CLIP on POTS with Fritz box 7050


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20 Sep 2006
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apologies for posting in english - despite working for a german company for many years (T-Mobile) i do not speak enough of the language to be understood...:(

i have the same problem with my 7050 that is reported repeatedly in this forum: i cannot obtain the CLIP information for incoming POTS calls. the 7050 just does not decode it. other CLIP devices plugged directly to the POTS sockets display CLIP perfectly.

AVM have not come up with a solution and tell me it is a problem with France Telecom (!). I have gone through their troubleshooting of disconnecting cables, power sources etc etc and i am only using their cables (i find it worrying that they believe that their device is so susceptible to external interference).

I am not that far away from the exchange and get an excellent telephone service and DSL at 8Mbits.

so ... my question: has anyone come up with a proper solution to this issue either in the german threads or otherwise?

assuming that there is no solution: is there a workaround? i was thinking that there might be a signal booster that could be placed inline with the AVM? or perhaps a CLIP device that could pick the signal up from the POTS and then transfer it to the AVM?

thank you, in advance, for your assistance.

understand that there is nothing configurable.

i don't really have enough understanding of the telephony signalling protocols to be able to do any debugging. so i guess i am stuck with a hardware solution:

from my first post:
i was thinking that there might be a signal booster that could be placed inline with the AVM? or perhaps a CLIP device that could pick the signal up from the POTS and then transfer it to the AVM?
Does anyone know of such a device?
That would require something like a CallerId conversion device... never heard of such a beast for private use. I know there are little devices you attach to the phone line in addition to display-less phones to display the caller id. However, that still doesn't get the information into the FBF.

The best approach would be for AVM to correctly implement the French version of ETSI FSK for caller ids. I know that my SPA3000 worked with proper caller id display in Paris, though. The settings were the same as the ones I used in Germany.

I apologize for not being able to be more helpful here...

Thanks. I too have found that the callerID devices are only connectable in parallel. also my sipura devices all work fine too (in france and england and Germany!)

i agree that AVM should fix their product, but they are not interested. i have tried direct interaction with them as well as via my service provider in the UK (voiptalk).

i'm thinking the solution might be to reuse one of my old sipura's or handytones (which does pick up the CLIP) and put that inline with the AVM. it's a horrible solution but i have bought a whole bunch of ISDN kit to work with the Fritz box on the basis that it will work for me just to chuck it out.

The frustration of not having CLI is important for two purposes: not just the lack of caller information for my business but also you cannot use CLIP recognition to be able to dial in over POTS and route the call over VOIP. this is a real cost saver when using handys to call abroad.

i'm going to try some other hardware solutions too: eg different filters, no filters (just for testing), different sockets, master sockets etc but i'm not convinced! from reading posts in this forum it seems that other users have this issue in germany too!

i don't think so as this standard exists in germany too, i believe. so assuming the device is built at least to work in germany (but see my post above [:rolleyes:]) then it should work in France. clearly France Telecom is going to use the right signalling on its lines!

one thing for your expert opinion: in France I receive the name and the number of the calling party on my phone. in phones that do not support this extended information I get just the number. could it be that the fritz box is getting too much information and therefore discarding it? or maybe the alphanumerics mess things up? i just don't know enough about the fritz source code and the CLIP signalling protocol to be able to debug this. What do you think? and do you know of any good web resources about the protocols involved?

thanks, as always
I am not really a hardcode telecom guy, so others may be able to help you further. My domain are higher-level protocols and the business proposition of VoIP ;-)

potential solution.

after quite a lot of testing I'm convinced that the issue relates to a bad power supply - i.e. it is too "noisy".

i believe that the power supply is accepting too much interference from other devices on the ring main, and this noisy supply is interacting incorrectly with the various induction loops inside the device (mainly, i think, to power the ring-capacitor). as a result of the interference the box does not properly recognise the gap between rings, thus losing the CLIP data.

I have, so far, resolved this problem by plugging the power supply into a surge-protection strip that keeps the voltage smooth. with no other changes, the CLIP displays. If I plug any other adapter into the strip, the CLIP disappears again). normal devices (those that don't change the voltage) do not create problems. AVM insist that this is a fault with my device but this is after claiming that it was a fault with the whole france telecom network!

on this subject, as I look at the various power points in my house, over half of those occupied have voltage adapters plugged into them (mainly between 5v and 12v - as to 95%). given the current move from google to regulate PC power supplies to 12v, i'd like to see some 12v dc wiring being put into commercial/residential installations. Is this practical, I wonder?

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