP: request tftp server 1 
14:17:16.644093 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.646276 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:16.647440 ESP: server 1 =  
14:17:16.649836 ESP: send INFO done 
14:17:16.654345 ESP: espInfoUpdate() 
14:17:16.655269 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:16.656099 ESP: send INFO 
14:17:16.732088 ESP: request tftp server 0 
14:17:16.733279 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.735467 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:16.736618 ESP: server 0 = 
14:17:16.737778 ESP: request tftp server 1 
14:17:16.739148 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.745381 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:16.746519 ESP: server 1 =  
14:17:16.748870 ESP: send INFO done 
14:17:16.750157 ESP: espInfoUpdate() 
14:17:16.751067 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:16.751897 ESP: send INFO 
14:17:16.845645 FileSystemDll assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:16.846890 
14:17:16.855828 ESP: request tftp server 0 
14:17:16.857178 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.859368 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:16.860635 ESP: server 0 = 
14:17:16.861751 ESP: request tftp server 1 
14:17:16.862908 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:16.865074 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:16.866205 ESP: server 1 =  
14:17:17.158773 Read in the Localized dictionary14:17:17.160081 
14:17:18.000316 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:18.351767 SecurityDll assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:18.352980 
14:17:18.354239 SECAddEntity : The IP is empty! IGNORED!
14:17:18.661319 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE)

14:17:18.936914 R2D assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:18.938129 
14:17:18.940470 NativeR2d_init up
14:17:18.942084 setBrightness:10
14:17:18.942940  LED DRIVER: Backlight set to 20.

14:17:18.944952 NativeR2d_init up
14:17:19.000312 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:19.239063 WARNING: unable to revert charsetProperty14:17:19.240343 
14:17:19.241574 WARNING: unable to revert langCodeProperty14:17:19.242790 
14:17:19.278671 Read in the Localized dictionary14:17:19.279939 
14:17:19.337767 Read in the Localized dictionary14:17:19.338981 
14:17:19.461169 Read in the Localized dictionary14:17:19.462380 
14:17:19.514382 Read in the Skin property14:17:19.515601 
14:17:19.518375 addFontDefinition(1,16,normal,20,5)14:17:19.519584 
14:17:19.522368 addFontDefinition(0,12,normal,10,3)14:17:19.523586 
14:17:19.525820 addFontReference(prompt,0)14:17:19.527024 
14:17:19.529254 addFontReference(softkey,0)14:17:19.530510 
14:17:19.532737 addFontReference(kate,1)14:17:19.533944 
14:17:19.536219 addFontReference(callerid,1)14:17:19.537434 
14:17:19.539676 addFontReference(menuitem,1)14:17:19.540975 
14:17:19.543203 addFontReference(title,1)14:17:19.544417 
14:17:19.546630 addFontReference(text,0)14:17:19.547842 
14:17:19.550122 addFontReference(overview,0)14:17:19.551342 
14:17:19.635010 ESP: send INFO done 
14:17:19.636222 ESP: espInfoUpdate() 
14:17:19.637128 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:19.637956 ESP: send INFO 
14:17:19.642253 SystemManager: module "XML Parser"/xmlparser(2) is PRELOADING14:17:19.643531 
14:17:19.645167 XmlFramerParser assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:19.646394 
14:17:19.685828 SystemManager: module "Reset Service"/reset(3) is PRELOADING14:17:19.687057 
14:17:19.706131 SystemManager: module "Localization Manager"/localizationmgr(4) is PRELOADING14:17:19.707377 
14:17:19.782911 Verify Font: Unicode.font ret: 014:17:19.784144 
14:17:19.876966 SystemManager: module "Timer Manager"/timermgr(0) is LOADING14:17:19.878198 
14:17:19.881266 SystemManager: module "Timer Manager"/timermgr(0) is LOADED14:17:19.882532 
14:17:19.884397 SystemManager: module "Property Manager"/propertymgr(1) is LOADING14:17:19.885634 
14:17:20.000303 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:20.436888 SystemManager: module "Property Manager"/propertymgr(1) is LOADED14:17:20.438117 
14:17:20.439973 SystemManager: module "XML Parser"/xmlparser(2) is LOADING14:17:20.441300 
14:17:20.443142 SystemManager: module "XML Parser"/xmlparser(2) is LOADED14:17:20.444372 
14:17:20.446228 SystemManager: module "Reset Service"/reset(3) is LOADING14:17:20.447504 
14:17:20.449341 SystemManager: module "Reset Service"/reset(3) is LOADED14:17:20.450629 
14:17:20.452531 SystemManager: module "Localization Manager"/localizationmgr(4) is LOADING14:17:20.453772 
14:17:20.461519 SystemManager: module "Localization Manager"/localizationmgr(4) is LOADED14:17:20.462749 
14:17:20.466524 inputmgr loading ...14:17:20.467744 
14:17:20.506749 SystemManager: module "Input Manager"/inputmgr(5) is PRELOADING14:17:20.508042 
14:17:20.526955 display loading ...14:17:20.528181 
14:17:20.650236 NativeIO assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:20.651482 
14:17:20.668043 SystemManager: module "Display"/display(6) is PRELOADING14:17:20.669275 
14:17:20.671519 NativeR2d_init
14:17:20.672331 NativeR2d_init up
14:17:20.673722 FB_VSWITCH detected14:17:20.674866 low power detected.
14:17:20.675717 *** inside r2d_init:width=320 height=240 ***
14:17:20.676706 *** R2D graphics API Initialising...
14:17:20.678409 TANDUN new revisions:0x20
14:17:20.782181 ESP: request tftp server 0 
14:17:20.783386 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:20.785563 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:20.786678 ESP: server 0 = 
14:17:20.787792 ESP: request tftp server 1 
14:17:20.788953 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:20.791300 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:20.792430 ESP: server 1 =  
14:17:20.881218  LED DRIVER: Backlight set to 14.

14:17:21.573965 creating thread: R2D timer thread

14:17:21.575149 creating thread: R2D server thread

14:17:21.594312 ESP: send INFO done 
14:17:21.770503 *** R2D was initialised OK
14:17:21.771361 ***********************************************

14:17:21.772421 r2djniMutex:0x843cf0c 
14:17:21.773238 -------------------------------
14:17:21.774175 state:1353400177 locked:0 waiting:0 sync:2489488 owner:0 home:18
14:17:21.775006 -------------------------------
14:17:21.775898 type:2 protocol:0 pshared:2 priority ceiling:50
14:17:21.776711 -------------------------------
14:17:21.777568 calling r2d_wnd_get_root
14:17:21.778413 root_wnd:0x89ef2f8
14:17:21.779255 root_surf:0x89ef3a8
14:17:21.780257 surf width:320 height:234
14:17:21.799642 r2d_init brightness: 10
14:17:21.800610  LED DRIVER: Backlight set to 20.

14:17:23.000331 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:23.709508 fontCreate handle:0x8a84448 name:</flash0/Unicode.font> height:8
14:17:23.721091 fontCreate handle:0x8b0eeb8 name:</flash0/Unicode.font> height:12
14:17:24.000325 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:24.005062 fontCreate handle:0x8b17918 name:</flash0/Monospace.font> height:12
14:17:24.016491 fontCreate handle:0x8b30c30 name:</flash0/Monospace.font> height:16
14:17:24.042994 fontCreate handle:0x8b394e0 name:</flash0/Unicode.font> height:12
14:17:24.068743 fontCreate handle:0x8b529e0 name:</flash0/Unicode.font> height:16
14:17:24.075720 taskbar=Font name=Monospace.font size=16 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=20 tabTol=514:17:24.076991 
14:17:24.079323 overview=Font name=Unicode.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.080703 
14:17:24.083055 menuitem=Font name=Unicode.font size=16 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=20 tabTol=514:17:24.084292 
14:17:24.086646 text=Font name=Unicode.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.087890 
14:17:24.090255 title=Font name=Unicode.font size=16 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=20 tabTol=514:17:24.091499 
14:17:24.093833 kate=Font name=Unicode.font size=16 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=20 tabTol=514:17:24.095080 
14:17:24.097421 timer=Font name=Monospace.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.098703 
14:17:24.101188 callerid=Font name=Unicode.font size=16 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=20 tabTol=514:17:24.102417 
14:17:24.104762 softkey=Font name=Unicode.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.106012 
14:17:24.108349 prompt=Font name=Unicode.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.109594 
14:17:24.111985 menuitemnumber=Font name=Monospace.font size=12 styleFlags=0 tabWidth=10 tabTol=314:17:24.113226 
14:17:24.207205 appmgr loading ...14:17:24.208489 
14:17:24.260294 SystemManager: module "Application Manager"/appmgr(7) is PRELOADING14:17:24.261566 
14:17:24.269504 callagent loading ...14:17:24.270802 
14:17:24.311963 SystemManager: module "Call Agent"/callagent(8) is PRELOADING14:17:24.313196 
14:17:24.336438 mediamgr loading ...14:17:24.337662 
14:17:24.361809 SystemManager: module "Media Manager"/mediamgr(9) is PRELOADING14:17:24.363061 
14:17:24.365646 MediaTermination assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:24.366884 
14:17:24.371692 @vieo: rxed VIEOMQ_SIGN_ON
14:17:24.373185 libMT: send _MTStart....

14:17:24.374228 MT: mtStart...

14:17:24.378646 LibMT registered VIEO callbacks
14:17:26.387611 MT: DSP INIT-*** DSP_STATE_READY***
14:17:26.389341 MT: dspcallEQ- Equalizer enabled/disable = 1

14:17:26.392045 LibMT: MediaTerminationStart OK

14:17:26.394477 MT: mtSetLocalIPAddr, IP  = c0a80015
14:17:26.454689 MMM : setAudioPath (NONE)14:17:26.456032 
14:17:26.475774 callui loading ...14:17:26.477100 
14:17:26.511137 SystemManager: module "Call UI"/callui(10) is PRELOADING14:17:26.512474 
14:17:26.515259 tftp loading ...14:17:26.516526 
14:17:26.532359 SystemManager: module "TFTP Client"/tftp(11) is PRELOADING14:17:26.533645 
14:17:26.555652 TftpNative assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:26.556930 
14:17:26.559752 configmgr loading ...14:17:26.561215 
14:17:26.585048 SystemManager: module "Config Manager"/configmgr(12) is PRELOADING14:17:26.586361 
14:17:26.685419 Creating LOADID properties with empty values14:17:26.686690 
14:17:26.748029 http loading ...14:17:26.749299 
14:17:26.762429 SystemManager: module "HTTP"/http(13) is PRELOADING14:17:26.763717 
14:17:26.765558 httpclient loading ...14:17:26.766824 
14:17:26.794858 SystemManager: module "HTTP Client"/httpclient(14) is PRELOADING14:17:26.796191 
14:17:26.797979 microservlets loading ...14:17:26.799249 
14:17:26.846245 SystemManager: module "HTTP Server/Microservlet Container"/microservlets(15) is PRELOADING14:17:26.847561 
14:17:26.849331 push loading ...14:17:26.850708 
14:17:26.890459 SystemManager: module "Push Service"/push(16) is PRELOADING14:17:26.891729 
14:17:26.897418 settings loading ...14:17:26.898689 
14:17:26.921849 SystemManager: module "Settings"/settings(17) is PRELOADING14:17:26.923135 
14:17:26.929998 Cert Type is 1 ---14:17:26.931315 
14:17:26.932606 Getting native cert value14:17:26.933872 
14:17:26.936514 SECD: WARN:getCertInfo: ** phone has no LSC

14:17:26.943886 Cert Type is 0 ---14:17:26.945200 
14:17:26.946486 Getting native cert value14:17:26.947742 
14:17:26.958606 services loading ...14:17:26.959954 
14:17:26.983023 SystemManager: module "Services"/services(18) is PRELOADING14:17:26.984370 
14:17:26.987194 directories loading ...14:17:26.988473 
14:17:27.012786 SystemManager: module "Directories"/directories(19) is PRELOADING14:17:27.014129 
14:17:27.019363 messages loading ...14:17:27.020801 
14:17:27.043323 SystemManager: module "Messages"/messages(20) is PRELOADING14:17:27.044661 
14:17:27.047476 go4 loading ...14:17:27.048787 
14:17:27.073514 SystemManager: module "Go4"/go4(21) is PRELOADING14:17:27.074908 
14:17:27.077538 help loading ...14:17:27.078858 
14:17:27.102375 SystemManager: module "Help"/help(22) is PRELOADING14:17:27.103661 
14:17:27.110378 appstatus loading ...14:17:27.111670 
14:17:27.142449 SystemManager: module "AppStatus"/appstatus(23) is PRELOADING14:17:27.143816 
14:17:27.146745 vieo loading ...14:17:27.148013 
14:17:27.184512 SystemManager: module "Vieo"/vieo(24) is PRELOADING14:17:27.185797 
14:17:27.187648 sidecar loading ...14:17:27.189024 
14:17:27.228844 CDP: VVLAN acquired --> VLAN = 4096, VVLAN = 4096 
14:17:27.230621 INETD: SIGINFO received... 
14:17:27.233574 SystemManager: module "Sidecar"/sidecar(25) is PRELOADING14:17:27.234906 
14:17:27.236504 Sidecar.onPreload()14:17:27.237757 
14:17:27.287723 sccpccapi loading ...14:17:27.289023 
14:17:27.301389 DHCP: SIGINFO received 
14:17:27.312507 SystemManager: module "SCCP Call Control"/sccpccapi(26) is PRELOADING14:17:27.313789 
14:17:27.315794 SystemManager: module "Input Manager"/inputmgr(5) is LOADING14:17:27.317124 
14:17:27.330916 SystemManager: module "Input Manager"/inputmgr(5) is LOADED14:17:27.332190 
14:17:27.334118 SystemManager: module "Display"/display(6) is LOADING14:17:27.335444 
14:17:27.348692 Time to on: 4758000014:17:27.350003 
14:17:27.355541 Time to off: 8537999914:17:27.356785 
14:17:27.371057 SystemManager: module "Display"/display(6) is LOADED14:17:27.372328 
14:17:27.374251 SystemManager: module "Application Manager"/appmgr(7) is LOADING14:17:27.375579 
14:17:27.638780 SystemManager: module "Application Manager"/appmgr(7) is LOADED14:17:27.640244 
14:17:27.642183 SystemManager: module "Call Agent"/callagent(8) is LOADING14:17:27.643452 
14:17:27.661972 SystemManager: module "Call Agent"/callagent(8) is LOADED14:17:27.663262 
14:17:27.665246 SystemManager: module "Media Manager"/mediamgr(9) is LOADING14:17:27.666525 
14:17:28.152247 SystemManager: module "Media Manager"/mediamgr(9) is LOADED14:17:30.726718 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:30.727754 SYSMSG: pid 18 using max CPU
14:17:30.728153 SystemManager: module "Call UI"/callui(10) is LOADING14:17:30.728545 
14:17:30.728933 SystemManager: module "Call UI"/callui(10) is LOADED14:17:30.729318 
14:17:30.729770 SystemManager: module "TFTP Client"/tftp(11) is LOADING14:17:30.730263 
14:17:30.730668 SystemManager: module "TFTP Client"/tftp(11) is LOADED14:17:30.731056 
14:17:30.731444 SystemManager: module "Config Manager"/configmgr(12) is LOADING14:17:30.731830 
14:17:30.732219 SystemManager: module "Config Manager"/configmgr(12) is LOADED14:17:30.732646 
14:17:30.733036 SystemManager: module "HTTP"/http(13) is LOADING14:17:30.733415 
14:17:30.733801 HTTPService assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:30.734182 
14:17:30.734568 SystemManager: module "HTTP"/http(13) is LOADED14:17:30.734966 
14:17:30.735326 SystemManager: module "HTTP Client"/httpclient(14) is LOADING

Console log (FS/cache/log2):
|=== Syslogd(cnu) === Mon Sep 26 14:17:30 2005
14:17:30.737135 HTTPStartService 
14:17:30.737493 SystemManager: module "HTTP Client"/httpclient(14) is LOADED14:17:30.737859 
14:17:30.738223 SystemManager: module "HTTP Server/Microservlet Container"/microservlets(15) is LOADING14:17:30.738647 
14:17:30.739001 USER_LOCALE_CHARSET:ASCII14:17:30.739367 
14:17:30.739776 USER_LOCALE_LANG_CODE:en14:17:30.740232 
14:17:30.740596 UNICODE_SUPPORTED:false14:17:30.740957 
14:17:30.741324 SystemManager: module "HTTP Server/Microservlet Container"/microservlets(15) is LOADED14:17:30.741707 
14:17:30.742063 SystemManager: module "Push Service"/push(16) is LOADING14:17:30.742433 
14:17:30.742783 SystemManager: module "Push Service"/push(16) is LOADED14:17:30.743207 
14:17:30.743563 SystemManager: module "Settings"/settings(17) is LOADING14:17:30.743933 
14:17:30.744291 SystemManager: module "Settings"/settings(17) is LOADED14:17:30.744725 
14:17:30.745085 SystemManager: module "Services"/services(18) is LOADING14:17:30.745455 
14:17:30.745803 Custom HTTP headers:14:17:30.746167 
14:17:30.746522 x-CiscoIPPhoneModelName: CP-7971G-GE
x-CiscoIPPhoneSDKVersion: 4.1.1
x-CiscoIPPhoneDisplay: 298,168,12,C
14:17:30.747312 WARNING: Unable to load MIDletManager14:17:30.747677 
14:17:30.748031 SystemManager: module "Services"/services(18) is LOADED14:17:30.748399 
14:17:30.748750 SystemManager: module "Directories"/directories(19) is LOADING14:17:30.749124 
14:17:30.749477 SystemManager: module "Directories"/directories(19) is LOADED14:17:30.749910 
14:17:30.750322 SystemManager: module "Messages"/messages(20) is LOADING14:17:30.750696 
14:17:30.751051 SystemManager: module "Messages"/messages(20) is LOADED14:17:30.751470 
14:17:30.751825 SystemManager: module "Go4"/go4(21) is LOADING14:17:30.752196 
14:17:30.752544 SystemManager: module "Go4"/go4(21) is LOADED14:17:30.752911 
14:17:30.753261 SystemManager: module "Help"/help(22) is LOADING14:17:30.753626 
14:17:30.753974 SystemManager: module "Help"/help(22) is LOADED14:17:30.754343 
14:17:30.754755 SystemManager: module "AppStatus"/appstatus(23) is LOADING14:17:30.755123 
14:17:30.755481 SystemManager: module "AppStatus"/appstatus(23) is LOADED14:17:30.755852 
14:17:30.756259 SystemManager: module "Vieo"/vieo(24) is LOADING14:17:30.756636 
14:17:30.756982 Vieo is loaded!!!!!14:17:30.757341 
14:17:30.757692 Vieo Proxy created14:17:30.758054 
14:17:30.758407 Vieo Overview created14:17:30.758760 
14:17:30.759118 MM : IVieoListener subscribed14:17:30.759476 
14:17:30.759885 SystemManager: module "Vieo"/vieo(24) is LOADED14:17:30.760372 
14:17:30.760737 SystemManager: module "Sidecar"/sidecar(25) is LOADING14:17:30.761109 
14:17:30.761458 Sidecar Module loaded.14:17:30.761865 
14:17:30.762232 SystemManager: module "Sidecar"/sidecar(25) is LOADED14:17:30.762601 
14:17:30.762950 SystemManager: module "SCCP Call Control"/sccpccapi(26) is LOADING14:17:30.763342 
14:17:30.763696  ****** CREATING NEW DEVRECTASK ****** 
14:17:30.764417 Creating new StateMachineThread14:17:30.764840 
14:17:30.765197 SystemManager: module "SCCP Call Control"/sccpccapi(26) is LOADED14:17:30.765569 
14:17:30.781757 System up and running ... SIGIPCFG!!!14:17:30.783033 
14:17:30.785290  -NIO| InitializeInput 
14:17:30.856914 ----> notifyNativeChanged14:17:30.858194 
14:17:30.863203 PropertyChanged: 314:17:30.864457 
14:17:30.924478 DHCP: DHCP enabled, status = 0x12310000, state = 209ea0 
14:17:30.953506 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:30.958444 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:30.965315  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 1 
14:17:30.968170 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:30.971957  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 2 
14:17:30.974678 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:30.975751 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:31.003754 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:31.209255 MM : IPValid is no longer valid - closing all channels14:17:31.210717 
14:17:31.212031 MM : closeAllChannels()14:17:31.213282 
14:17:31.216343 <---- notifyNativeChanged14:17:31.217603 
14:17:31.223305 IP_VALID changed: 6  14:17:31.224636 
14:17:31.226239 PropertyChanged: Auto Negotiate14:17:31.227492 
14:17:31.244753 REBOOT14:17:31.246049 
14:17:31.920633 DHCP: Sending Request... 
14:17:31.925039 DHCP: ACK received 
14:17:31.925914 DHCP: Succeeded 
14:17:31.953776 DHCP: IP Address -- 
14:17:31.954774 DHCP: Subnet Mask - 
14:17:31.955659 DHCP: Default Gwy - 
14:17:31.959616 ----> notifyNativeChanged14:17:31.961035 
14:17:31.965607 ESP: espInfoUpdate() 
14:17:31.966580 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:31.967448 ESP: send INFO 
14:17:31.970626 @vieo handling IPCFG: PCPORT DOWN

14:17:31.971689 received EMPTY CAP
14:17:31.972726 @MediaTermination VieoEventCallback event:6
14:17:31.974060 @MediaTermination VieoEventCallback event:15
14:17:31.991955 CAPABILITYIES_CHANGED calling getVideoCapabilityList...14:17:31.993254 
14:17:31.995578 JNI value from SigIpCfg 256 NewIntArray size: 387
14:17:31.996513 @vieoProcess vieoGetVideoCapability
14:17:32.000347 CAPABILITYIES_CHANGED called getVideoCapabilityList size:38714:17:32.001628 
14:17:32.003542 MM : VIEO CVL_LINK_DOWN recieved14:17:32.004864 
14:17:32.008682 XXXX callAgentCmdSink.unsubscribe((ICallAgentListener.Proxy)callAgentEventProxy)14:17:32.010139 
14:17:32.013101 Vieo disabled14:17:32.014349 
14:17:32.022626 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:32.065458 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:32.082238 ESP: request tftp server 0 
14:17:32.083471 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:32.101238 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:32.102498 ESP: server 0 = 
14:17:32.103684 ESP: request tftp server 1 
14:17:32.104978 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/esptc 
14:17:32.107639 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:32.108798 ESP: server 1 =  
14:17:32.113686 ESP: send INFO done 
14:17:32.117460  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 1 
14:17:32.120517 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:32.124174  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 2 
14:17:32.126780 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:32.127903 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:32.154670 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:32.344167 <---- notifyNativeChanged14:17:32.345484 
14:17:32.348612 IP_VALID changed: 1  14:17:32.349939 
14:17:32.352077 PropertyChanged: Auto Negotiate14:17:32.353336 
14:17:32.375127 SECD: updateCTL: starting CTL update

14:17:32.377409 SECD: Socket 8 connected to /usr/tmp/tftpClientSock 

14:17:32.378546 SECD: Request CTLSEP0017E045B049.tlv 

14:17:32.381117 BOUND14:17:32.382457 
14:17:32.386231 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/ctlSock, srcFile = CTLSEP0017E045B049.tlv, dstFile = /usr/tmp/CTLFile.tlv 
14:17:32.388670 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] =  
14:17:32.389605 tftpClient: look up server - 1 
14:17:32.399787 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: CTL update in progress, no old CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE

14:17:32.402054 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
14:17:32.402946 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server 
14:17:32.403824 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
14:17:32.404826 tftpClient: retval = 10 
14:17:32.405678 tftpClient: Non secure file requested  
14:17:32.417116 TFTP: pid = 22 
14:17:32.421945 TFTP: Requesting CTLSEP0017E045B049.tlv from 
14:17:32.951096 DHCP: SIGIPCFG received, code = 256 
14:17:36.421633 TFTP: Timeout --> retransmit the last packet 
14:17:36.427475 TFTP: Error --> File not found 
14:17:36.430206 SYSMSG: pid 22 (/sbin/tftp) Normal Exit, status = 2
14:17:36.430562           runtime = 4.020 secs

14:17:36.430912          user cpu = 0.001748344 secs

14:17:36.431218        system cpu = 0.005365477 secs

14:17:36.431522    child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

14:17:36.431818     child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

14:17:36.432115    sys interrupts = 0.042312570 secs for 665 interrupts

14:17:36.432423 total cpu = 0.007113821 secs ( 0% utilization )

14:17:36.434563 SECD: Status 2 rcv'd 

14:17:36.435752 SECD: updateCTL: finished CTL update

14:17:36.436799 SECD: EROR:updateCTL: ** had NO CTL and CTL tftp FAILED** tftp-err 2

14:17:36.480801 phone has no CTL (nether old, nor new via tftp [FILE_NOT_FOUND])
14:17:36.529258 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:36.531958 NO CTL
14:17:36.533235 Error getting CtlInfoObject from native14:17:36.534538 
14:17:36.542121 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml 
14:17:36.543996 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] =  
14:17:36.544945 tftpClient: look up server - 1 
14:17:36.547651 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE

14:17:36.549820 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
14:17:36.551295 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server 
14:17:36.552176 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
14:17:36.553073 tftpClient: retval = 10 
14:17:36.553919 tftpClient: Secure file requested 
14:17:36.554867 tftpClient: Non secure file approved  -- SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml  
14:17:36.565189 TFTP: pid = 23 
14:17:36.569573 TFTP: Requesting SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml from 
14:17:36.574316 TFTP: Finished --> rcvd 733 bytes 
14:17:36.608989 Get Capf Info: IP = , port = 014:17:36.612579 LOAD_SERVER property set to 14:17:36.613906 
14:17:36.616639 SECD: clearTFTPList: cleared all TFTP entries

14:17:36.619520 validateLoadServer() - server = 14:17:36.620906 
14:17:36.622483 SECAddEntity : The IP is empty! IGNORED!
14:17:36.636223 validateLoadServer() - server = 14:17:36.637502 
14:17:36.639725 Properties assumed to be integrated into the VM14:17:36.641160 
14:17:36.655659 init: Received image/load request from pid 97, svr = 00000000, load = P0S3-08-0-03.loads
14:17:36.672027 init: Requesting load file /usr/tmp/P0S3-08-0-03.loads
14:17:36.673907 init: Bound local socket to /usr/tmp/initTftp 
14:17:36.675166 init: Connected to /usr/tmp/tftpClientSock 
14:17:36.676756 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/initTftp, srcFile = P0S3-08-0-03.loads, dstFile = /usr/tmp/P0S3-08-0-03.loads 
14:17:36.678577 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] =  
14:17:36.679621 tftpClient: look up server - 1 
14:17:36.682407 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE

14:17:36.684573 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa 
14:17:36.685478 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server 
14:17:36.686349 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking 
14:17:36.687246 tftpClient: retval = 10 
14:17:36.688103 tftpClient: Non secure file requested  
14:17:36.698866 TFTP: pid = 2 
14:17:36.703785 TFTP: Requesting P0S3-08-0-03.loads from 
14:17:36.706503 TFTP: Error --> File not found 
14:17:36.709394 SYSMSG: pid 2 (/sbin/tftp) Normal Exit, status = 2
14:17:36.709756           runtime = 0.020 secs

14:17:36.710122          user cpu = 0.001595113 secs

14:17:36.710434        system cpu = 0.004695483 secs

14:17:36.710736    child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs

14:17:36.711039     child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs

14:17:36.711334    sys interrupts = 0.000771459 secs for 8 interrupts

14:17:36.711643 total cpu = 0.006290596 secs ( 0% utilization )

14:17:36.713822 init: State apps_up --> update_done
14:17:36.714826 init: State update_done --> apps_up
14:17:36.752700 JNI value from SigIpCfg 255 SET SPAN TO PC PORT: 0 
14:17:36.756074 VendorConfig - logging display == 114:17:36.757360 
14:17:36.758946 VendorConfig - logging display, theValue == 1714:17:36.760388 
14:17:36.761952 SET LOGGING DISPLAY: 1 , 1, 0
14:17:36.818888 SET THE GARP ENABLE: 0 
14:17:36.836592 SET THE VVLAN ACCESS: 0 
14:17:36.863289 Time to on: 4758000014:17:36.864690 
14:17:36.870408 Time to off: 8537999914:17:36.872070 
14:17:36.935658 Setting LOADIDs module1= module2=14:17:36.936922 
14:17:36.975939 UPDATING ACCEPT-CHARSET:iso8859-114:17:36.977228 
14:17:37.009599 HTTP Server fd:13 tos set to:0
14:17:37.095221 java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 014:17:37.096509 
14:17:37.098221 	at cip.cfg.TimeDateProperty.c(Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.099561 
14:17:37.101246 	at cip.cfg.i.c(Lcip/xml/XmlConfigObject;)Z(Unknown Source)14:17:37.102573 
14:17:37.104147 	at cip.cfg.i.a(Lcip/xml/j;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.105483 
14:17:37.107093 	at cip.cfg.i.b(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.108378 
14:17:37.110097 	at cip.cfg.i.a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.111779 
14:17:37.113373 	at cip.tftp.l.a(Lcip/tftp/i;Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.114767 
14:17:37.116349 	at cip.tftp.l.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.117629 
14:17:37.119197 	at cip.sys.m.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.120723 
14:17:37.122326 	at;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;(Unknown Source)14:17:37.123605 
14:17:37.125216 	at Source)14:17:37.126487 
14:17:37.128031 	at Source)14:17:37.129324 
14:17:37.131500 	at java.lang.Thread.startup(Z)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.132780 
14:17:37.137388 configmgr MQThread(18)[Thread[Thread-19,5,main]]: error sending message Family: cip.tftp.b@b01 ID: 1 Source: cip.tftp.j@ab7637 P1: SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml P2: scratchpad/SEP0017E045B049.cnf.xml P3: 0 java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index14:17:37.138825 
14:17:37.140718 java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 014:17:37.142008 
14:17:37.143645 	at cip.cfg.TimeDateProperty.c(Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.144997 
14:17:37.146576 	at cip.cfg.i.c(Lcip/xml/XmlConfigObject;)Z(Unknown Source)14:17:37.147925 
14:17:37.149541 	at cip.cfg.i.a(Lcip/xml/j;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.151318 
14:17:37.152934 	at cip.cfg.i.b(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.154217 
14:17:37.155893 	at cip.cfg.i.a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.157177 
14:17:37.158769 	at cip.tftp.l.a(Lcip/tftp/i;Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.160214 
14:17:37.172589 	at cip.tftp.l.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.173871 
14:17:37.175505 	at cip.sys.m.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/ad;)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.176789 
14:17:37.178436 	at;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;(Unknown Source)14:17:37.179783 
14:17:37.181515 	at Source)14:17:37.182785 
14:17:37.184376 	at Source)14:17:37.185643 
14:17:37.187201 	at java.lang.Thread.startup(Z)V(Unknown Source)14:17:37.188476 
14:17:37.192109 ----> notifyNativeChanged14:17:37.193374 
14:17:37.231172 ESP: set console logging 
14:17:37.242403 ESP: send ADMIN, log=1, sh=0, ip=1 (FR=0)
14:17:37.256450 DNS: SIGHUP received... 
14:17:37.284469 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:37.334712 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL

14:17:37.385065  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 1 
14:17:37.387940 tftpClient: request server 0 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:37.392059  --> PropertyGetTftpAddress: 2 
14:17:37.394669 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
14:17:37.395748 tftpClient: request server 1 from /usr/tmp/properties 
14:17:37.411908 tftpClient: request server 1 --->  
14:17:37.611492 <---- notifyNativeChanged14:17:37.612805 
14:17:40.650801 on hook
14:17:50.135305 Flushed: cip.midp.rms.n@2d4bdd14:17:50.136566 
14:18:20.641159 NTP: Mon Sep 26 14:18:20 2005
14:19:37.330730 SECD: sigHandler: internal timeout

14:20:10.888099 Error updating DevInfoProperty14:20:10.889399 
14:20:10.896810 Error updating DevInfoProperty14:20:10.898144 
14:20:10.904132 Error updating DevInfoProperty14:20:10.905414 
14:20:10.912632 Error updating DevInfoProperty14:20:10.913918 
14:20:11.221933 SfsOpenFile:/usr/cache/favicon.ico fopen:2

Debug Display:
 6:30:13p 6: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT File Not Found 
 6:30:13p 25: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT Last=Initialized 
 6:30:13p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 6:30:13p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 6:41:32p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 6:41:32p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 6:52:40p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 6:52:40p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 7:03:47p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 7:03:47p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 7:14:55p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 7:14:55p Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:16:26 6: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT File Not Found:  
 21:16:26 20: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT Last=Phone-Keypad 
 21:16:26 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:16:26 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:21:04 6: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT File Not Found:  
 21:21:04 20: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT Last=Phone-Keypad 
 21:21:04 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:21:04 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:32:13 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 21:32:13 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future 
 20:17:38 6: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT File Not Found: P0S3-08-0-03 
 20:17:38 25: Name=SEP0017E045B049 Load= TERM71.DEFAULT Last=Initialized 
 20:17:38 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 37 - close connection and alarm in future 
 20:17:38 Invalid SCCP message! : ID :0: Invalid length = 0 - close connection and alarm in future

Die CoreDumps dürften wg. Binärformat kaum sinnvolle Infos bringen, oder?
Sagt mir übrigens unheimlich viel, das. :)

BTW - die für das 7960 gültige Tastenkombi für einen reboot (<*>-<6>-<Settings>) funzt mit dem 7971 nicht, daher ziehe ich immer das Netzwerk-Kabel (PoE). Ich habe keine Info im Web finden können, wie das mit dem 7971 gehen könnte. Weisst du eine ..?

Olaf.Rabbachin schrieb:
BTW - die für das 7960 gültige Tastenkombi für einen reboot (<*>-<6>-<Settings>) funzt mit dem 7971 nicht, daher ziehe ich immer das Netzwerk-Kabel (PoE). Ich habe keine Info im Web finden können, wie das mit dem 7971 gehen könnte. Weisst du eine ..?


hast Du die TERM71.DEFAULT auf dem tftp?
chaos2000 schrieb:


hast Du die TERM71.DEFAULT auf dem tftp?

Nope, ich sehe hier nur <term70.default.loads> und <term71.default.loads>. Ist aber auch nicht verwunderlich, da ich für das Tel. nur ein SIP-Archiv bekommen hatte. Welches Archiv müsste ich denn eigentlich [für eine akt. Firmware] herunterladen ..?

Hier mal der Inhalt von /tftpboot (ein paar Dateien sind für das 7912/SIP):


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